Page 13 - Dresden Buzz 02-21-25
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FEBRUARY 21 - MARCH 6, 2025                                                                                                    EVENTS  | PAGE 13


        EASTSIDE COMMUNITY MINISTRY          MUSKINGUM VALLEY SYMPHONIC           MUSKINGUM VALLEY GARDEN             Therapy (MOT) Program is hosting the second
        - CHAIR-ITY AUCTION                  WINDS                                SOCIETY 22ND ANNUAL SPRING          annual Older Adult Health and Wellness Fair.
                                                                                                                      Community members ages 65+ are invited to
           February 20 - 22                    February 23                        SYMPOSIUM                           participate in activities that will provide tips
           Colony Square Mall                  Brown Chapel                         March 1                           and strategies for productive aging. The event is
        (3575 Maple Avenue, Zanesville)      (College Dr, New Concord)              OUZ / Zane State Campus Center    free, and sign-in and registration begin at 10:30
        Our CHAIR-ity Auction is an auction featuring    3:00 PM                    8AM - 3PM                         a.m. Handicap parking is available, along with
        CHAIRS of all types. Auction preview: Feb. 20    “A Song for Hope”, benefitting Cancer Blows. (The   Our Symposium is in honor of Bert Hendley. He   an accessible entrance. Family members and
        from 5-7PM, Live Auction: Feb. 21 starting at   Muskingum Valley Symphonic Winds is comprised   was our benefactor for many years. We have six   caregivers are welcome to accompany attendees
        3PM, Silent Auction runs Feb. 20 at 5PM through   of professional and talented amateur musicians   primary speakers on a wide range of topics from   and join in learning more about occupational
        Feb. 22 at 5PM. Visit for   from across Southeastern Ohio. MVSW performs   8:00 am to 3:00 pm.  Continental breakfast and   therapy’s role in promoting health and safety for
        further details.                     a wide variety of music in a concert series funded   lunch are included.  Pre-registration of $40.00   older adults. More Information: https://www.
                                             in part by the Ohio Arts Council. It is open to all   before Feb. 23, 2025 and $45.00 at the door.
        FAN YOUR FLAME FRIDAY                Muskingum faculty, staff, students, and commu-  More information can be found at our website:   university-occupational-therapy-program-host-
           February 21                       nity members through audition).  FB page: Muskingum Valley
           Trulight Ministries                                                    Garden Society                      TELESCOPE OBSERVATION NIGHT
        (807 Putnam Ave, Zanesville)         BLOOD DRIVE                          MUSKINGUM VALLEY SYMPHONIC             March 8
           7:00 PM                             February 25                                                              Lewis Observatory
        Join us for a powerful night of faith, fellowship,    Secrest Auditorium and Music Hall   WINDS               (1425 Newark Rd, Zanesville)
        and food! Pastor Bobby Shaw will be sharing   (334 Shinnick St, Zanesville)   March 4
        an inspiring message. SLaw Dog will lead us in    10AM - 4PM                Brown Chapel                         Sunset
        a powerful time of worship. Bear Run Baptist   Blood Drive - “2025 Resolve to Save Lives”   (College Dr, New Concord)   The Zanesville Astronomy Club, a NASA Night
        Church will provide a delicious spaghetti dinner.   American Red Cross. Where?: Basement Secrest    3:00 PM   Sky Network affiliate, has a telescope observa-
        Come expecting to be encouraged, uplifted,   Auditorium.                  ”Fusion”, with the Muskingum Valley Youth   tion night on the 2nd Saturday of each month
        and filled—both spiritually and physically! Bring                         Ensemble. Guest Soloist: Steve Miller, guitar. The   (March - December) using the Lewis Telescope at
        a friend and experience the love of Christ in a   LINE DANCING LESSONS    Muskingum Valley Symphonic Winds is comprised   the Lewis Observatory at the back of the parking
        special way.                                                                                                  lot of the OUZ campus. Guests are welcome to
                                               February 25, March 4, March 11 &   of professional and talented amateur musicians   bring a telescope to share. All events are free to
        SADDLES AND STORIES - THE            March 18                             from across Southeastern Ohio. MVSW performs   the public. Children must be accompanied by an
                                                                                  a wide variety of music in a concert series funded
        TRAILBLAZING BLACK COWBOYS             Lindsley’s Banquet Barn            in part by the Ohio Arts Council. It is open to all   adult.
           February 21                       (4060 New Riley Road, Dresden)       Muskingum faculty, staff, students, and com-  SQUARE DANCE
           South Branch Library                6:30PM - 8PM                       munity members through audition. FREE admis-   March 8 and April 5
        (2530 Maysville Pike, Zanesville)    FAMILY FUN WITH FIBER ART            sion                                  Lindsley’s Banquet Barn
           12PM - 1PM                                                             MUSIC MUSKIES - ROAD TOUR ‘25       (4060 New Riley RD, Dresden)
        Explore the untold stories of Black cowboys with   SPINNING                 March 6                              7PM - 10PM (Doors open at
        Gregory Edmonds in this informative and engag-   February 26
        ing presentation. Edmonds will highlight the    New Concord Branch Library -    Central Trinity United Methodist Church  6:30PM)
        significant role Black cowboys played in shaping   New Concord Meeting Room   (62 S. 7th Street, Zanesville)  NO EXPERIENCE IS NECESSARY! Bring your family
        the American West, from cattle ranching to rodeo   (77 West Main Street, New Concord)    7:00 PM              and friends for a good time!! Delicious food will
        culture. This program will bring attention to the                         You do not want to miss an evening full of musi-  be available for purchase! $10 per person, door
        unsung heroes of the Wild West, celebrating their    5:30PM - 6:30PM      cal talent! Performances by: Concert Choir, Cham-  sales only!
        contributions to American history and their legacy   Interested in learning more about fiber arts? Join   ber Singers, Wind Ensemble, String Ensemble,
        in western folklore. Join us for this eye-opening   us for a fun evening where we learn all about the   Muskie Rocks and Steel Drum Band. Admission   HOOD THE MUSICAL
        look at Black cowboys who rode into history with   art of spinning. Register: https://events.musking-  is FREE. A free will offering to be collected.   March 13, 14, 15, 16, 20, 21, 22, 23
        courage, resilience, and determination. Register:                              The Renner, Home of Zane Trace Players                                                                                  (148 N 7th St Zanesville)
                                             STOP THE BLEED TRAINING              TEAM NAME THAT TUNE                 “Hood: The Musical” is a contemporary retelling
                                                                                    March 8
        HOME SHOW                              February 27                          Zanesville VFW                    of the Robin Hood legend, focusing on the story of
           February 21 - 23                    Genesis Hospital Meeting Rooms C & D                                   Robin of Locksley who becomes the outlaw Robin
           Colony Square Mall                  6 - 7:30PM                         (1318 Putnam Ave. Zanesville)       Hood, fighting against the tyrannical Sheriff of
                                                                                                                      Nottingham to protect the poor villagers by rob-
                                                                                    Doors open at 6PM Game starts at 7PM
        (3575 Maple Ave. Zanesville)         Community members can participate in free   Join us for Team Name That Tune, presented by   bing from the rich, while also attempting to win
        Join us for Muskingum County’s Home Show   community training on controlling life-threatening   Zanesville Soccer Boosters. Hosted by: DJ Camp   back his childhood love, Maid Marian, who is be-
        featuring local professionals specializing in home   bleeding. The training is Thursday, Feb. 27, from   Zilla and Jay Tignor. Cash bar and grill. 50/50.   ing forced to marry the Sheriff by the evil Prince
        improvements, landscaping, real estate, finance,   6 to 7:30 p.m. in Genesis Hospital meeting rooms   $160 per team; max 8 people per team. Contact   John; the musical often features a witty and
        design and more!                     C & D. Registration is required by going to gen-                         dynamic take on the classic tale with elements
                                   , Your Health, Classes & Events   Lisa at: 740-819-8520, or Michelle at 740-607-  of sword fights, love, and rebellion against oppres-
                                             and Stop the Bleed. Space is limited.  3514 to register your team. Cash, check or credit
        VALENTINES DAY DINNER                                                     card accepted.                      sion. For show times and tickets visit: https://
           February 22                       “HARRIET TUBMAN: STRAIGHT                                      
           VFW 1058                          UP OUTTA’ THE UNDERGROUND” -         LEGO BINGO NIGHT 2025
        (1318 Putnam Avenue, Zanesville)                                            March 8                           COMMUNITY EUCHRE
        Come out and have a fantastic dinner in a   WITH TCT ON TOUR                Meadow View Church                TOURNAMENT
        romantic setting! (This dinner is after Valentine’s    February 28        (6750 Raiders Rd.Frazeysburg)          March 15
        Day due to the VFW Cruise). This is Pre Sale only!    Elson Hall Auditorium                                     National Road and Zane Grey Museum
        Ticket cut-off is February 12. Tickets are behind   (1425 Newark Rd, Zanesville)   6PM - 8PM                  (8850 East Pike, Norwich)
        the bar! Or see Tina and Shaila. $60 a couple.    5:15PM - 6:15PM         Families are invited to Meadow View, for a spin    5:00 PM
        Meal: 2 ribeyes, 2 baked potatoes, 2 salads, 2   Bring the past to the present and change the   on the traditional bingo night. Instead of numbers
        rolls 1 bottle of wine (your choice-Moscato, Pink   future with this one-woman interactive storytell-  and ping pong balls, we will be using Lego pieces   Friends of New Concord, Inc. is hosting a fund-
        Moscato, or Merlot). RSVP - 740-487-2106.                                 and Lego characters to play bingo. Instead of   raiser, a community euchre tournament. $25
                                             ing experience. Uncover the truth about America’s   money being the prize for winning, we plan to   entry. Food, snacks, beer, wine, pop available
        THE DAILY DRIP ONE YEAR BASH         200-year-old struggle with slavery when you play   give out Lego prizes. Registration will be limited   for purchase. Cash prize! Doors open at 4PM for
                                             a part in this historic retelling. On this journey,
                                                                                  to the first 150 participants. Register: https://
           February 23                       you’ll follow Harriet Tubman, the most recognized
           The Daily Drip                    conductor of the Underground Railroad. Nick-                             HOMELESS HANDS OF
        (701 Main Street, Dresden)           named “Moses,” Harriet Tubman lived up to her   ST. PATRICK’S DAY        ZANESVILLE - CASINO NIGHT
           1 - 5PM                           name by gaining her own freedom, as well as   SEEK-AND-FIND                 March 15
                                             traveling back and forth from North to South over
        Asia Luu Tattoos fine line tattoos, Charmed &   19 times and freeing over 300 slaves! 45-minute    March 8 - 16    Muskingum County Fairgrounds
        Wild custom charm bar, Photography with Madi-  storytelling experience, including a Q&A ses-   Various Locations (Start at NCAARD
        son Beiers, Permanent Jewelry by Kaila Smith,   sion! Presented by TCT on Tour: A Division of the             (1300 Pershing Road, Zanesville)
        Loving Creations Florals grab and go/build your   Children’s Theater of Cincinnati. Register: https://  porch)   (4 Comin Street New Concord,)    2PM - 11PM
        own bouquet bar, Handmade Soaps by Val Lu-    The leprechauns are back again! No telling what   Join us for our 7th annual benefit. We are excited
        burgh, Shirer’s Pen Ban, Homemade Dog Treats                              they are up to this time around! I hope you and   to welcome back our dedicated bands, Sweet
        by Jennifer Brewer, and more!        SOUP BEAN SUPPER                     your family will join us for our 5th annual St. Pat-  Misery,  and Rock This Way! Both bands will keep
                                                                                  rick’s Day Seek-and-Find! Seek-and-Find begins at
                                                                                                                      you entertained for the entire benefit!  Join in
        BELLE BROOKE RANCH                     March 1                            the NCAARD porch. Start there to pick up the first   on the hundreds of raffle items, a 50/50 every
                                                                                  clue left by the leprechauns in the small storage
        WEDDING EXPO                           Pleasant Grove Church              cabinet. Clues will lead you to different locations   hour, a generously huge lottery basket..We will be
                                                                                                                      sending 2 sets of people to the Buckeye Country
           February 23                       (400 Pleasant Grove Road)            in New Concord where you will find pieces left by   Superfest, and 2 people on a 5 night all inclusive
           Belle Brooke Ranch                  4:30 - 7:00PM                      our little friends. Who’s ready for an adventure?   trip, luggage included! And, if you are feeling
        (1185 Holders Lane, Zanesville)      Pleasant Grove Church will be having a soup bean   OLDER ADULT HEALTH AND   lucky, we have casino games/tables for those
                                             supper on Saturday March 1st from 4:30 - 7:00
           1PM - 4PM                         P.M. The cost is by donation only. The menu will                         over 21 to enjoy! The games are for fun, and there
        If you’re planning a wedding, don’t miss this   be; soup beans, corn bread, hot dogs, and lots   WELLNESS FAIR   will be a live auction for those that haven’t lost
        event! 37 vendors, discounts, promotions and   of deserts. Come join the food, fun and fellow-   March 8      all of their play money at the end of the night!
        a $500 cash grand prize to one lucky bride or   ship!                       Caldwell Hall on Muskingum University’s   Businesses may sponsor a table of 8 for $500,
        groom! Get inspired and create the perfect wed-                           campus  (Stormont St, New Concord)  business banner, shout outs, and meals are
        ding with us! More information: 740-586-5860.                                                                 included! $10 Baked Steak, green beans, mashed                                                 11AM - 12PM                       potatoes, gravy, roll and salad. Dinners will be
                                                                                  Muskingum University’s Master of Occupational   served from 2pm- 7pm!
   8   9   10   11   12   13   14   15   16   17