Page 19 - Dresden Buzz 11-29-24
P. 19
Tri-Valley bowling club opens Bishop Rosecrans basketball
season with some big wins squad looking to fresh faces to
by Matthew Dotson carry on legacy by Matthew Dotson
Carter Crabtree jumps up for a layup in the Rosecrans Foundation Game. Matthew Dotson
Macy Ashcraft aims for a strike in Tri-Valley’s win during Saturdays tournament at Sunrise Bowling On Tuesday night at Rogge Gymna- Rosecrans won’t actually have their
Center Matthew Dotson
sium, the Bishops had their marching home opener until they face the Miller
@ New Lexington (11/26) Tri-Valley teams in kicking off the high orders from head coach Todd Rock and Falcons at the Rogge on Saturday, De-
they went straight to work. They didn’t
cember 14th at 7:30 pm. The Bishops
Tuesday night at Fiore Lanes in New school bowling season. let the Philo offense get out ahead, they have a similar history with the Falcons
Lexington the Scotties faced the Pan- The Scotties varsity girl’s team came went rebound for rebound and had a as they started their matchup last sea-
thers once again. out victorious earning three wins to two-point edge in the 25 – 23 score go- son by taking a quick lead and pushing
The varsity boys won with a score of start the season 3 - 0 led by Hayleigh ing into the halftime Foundation Game through the first quarter with a 27 – 10
2246 - 1786, now 5 - 0 on the season Davis who scored 179/317 and Gillian break. It may not have been for the re- gap, and then kicking that up to 58 – 22
led by Cale Preston 235/404, Caiden Hockenberry who scored 164/304. The cord, but they were playing like it was! by halftime, the final score of 80 – 43
Hogue 192-191(383), and Wade Hock- teams overall score was 1617 beating The game was a precursor to the up- was in no small part accountable to the
enberry 226/379. Maysville at 1545, Philo at 1528, and coming season opener on Friday, No- three power-house seniors Grady La-
Varsity girls also had a win with a New Lexington at 1282 vember 29th, at Millersport where they bishak who had 29 points for the game,
score of 1505 - 1220 and 4 - 0 on the For the varsity boys team they took will face the Lakers. Last season the Brendan Bernath who had 19 points,
season. The team was led by Gillian the day 4 - 0 led by Connor Preston Bishops dominated Millersport to the and classmate Xander Daniels who had
Hockenberry 172/323, Macy Ashcraft 255/444, Wade Hockenberry 232/427, tune of a 74 – 46 victory that started 16 points. After losing that lineup to
158, and Hayleigh Davis 154 and Logan Untied 182. Overall the team with a heavy-handed 21 – 8 first quar- graduation, the Bishops are hoping they
Tri-Valley’s JV black team had a great scored 2188 beating Sheridan 2166, ter and the reality kept setting in for the have enough legacy in their stable and
night scoring 1906 - 1369, now 6 - 0 on Maysville 2165, Philo 1913, and New Lakers by the time they reached their their program to put up the same num-
the season led by Lane Felty 181/336, Lexington 1612. halftime deficit of 38 – 16 at the hands bers or better this season.
Cameron Hogue 168/333, Derek Sulli- TVs boys JV1 took a 5 - 0 start to the of the Bishops.
van 161/312, and Christian Clark 165. season with Derek Sullivan 179/340
The JV gold team was led by Marshall and Cameron Hogue 167/320 leading Lady Panthers dominate Bishops
Knicely with 191/343 and Cole McGrew the charge. The JV1 team had a score
148. of 1806 taking down Sheridan 1621,
The next match for Tri-Valley is Thurs- Sheridan 1392, Maysville 1372, TV2 in season-opener by Matthew Dotson
day, December 5th, at Sunrise Bowling 1306, and Philo 1072. The Lady Panthers opened their sea- along as the Lady Bishops pushed to
Center starting at 4 pm. TV boys JV2 had one win for the day son on the road at nearby Bishop Rose- the hoops trying to gain ground on their
beating Philo with Marshall Knicely crans High School as they faced the opponent but in the end, the Panthers
Quad Tournament (11/23) 173/297 and Ashton McGrew 129/241 Lady Bishops. Maysville’s super fast- walked away with another big win in the
Tri-Valley hosted a four-school bowl- taking the top marks. paced first quarter left the Bishops play- series taking the top score of 60 – 29.
ing tournament on Saturday, Novem- ing catchup with a 17 – 5 deficit by the Miley Fulkerson scored 22 points in
ber 23rd, at the Sunrise Bowling Center end of the first quarter. the game and had nine steals, while Av-
in Zanesville. Philo, New Lexington, Never losing momentum, the Pan- ery Daniels put up 16 points and eight
Maysville, and Sheridan all joined the thers continued to punish the Rose- rebounds, Bella Van Wey added nine
crans’s defenses as they pumped out points to the total for the night and sev-
shot after shot leading to a massive 33 en rebounds.
– 11 lead at halftime.
The next game on the schedule for the
MU Athletic Department The game was reminiscent of last Panthers is on the road against MVL ri-
year’s matchup between these two
val and powerhouse Sheridan Lady Gen-
invites the community to the teams at the beginning of the season erals who ended their playoff run last
season as the Division II Region 7 Run-
when the Panthers also showed their
ners-up so definitely a challenge ahead
strength as they took the match in the
campus in December same fashion with a 57 – 28 victory on as the Panthers prepare themselves for
their home court.
next week.
The second half of the game rolled
‘Tis the season to show your Muskie HOOPS &
Pride! Muskingum University Athletics HOLIDAY WOMEN’S
has two exciting events lined up next
week in the Steele Center, and we want BASKETBALL GAME Celebrate Life With Us!
you to be part of the action.
Date: Wednesday, December 4
WRESTLING MATCH Opponent: Wilmington
Special Performance: Brook Intermedi-
ate Jump Rope Team at halftime
Date: Tuesday, December 3 Holiday Drive: We will be accepting new,
Time: 7:00 PM unwrapped toys and stuffed animals for
Opponent: Wilmington donations to the Secret Santa Program
Special Giveaway: The first 50 Musking- of Guernsey County. Any donation, in-
um fans will receive a black rally towel cluding monetary, includes free admis-
or Muskie Pride t-shirt! sion to the game.
Come dressed in black and help us Join us for a festive evening of bas-
create an electrifying atmosphere as our ketball and holiday cheer. Your generous
wrestling team takes on Wilmington. donations will help bring joy to children
in need this holiday season.
We look forward to seeing you there WEDDINGS • RECEPTIONS • SPECIAL EVENTS
ADVERTISE IN THE DRESDEN BUZZ. and celebrating Muskie Pride together!
740-270-2408 | 740.754.2143 | 4060 New Riley Rd. Dresden