Page 14 - Dresden Buzz 02-21-25
P. 14
Sidwell to Alice in OBITUARY
retire wonder land
Submitted by: S. Yvonne Sidwell Alice Mae Smith
on behalf of the Cass Township Trustees By Alice Stratman Smith
On Monday, February 10th I came Governor’s Criminal Justice Volunteer
S. Yvonne Sidwell, Fiscal Officer of back to my condo after an appointment Service Award for her work with the
Cass Township, will retire effective as of and found a large package on my porch. choir in 2015.
April 30th, 2025. The position of Fiscal Debbie Uli, I love the Texas wildflowers After her husband Larry’s death in
Officer will be vacant for the remainder on a 16X12 frame! Now I have a piece November 2020, Alice moved back to
of her term. The Trustees are accepting of San Saba that I can see every day and Zanesville to be closer to her family. She
Letters of Intent and a Resume from any remember your friendship because I put continued her love of writing with her ar-
resident of Cass Township that would be it on the wall in my office. Debbie and ticle “Alice in Wonderland” for the Dres-
interested in filling the vacant position of her husband Tim attended Abundant den Buzz and San Saba News. She en-
Fiscal Officer for the remainder of the Life Ministries church services in San joyed delivering the papers to her friends
term expiring March 31, 2028. Saba on Wednesday evenings that my and neighbors, and singing for the resi-
Submit such to Cass Township Trust- husband Larry (1940-2020) pastored. dents at Brookdale Nursing Home. Al-
ees in person at the monthly meeting Tim played his guitar at the services and ice fully enjoyed life and always had a
(March 4th) or by US Postal Service to P helped in 2020 with some computer big smile for all. She especially enjoyed
O Box 326, Trinway OH 43842. Comput- “stuff”. Debbie attended scrapbook spending time with her family and visit-
er skills and knowledge of bookkeeping/ workshops I had for Creative Memories ing her granddaughter and great grand-
payroll, detail oriented. Training avail- at our home on Ninth Street. children in Tennessee.
able. Appointment to be determined by In my Daily Wisdom For Women In her “Alice in Wonderland” articles
Trustees at the April 1st meeting to as- on Monday, February 10th the first Alice Mae Smith, 83, of Zanesville, Alice wrote about her challenges of be-
sume duties of Fiscal Officer as of May sentence reads: ‘Yes the world’s a dan- Ohio walked through the gates of Heav- ing a widow, funny stories of getting old-
1st, 2025. gerous place’. Well, that’s just what I en to join her Lord and Savior along with er, and always ended it with a thoughtful
was thinking! My brother Myron (1939- her loved ones Saturday, February 15, bible verse. Alice has now moved beyond
“Wonderland” to her heavenly home to
Gospel Sings 2021) would say “If we didn’t have bad was the daughter of late Herman and In addition to her parents, Alice was
Born May 12, 1941 in Dresden she be with her loving husband Larry.
news we wouldn’t have any news at all!”.
There will always be good days and bad
days; good news and bad news. Words Melba Davis Stratman. Alice was a preceded in death by her husband Larry
Feb 21 First Baptist Church Dresden from a song are comforting: ‘Many 1959 graduate of Jefferson High School, Smith who she married November 17,
Feb 28 First Baptist Church Dresden things about tomorrow, I don’t seem to and a 1962 graduate of Meredith Busi- 1962, and died November 22, 2020;
March 7 First Baptist Church Dresden understand...but I know Who holds my ness College. She held many secretari- infant children, James Carl and Tamara
March 21 First Baptist Church Dresden hand.’ al positions including office manager Lee; two sisters Betty Slate and Rhea
March 28 First Baptist Church Dresden 2 Corinthians 1:3&4...NIV...Praise be of the family owned business, Smith Murphy; two brothers Myron Stratman,
to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Hardwoods. After moving to Texas, she and Franklin Stratman.
Surviving are her daughters Jennifer
All Gospel Sings start at 7pm. Christ, the Father of compassion and the worked at the San Saba News & Star as (Bill) Crothers; Lisa (Chris) Miller; grand-
a reporter and proofer.
For questions call Mary Lee at God of all comfort, Who comforts us in
740-624-3985 all our troubles so that we can comfort Alice loved her Lord, church and daughter, Michelle (Jim) Kang; great
those in any trouble with the comfort we family. As a pastor’s wife she was heav- grandchildren, Madison, Camden and
ourselves have received from God. ily involved in church and community ac- Mackenzie Kang; sister-in-law, Flora
READ & SHARE THE BUZZ ONLINE IN FULL tivities with her beloved husband Larry Noland, and numerous cousins, nieces
and nephews; special friend Juan Cano
who helped form Abundant Life Minis-
COLOR - WWW.DRESDENBUZZ.COM HAVE A POSITIVE NEWS TIP? tries. After retirement Alice and Larry of Mexico, who lived with Larry & Alice
CALL OR TEXT 740-270-2408. became more involved in mission work while attending and graduating from
moving to San Saba Texas to be closer to San Saba High School.
Mexico were Larry helped to build evan- A celebration of life will be held Sat-
gelical schools. urday, February 22, 2025 at The Rock
Alice always had a joyful voice and Church 4200 Boggs Rd. Zanesville, OH
loved to sing. She was involved in the 43701 were friends and family may call
Pastor’s Corner Sweet Adaline’s chapter in Zanesville. from 12pm to 2pm with a service follow-
She later sang with The Singing Women ing. Food and fellowship will follow the
of Texas, West Central Chapter in Texas, service. In lieu of flowers, donations can
and played in the community band. be made in Alice’s memory to The Rock
She also volunteered at the San Saba’s Church. A donation basket will also be
Women’s Prison where she directed a available at the service.
FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH choir for the inmates. She received the
801 Chestnut Street, Dresden, OH 43821
740-754-1029 A note from the Dresden Buzz
Alice Smith’s Alice in Wonder Land of papers and thought people were not
PASTOR THOMAS M. FRET NOT: PART 1 columns have been a part of the Dresden picking them up. No, we had just gotten
ROBINSON Buzz for several years. We have enjoyed better about keeping the rack stocked.
Dear Friend, having her contribute her thoughts, up- Alice’s daughter found the final Al-
dates about her ongoings and so on. We ice in Wonder Land column and sent it
Psalm 37:1-9 speaks directly to an all to common problem among the people of were shocked to hear about her passing to us so we could include it. We appreci-
God. Namely, fretfulness regarding evil workers and injustices in our current world. and will miss her column and emails. ate her doing so.
Now, to fret means to worry over, or to get hot under the collar. If you are at all like She cared about the Buzz, letting Our condolences go out to Alice’s
me, you have certainly experienced this emotion. us know when the newspaper rack in family, friends, and all who had the privi-
Thankfully, in our text verses we see a simple six step plan for the relief of anxiety in Kroger was empty and shared concern lege of knowing her.
the life of the believer. when she thought the rack was not vis-
ible enough. Once she even offered to - Lynette and Matthew Dotson
I. focus on the Lord (vs 1-2) put a larger sign on it to help drive traffic
Someone said, “Your present condition is not your final condition.” Things will not because she kept seeing a large stack
always be as they are today. We must not allow our hearts to become envious of the bad
actors in our world because of their apparent success. Soon our Lord will return and
right all the wrongs of time. So, step one; lets keep our eyes on Jesus.
II. Trust in the Lord, and do good (vs 3) Dresden Antique Vehicle Drives to
Perhaps the most difficult part of trusting in the Lord is the “and do good” part of
the equation. But, if we are going to whip anxiety, we must decide up front that come continue this spring
what may, we are going to do right! Dear friend,
that’s what trust in the Lord really means. Mark your calendars and get your an- try to make that happen!
tique vehicles ready! The next Dresden
See you on Sunday, Antique Vehicle drive will be Sunday, Event Details:
- Pastor Robinson May 4th. Anyone with a street-legal, WHAT: Antique Vehicle Drive
antique vehicle (car, truck, motorcycle, WHEN: Sunday, May 4 at 2:00 PM
rat rod, etc.) is welcome to drive with WHERE: Dresden River Park
JOIN US! the group. If it’s old, bring it! We’ll meet
Sunday School: 9:30 a.m. at Dresden River Park around 1:00pm.
Sunday Morning Service: 10:40 a.m. Around 2:00pm, we’ll form a line and FOLLOW THE BUZZ
Bible Study: Sunday 6 p.m., Wednesday 7 p.m. then hit the streets. There are LOTS of @DRESDENBUZZ
antique vehicles in the Dresden area.
The Evangelistic center of the Tri-Valley Region. Our dream is to have a line of 50 antique
vehicles cruising our local streets. Let’s