Page 22 - Dresden Buzz 11-29-24
P. 22
Village of Frazeysburg Alice in OUZ continues
requests letters of support wonder land annual Good
for recreation improvements By Alice Stratman Smith Samaritan
Submitted by Village of Frazeysburg Mayor, Fred Wolford On November 13th I enjoyed visiting Blanket Drive
Bernice Osborn at her new residence in Submitted
The Village of Frazeysburg is solicit- To be competitive through the grant The Springs at Wyandot Trail, Lancaster,
ing public support for walking and biking application process, please send your Ohio. Bernice was my wonderful neigh- Ohio University Zanesville and the
improvements along Clay Street through letter of support and the importance bor. Her condo was sold to the first cou- Student Nurse Association (SNAZ) is
the ODOT Transportation Alternatives of the project to you by November 20, ple that saw it on the first day it was for proud to announce the Annual Good
program. This will be a multi-phase / 2024, to: sale. The couple is from Dresden, my Samaritan Blanket Drive. This long-
multi-year project in order to secure all Ben Turin hometown, so I know they will be great standing community initiative continues
the grant money needed. The improve- Transportation and Community neighbors. to support those in need during the cold
ments would include: a bike/walking Development Planner On Sunday evening November 24th winter months.
trail around the Frew Memorial Park, 326 Highland Avenue, Suite B I attended and enjoyed the 33rd Annual SNAZ Advisor and Faculty member
improvements to the ballfields to sup- Cambridge, Ohio 43725 Zanesville Handbell Festival. Handbell Teresa Polen has led the blanket drive
port tournaments, more playground ac- Or by email – choirs from six churches were directed across the campus for many years. Te-
tivities, future plans for an updated com- by Brent Lawrence, a composer, per- resa is passionate about the program
munity pool and recreation center at the former, and conductor from western and the opportunities it provides to the
ballfields. North Carolina. When I arrived at this community. “The yearly blanket drive
event I got out of the car, looked down provides our community with needed
items during the cold weather season.
Holiday Bulb Decorating at my feet and realized I had my slippers Blankets are donated to Eastside Com-
on instead of shoes! I laughed and told
munity Ministries and distributed to lo-
Event at Genesis my friends I was going to ‘slip’ into the cal residents in need. As a SNAZ advisor,
concert with them :).
I am proud to be a part of helping to re-
Katha Mercer and I went to Brook-
HealthCare System dale and presented a program on plenish needed resources for our com-
munity. Not only do our students, faculty,
Wednesday, November 19th. I read
two of resident Clara Kish’s poems, Did and staff contribute to our mission, but
For families who lost children I Thank You Lord and Be Thankful For we usually also receive donations from
the community. Please keep our com-
Submitted Small Favors. I sang Amazing Grace munity residents in mind this season
and Give Thanks. Everyone was given
The Genesis HealthCare System Light refreshments will be served. The a Penny- (In God We Trust) – Proverbs and consider donating blankets as you
Healing After Infant Loss (H.A.I.L) be- event is free and open to anyone who 3:5...”Trust in the Lord with all your clear out unused items in your home.”
reavement team will hold its annual Hol- would like to come. Registration is re- heart and lean not on your own under-
iday Bulb Decorating on Thursday, Dec. quired. Call Genesis Women’s Services, standing.” We sang Happy Birthday to EVENT DETAILS:
5, from 7 to 9 p.m. in Genesis Hospital (740) 450-6262, to leave a voicemail Lee Gatton, for his 95 years. I was the What: Annual Good Samaritan
Meeting Rooms A, B, C and D. Families with the number of adults and children first to share a special Thanksgiving Blanket Drive
who have suffered the loss of a baby or who will be attending. memory when I lived in Texas. I cooked Where: Elson Hall, Ohio
child, or had a miscarriage, are invited to and baked food at home and took it to University Zanesville
attend and decorate two bulbs in mem- PUT YOUR COMMUNITY Mexico where my husband Larry (1940-
ory of their baby: one to take home, and ANNOUNCEMENT IN THE BUZZ. 2020) was teaching at a Bible Training Since its inception by the Good Sa-
one to hang on a special tree at Genesis. maritan Nursing School class of 1960,
EMAIL: INFO@DRESDENBUZZ.COM. School. The students loved the Ameri- the drive has collected over 7,000
can meal, especially the pumpkin pie.
Everyone shared a Thanksgiving memo- blankets and raised significant funds
ry. for heating bills, directly benefiting the
Many will say “Have a Happy residents of Zanesville. This year, Ohio
Thanksgiving!” The last paragraph University Zanesville looks forward to
from The Word For Today on November another successful event, with contri-
20th reads: ‘Have you been saying “I’ll butions being accepted at Elson Hall
be happy when____”. Happiness does through December 3rd.
not come from getting what you want, it
comes from appreciating what God has
given you! AEP local
Ephesians 5:20...NIV... “Give thanks
always for all things to God the Father in public hearing
the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ”. for proposed
utility facility
AEP Ohio wishes to announce a Lo-
cal Public Hearing for a Proposed Major
Utility Facility to be held Tuesday Decem-
ber 10, 2024 at 5:00 PM at John Glenn
High School in New Concord.
AEP is proposing an electric trans-
mission line project in this area called
the Philo-Newcomerstown 138 kV Trans-
mission Line Project, which involves re-
building about 35 miles of power line,
Bible-based character building about 5 miles of power line
education during school between East New Concord Substation
located off Glenn Highway and Norfield
hours (specials or lunch). Switch located off Norfield Road, and
retiring about 31 miles of power line be-
tween Philo and Newcomerstown.
Copies of the application, including
specific details about the location and
construction of the project, are avail-
able for public inspection locally at the
New Concord branch of the Muskingum
County Library, 77 West Main St, New
Concord, OH 43762.
For further information, contact out-