Page 4 - Dresden Buzz 11-29-24
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HEALTH & WELLNESS Martin Luther King Jr. Scholarship Fund
Fall for New prepares for 31st annual Prayer Breakfast
Flavors This Prayer Breakfast to be held January 20, 2025 at 9:00 a.m.
Thanksgiving by Lynette Dotson
This January will mark the 31st year munity involvement and the impact on ity,” explained Tabler. “And in the 90s
By: Alexus Masterson, MPH, for the Martin Luther King Jr. Scholar- the students. So when I first was there things weren’t too bad at all, but schol-
Family & Consumer Sciences Educator ship Fund Prayer Breakfast. The event were five or six of us who received a arship opportunities really had to be
Ohio State University Extension, will be held on January 20 at taught in your family in order for you to
Muskingum County
9:00 a.m. at North Terrace know where to access those resources.”
Church of Christ, 1420 Bran- “With the Martin Luther King Schol-
dywine Blvd, Zanesville. arship there are workshops that are
This impactful event allows connected to that experience that help
the community to come to- students maybe with finances, with
gether to support the efforts leadership, different things that’s more
of the Scholarship Fund. Ev- holistic than just receiving the money.
ery year the Martin Luther Things have gotten better over the years
King Jr. Scholarship Fund - more diversified, but still it’s important
provides scholarships to minority high $500 scholarship for books and now we to see those basic elements built evolve
school students, 16 students received have several students that are going to in the process today as it was when I
the honor in 2024. receive a scholarship and it is going to was a young man,” said Tabler.
Co-Chair for the MLK Scholarship Fund be a significant amount more than what Tickets for the Martin Luther King Jr.
Committee, Philip Tabler, was a 1995 we received. Which is amazing! Because Scholarship Fund Prayer Breakfast may
MLK Scholarship recipient. that means that the organization’s spon- be purchased online by going to the
“It has been really interesting for me sorships have grown,” stated Tabler. website
Winter fruit salad with lettuce, tangerines, nuts to see the growth of the organization “It was something special for us stu-
and cranberries Deposit Photos
not only financially, but also the com- dents that were quote-unquote minor-
And just like that, it is November!
How is this possible? It feels like yes-
persist on. Fall is the start of the holiday Parliamentary Procedure team won district 8
terday it was June, but nevertheless we
season, and with that comes traditions
and family gatherings! Can you remem- contest
ber a time during the holiday season
where you participated in a family tradi-
tion? Or even created a new one? Family
traditions during the holidays are great
for our mind, body, and spirit. This can
be accomplished in many ways through
connection with friends and family, while
providing a sense of grounding and re-
lief during the chaos of the holiday sea-
son. Our brains thrive on structure and
familiarity, the moments and joy and
togetherness become great memories
that evoke a feeling of nostalgia, which
is an emotion linked to happiness and
improved mood. If you are adopting new
traditions however, it may make you feel
a little uncomfortable with feelings of
loss when changing long-held customs.
Let’s look at some holiday traditions
that you might want to implement and
how to do so that you and your loved
ones can embrace the change.
Making holiday sweets are some of
the most popular traditions and should
be enjoyed in moderation, but creating
a twist on classic dishes can inspire new
recipes that are both healthy and fun to
make. A great example would be am-
brosia, for those who are not familiar
with this dish it consists of cream, sugar, The Tri-Valley FFA Parliamentary Procedure team won the district 8 contest Thursday night and will compete at state level on December 14th. The team con-
marshmallow, and a lot of fruit. A clas- sists of Caiden Hogue, Landyn Prouty, Braylie Burkey, Caden Wasson, Dyllon Ault, and Jackson Staugh Submitted
sic dish that has held up through the
decades but can be difficult for those
with certain dietary guidelines to enjoy.
Instead, try a Winter Fruit Salad that will Genesis Hospice Care Receives Five-Star
look fun and festive at the dinner table
with less sugar and providing variety. Quality Rating
Whether or not your holiday meals are
“traditional” or not, what is important Recognized by Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services
is making memories and food that can
bring you joy all year long. I hope you
have a wonderful Thanksgiving and en- Submitted
joy all the things this season has Genesis HealthCare System’s Hos- est quality of compassionate, end-of-life illness. Families and caregivers are sup-
to offer! pice Care program has been recognized care to our patients and their families,” ported throughout patients’ care, and
with a Five-Star Quality Rating from the said Pebbles Kieber, Director of Genesis bereavement services are also avail-
Centers of Medicare & Medicaid Ser- Cancer, Palliative Medicine and Hospice able. To learn more about Genesis Hos-
vices (CMS), the highest possible rat- Services. “The Five-Star Quality Rating pice Care, visit
ing. CMS determines the rating based from the CMS is a testament to our ef-
on three publicly reported sets of data: forts, and we are honored that our pa-
FOLLOW THE BUZZ the Hospice Item Set (HIS), Consumer tients’ families recognize the quality of
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@DRESDENBUZZ & Systems (CAHPS®) Hospice Survey Genesis Hospice Care provides ser- ISSUES OF THE DRESDEN BUZZ ARE ALSO
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claims). rison House, the area’s only inpatient
“As a nonprofit hospice provider, our hospice facility; and in nursing facilities
team is committed to providing the high- during the end stages of a life-limiting