Page 21 - Dresden Buzz 11-29-24
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NOVEMBER 29 - DECEMBER 12, 2024                                                                                                EVENTS  | PAGE 21


           November 30                       EXCHANGE: “HAZELBOURNE                 December 14                       DIY CONFETTI POPPERS
           Dillon State Park - Nature Center   LADIES  MOTORCYCLE  &  FLYING        Lewis Observatory                    December 30
         (5265 Dillon Hills Drive, Nashport   CLUB” BY H. SIMONSON                (1425 Newark Rd, Zanesville)           Duncan Falls/Philo Branch Library-
           10AM - 11AM                          December 9                          7:30PM                            Meeting Room
         Join us on a guided one-mile hike, over moderate    Duncan Falls/Philo Branch Library  The Zanesville Astronomy Club, a NASA Night Sky   (222 Main St. Duncan Falls)
         terrain, where we’ll explore the awesome sea-   4-5PM                    Network affiliate, has a telescope observation    3PM - 4PM
         sonal nature we encounter along the way.  Bring   Copies will be made available for use at the   night on the 2nd Saturday of each month using   Together we will turn boring cardboard tubes into
         water/snacks, sturdy footwear,  and weather-  Duncan Falls/Philo Branch Library beginning   the Lewis Telescope at the Lewis Observatory at   a fun and colorful party poppers to use at home
         appropriate attire.                                                      the back of the parking lot of the OUZ campus.
                                             November 4.                          Guests are welcome to bring a telescope to share.   for New Year’s Eve. This will be most fun for pre-
         MCLS WINTER READING                 This month participants are encouraged to bring   All events are free to the public. Children must be   school and younger school aged kids. Registration
                                             a wrapped book with a brief description for a fun
                                                                                                                      opens December 9: https://events.muskingumli-
         CHALLENGE                           gift exchange.                       accompanied by an adult.  
           December 1 - January 31                                                KARAOKE AT THE MALL
         From December 1, 2023, to January 31, 2024,   STUFFED ANIMAL HOSPITAL                                        NEW YEAR’S EVE SQUARE
         the Muskingum County Library System will host    December 11               December 18                       DANCE
         the Winter Reading Challenge. We challenge our                             Colony Square Mall - Food Court
         patrons to log reading and complete activities    South Branch Library   (3575 Maple Avenue, Zanesville)        December 31
         on Beanstack to earn raffle tickets to use for a   (2530 Maysville Pike, Zanesville)    4PM - 7PM               Lindsley’s Banquet Barn
         chance to win one of our grand prizes! Register    1:30PM - 2:30PM                                           4060 New Riley Road, Dresden
         for the challenge on Beanstack by visiting https://  Make sure that your best stuffed buddy is in good          7PM - 12:30AM If you have   health during this fun event promoting imagina-  FAMILY STORY PICK N’ SWAP-  $35 per person. Dinner, snacks, party supplies,
         any questions or comments, feel free to reach out   tive play. Bring your lovie to the South Branch   FAMILY READING TIME   dancing & instruction will be provided! YOU DO
         by emailing   Library for a little check up! Kids ages 2 and up    December 19   NOT NEED EXPERIENCE! Beginners-Experts are
         or calling 740.453.0391 ext 115.    will have fun with stories and hands-on activites    Colony Square Mall   welcome! Caller is Valerie Norman. Bring your
                                             that promote play, one of the five practices   (3575 Maple Avenue, Zanesville)   friends and let’s ring in the new year having some
         ZANEY LAUGHS AT SECREST             families can do to help a child be ready to read.    5PM - 6PM           fun!
           December 6                        Register:  This program draws inspiration from the Swedish
           Secrest Auditorium and Music Hall                                      Christmas Eve tradition, where families exchange
         (334 Shinnick St., Zanesville)      TV DRAMA CLUB PRESENTS: JANE         books and gather around the tree to read
           8:00 PM                           AUSTIN’S “PRIDE AND PREJUDICE”       together. At our event, each family will choose a   Gospel Sings
         Two stand up comedians will take the stage for   ADAPTED BY: REBECCA GELLOTT  book from a wrapped selection and spend quality
         an evening of hilarious, adult comedy you don’t                          time enjoying their story. Once you finish your   Dec. 6 First Baptist Church Dresden
         want to miss! Comedians: Quinn Patterson and    December 13 & 14         book, you can either trade it with another family   Dec 13 First Baptist Church Dresden
         Tony Wendland. Tickets at the door will be $15    Tri-Valley High School Cafetorium   or take it home as a keepsake. We’ll also have   Dec 27 First Baptist Church
         per person. Doors open at 7pm, show begins at   (46 East Muskingum Ave. Dresden)   hot cocoa available for everyone to enjoy. Join
         8pm. Pizza, snacks, pop and beer available for    6:30 PM                us for a cozy evening of reading and connection!   All Gospel Sings start at 7pm.
         purchase. NO REFUNDS OR EXCHANGES. MUST   Tickets on sale at Dresden Elementary, December   Register:  For questions call Mary Lee at
         BE 21 YEARS OF AGE TO ENTER. More informa-  9-12, 10AM-2PM. Tickets: $10 Adults, $6 Stu-                      740-624-3985
         tion and ticket purchase online: https://www.etix.  dents, 5yrs and under Free.
                                                                                   Little                                COLOR BY NUMBER

                A BUZZ FUNNY                                                                                              Look for a new puzzle each issue!
                by Logan Dotson                                                                                           1 = Blue         5 = Red
                                                                                                                          2 = Green
                                                                                                                                           6 = Orange
                                                                             Follow Logan on Facebook @artworkbylogandotson
                                                                                                                          4 = Yellow
                                                                                                                                           8 = Black
                        What do you call A                                          Puzzles for our younger Buzz readers.  3 = Brown       7 = Light Grey
                         Fly With no Wings?

                                  A Walk!
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