Page 9 - Dresden Buzz 02-21-25
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FEBRUARY 21 - MARCH 6, 2025                                                                                                   SPORTS    | PAGE 9
        Matt Nardo ’07G Returns to Lead Muskingum Football Programn

          Matt Nardo  ‘07G is  back where his   since 2010. His offense dominated the   “We are thrilled to bring him back home  as the wide receivers coach at Marietta
        coaching  career began—now as Musk-  USA South Athletic Conference, leading   as our new head coach and look forward  College. During those  two seasons,  he
        ingum’s Head Football Coach. A proven   in  passing  offense, ranking  second  in   to the positive impact  he will  have on  produced  five  All-Conference  perform-
        winner with a game plan for success, he   total offense,                                       our  team and  ers, and Pioneer receivers broke several
        brings experience, energy, and a cham-  and   finish-                                          community.  school receiving records.
        pionship mindset.                    ing  third  in                                            Not only do we    His coaching career also includes five
          Coach Nardo returns to New Concord   points  per                                             welcome Matt  years of experience at the  high school
        after a  three-year  successful  run  as   game.                                               as  our new  level.  He spent  three years at Bishop
        Bluffton  College’s head  coach.  He led     Coac h                                            head football  McLaughlin  Catholic  in  Florida,  where
        the Beavers to their best Heartland Col-  Nardo  spent                                         coach, but we  he was promoted to head coach and led
        legiate  Athletic  Conference  (HCAC)  fin-  four  seasons                                     also  welcome  the Hurricanes to their best record ever
        ish in eight years, set a school record for   at NCAA Di-                                      his wife and  at 7-3. Nardo also coached two seasons
        Academic All-HCAC honors, and signifi-  vision  II  Em-                                        children  into  at Basehor-Linwood High School in Kan-
        cantly boosted the team’s GPA. Nardo’s   poria  State,                                         our  Musking-  sas,  helping  the  team secure regional
        up-tempo spread  offense rewrote the   helping  the                                            um Athletics  and district championships.
        record  books, including  most  touch-  Hornets rack                                           family. I know    Nardo’s  coaching  career began  at
        down  passes  in  a  game  (7),  the  first   up  31  wins                                     that he  is ex-  Muskingum,  where he served  as  a  de-
        season  with three 600-yard  receivers,   and  back-to-                                        cited to raise  fensive assistant  for  three seasons
        and  the  highest  scoring  average (30.2   back NCAA                                          his  family  in  and  produced  five  All-Conference  per-
        PPG) since 2017. His offensive line set   playoff runs                                         the  area,  em-  formers. While at Muskingum, Nardo’s
        a school mark for fewest sacks allowed   with  three                                           bracing   the  players received several  individual  ac-
        (6),  ranking  sixth  nationally, while his   postseason                                       commu n ity  colades,  including National  Defensive
        defense led the HCAC in red zone scor-  victories.  As                                         spirit  and  val-  Player of the Week, Ohio Athletic Con-
        ing.                                 of f en siv e                                             ues that make  ference Linebacker of the Year, and an
          “The  moment  I  first  stepped  onto   coordinator,                                         this place spe-  invitation  to play in  the  Aztec  Bowl in
        this campus twenty years ago, I knew I   pass  game                                            cial. He values  Mexico.
        had found a home. Muskingum helped   coordinator,                                              relationships    Nardo graduated from Ohio University
        shape me—not just as a professional,   and  recruit-                                           deeply and  is  in 2005 with a BS in Sports Science and
        but as a person,” said Coach Nardo. “To-  ing  coordina-                                       looking   for-  earned an MAE in Adult Education from
        day, I am beyond proud to return to the   tor, he led                                          ward  to men-  Muskingum University in 2007.
        place that played such an important role   the top pass-                                       toring    the
        in my career. I am honored to help build   ing offense in the Mid-America Intercol-  men in our football locker room, foster-
        upon the Muskingum Football tradition   legiate Athletics Association while rank-  ing a supportive and growth-oriented en-
        and  guide our  student-athletes toward   ing second in total first downs, third in   vironment.”
        continued growth and success, both on   total offense, and fourth in scoring.    In 2013, Nardo coached the defensive
        and off the field.”                    “With over 20 years of coaching experi-  backs at the University of Pikeville, help-  ADVERTISE IN THE DRESDEN BUZZ.
          Before Bluffton,  Nardo  spent three   ence, Coach (Matt) Nardo brings a wealth   ing the Bears to a 7-4 record, their sec-  740-270-2408
        seasons as the offensive coordinator at   of  knowledge,  dedication,  and  passion   ond winning season in program history
        North Carolina Wesleyan, where he led   to our  football  program,”  said  Musk-  and first in eight years.
        the Battling Bishops to their most wins   ingum Director of Athletics Kari Winters.     Nardo  previously  spent two seasons

        Rollin Dawgs sweep the MVL in

        both boys and girls leagues

        Tri-Valley lady bowlers holding their MVL League trophy.  Coach Zack Forker was named the MVL Girls
        Coach of the Year.   submitted

        Tri-Valley boys varsity bowling team with their MVL League trophy.  Coach Ben Kight also received MVL
        Coach of the Year.   submitted
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