Page 9 - Dresden Buzz 02-07-25
P. 9
FEBRUARY 7 - 20, 2025 SPORTS | PAGE 9
Maysville Panthers land a new CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1
Brady Kaufman
6-game winning streak to move
MVL record to 12 - 1
by Matthew Dotson
Brady Kaufman signs his letter of intent to play baseball for Princeton as his family looks on.
Matthew Dotson
we also talk about becoming an even lot of people watching and it kind of
better person, and that’s exactly what opened some doors, we visited quite a
Brady has done” stated Tri-Valley Base- few campuses this summer, the Naval
ball head coach Marc Hadley. Academy, Akron, USC upstate, Cincin-
Brady spent the summer traveling to nati, Evansville, but ultimately it came
various schools that showed interest in down to the fact that Princeton offered
his skills in the field. not only a baseball program but a great
Kaufman’s mother Ashley stated, academic program as well and so it fit
“We’re just beyond excited, he’s worked the best of both worlds so that is why
so hard for this and we have stressed he made that decision and we’re proud
to him over the years how important that he did,” stated Brady’s Father Kurt.
grades are, so you can excel at sports Brady has a 3.96 grade point average
but we also need you to excel at grades, at Tri-Valley and has been CCP student
and with that he has been given this op- at Zane State College for the last two
portunity and we’re just very excited.” years. Kaufman will be studying Eco-
“He pitched against a really good nomics at Princeton in the fall.
team this summer and there were a
Gator Nichols goes for a two-pointer while playing the Tornadoes. Matthew Dotson
Vs New Lexington (2/04) about to let their record be tarnished
On a short trip to New Lexington, the with another conference loss and they
Panthers were hoping for another big stepped up the intensity to take down
conference win. The race was on at the the Sheridan by 79 – 55.
tipoff with Maysville pulling out ahead of
the New Lex Panthers with a narrow 22 Vs Morgan (1/25)
– 20 lead at the end of the first period. On the road to McConnelsville, the
Maysville made their presence known Panthers were looking for another win
in the second quarter as they nourished to add to their conference total and the
their lead to grow a 38 – 29 advantage Raiders were the target. After the dust
heading into halftime. had settled Maysville rode back home
After the break, Maysville ran the with a 70 – 36 victory.
show holding the New Lex offense to Gator Nichols had 30 points for the
just five points in the third while they night with Landon Iden landing 14, Kane
climbed up to a 57 – 34 point gap as the Roehrig hitting 10 points, and Jordyn
fourth quarter began. The New Lex Pan- Watson getting eight points.
thers tried to pounce back in the final
seconds but they fell short and Maysville Vs River View (1/24)
rode away with a 72 – 45 victory. Warsaw hosted the Panthers on Fri-
day as they stepped onto the court to
Vs Fairfield Union (2/01) take on their conference foes the Black
On the road to Lancaster on Saturday, Bears. River View put up an impressive
the Panthers made quick work of the 12 points in the first quarter of play but
Falcons in a non-conference game as Maysville went above and beyond with a
they met the challenge with a 79 – 56 27-point first period. The second period
win. didn’t slow the Panthers down but River
For the game, Gator Nichols had 35 View could not keep up the pace as they
points while teammates Gavin Ferguson ended up taking a 53 – 19 disadvantage
and Jordyn Watson had 14 points each, to the halftime break.
Landon Iden had 11 points for the Pan- As the game resumed the Bears had
thers and Kane Roehrig had five points. all but given up as Maysville ran over
them time after time to build their third-
Vs West Muskingutm (1/31) quarter lead to 71 – 26. The final min-
On a visit to West Muskingum Friday, utes were agonizing for the hosts as the
the Panthers laid out a full-court press Panthers put up another 12 points to
to beat the Tornadoes with a big 80 – 56 finish the night with an 83 – 33 win over
win. River View.
Gator Nichols had an amazing 41
Vs Sheridan (1/28) points for the night, Jordyn Watson fol-
Maysville hosted the Sheridan Gener- lowed up with 17 points.
als on Tuesday. The Panthers were not