Page 10 - Dresden Buzz 02-21-25
P. 10
Bishop Rosecrans head on to Muskingum University mens
Playoffs against Conotton basketball hit top-four OAC
Valley after topping the MSL seed after sweeping Marietta
by Matthew Dotson by Matthew Dotson
Muskie Luken Hill easily jumped over the Polar Bears defenders in a close 68 - 66 win.
Bishop Rosecran’s team captain Nick Bernath tried to avoid three defenders from Malvern. Matthew Dotson
Matthew Dotson
Vs Marietta (2/19) from Mount Union rolled into town to
Vs Malvern (2/11) them pumping out six points more than Wednesday’s home game against face the Muskies. Muskingum started
On Tuesday the Bishops hosted the their hosts and taking the game with a Marietta started out of the gate taking a the game strong, taking a 42 – 35 lead
Malvern Hornets, and even though they final score of 60 – 50. huge jump forward with a 40 – 31 first- at halftime.
put up 17 points in the first quarter the Junior Tyler Bernett had 13 points for half advantage. The second half of the game saw the
Hornets brought the heat taking the the Bishops, and classmates Kohen Har- The Pioneers were on top of the sec- Raiders outscore the Muskies by seven
first period by a score of 21 – 17. As the ris and Nick Bernath each had 11 points. ond half breaking through the Muskie’s points closing the gap and ending regu-
game continued to warm up, Malvern defenses as often as they could and lar play time at a draw sending the two
was still dropping shots and rushing by Vs Fairfield Christian Academy (2/7) leading the half by four points, but it teams into overtime
the defense every chance they could get The Bishops were on the road in Lan- was not enough to take the win as the In the first overtime period, the two
to end the first half of the game up 40 – caster on Friday to play Fairfield Chris- Muskies won the game 70 – 65 securing teams couldn’t have been more evenly
29. tian Academy. The game started off a top-four OAC seed. matched as they both landed 10 points
Back from the intermission, the Bi- with both teams pushing past their de- The game was the Muskie’s first sea- squaring off for double overtime.
sop’s struggles continued as Malvern fenders until the Bishops pulled ahead son sweep of Marietta since the 2007- It all came down to the final minutes
crushed their strategies pushing their taking a 17 – 10 lead by the end of the 2008 season. of the second overtime period when the
lead to 57 – 39 by the end of the third. first quarter. The Knights stepped it up Muskingum University will host an Raiders pulled out ahead by just three
The last minutes of the game didn’t slow in the second quarter holding Rosecrans OAC Tournament game on Tuesday at 7 points to take the win 86 – 83.
down the visitors as they held the Bish- to just four points while tying and then PM. as the number 3 or 4 seed.
ops to just five final points as they ended eventually jumping ahead to a 24 – 21 Vs Ohio Northern (2/08)
the game with a roaring 21-point quarter advantage going into halftime. Vs Otterbein (2/15) Muskingum University hosted the Ohio
much like the first ending the game with As the game continued, the Bishops On the road in Otterbein, the Fighting Northern Polar Bears on Saturday. The
a 78 – 44 victory. found their footing going toe-to-toe with Muskies were looking to grab another Fighting Muskies started from the tipoff
Fairfield matching almost every point win against the Cardinals but despite taking control of the game and push-
Vs Wellington (2/8) but still coming up shy of tying the game putting up a 33-point first half, the Car- ing the Polar Bears back on their heels
The Jaguars rolled into Zanesville on in the third quarter ending the period dinals took the first half by a score of 42 jumping out to a 34 – 25 lead by the end
Saturday to play the Bishops. The first still behind by a score of 46 – 41. In the – 33. of the first half.
quarter was as close as it could get final minutes of the game, the Bishops Muskingum outplayed the Cardinals Back on the court after halftime, the
without being a draw as Wellington took left it all on the court as they put up their in the second half but not by enough to Polar Bears had a new strategy to try to
a one-point advantage at the end of top-scoring quarter of the game tying completely tie up the game so they fell close the gap, they made some head-
the quarter with a score of 10 – 9 over the Knights and then pulling out a final by a score of 81 – 76. way, but in the end, they fell two points
Rosecrans. The second quarter was just shot to take the game with a super close For the game junior Duane Davis short of catching the Muskies and MU
as equally matched but the Bishops 64 – 62 final score. led the Muskies with 17 points, four took the 68 – 66 win to clinch their place
couldn’t edge ahead and headed to the Freshman Brody Boothe had 24 rebounds, and two steals, while team- in the OAC tournaments.
locker room down 23 – 20. points, one rebound, and one assist for mate Nathan Walker had 15 points, Senior Luken Hill led the Muskies with
In the second half of the game, the Rosecrans. Junior Tyler Bernett had 13 four assists, and three rebounds, Owen 18 points, six rebounds, three steals,
two teams were still neck-and-neck with points, 10 rebounds, and one assist, Emig also had 15 points, and freshman two blocks, and an assist. Junior Duane
the Jaguars working hard to hold onto classmate Kohen Harris had 11 points, Alieu Ceesay earned 12 points for the Davis had 11 points, four rebounds, two
the very little edge they had on the Bish- four rebounds, and eight assists. Muskies. steals, and an assist. Senior Zaveon
ops ending the third quarter with a score Croff had 10 points, six rebounds, two
of 35 – 31. The visitors were saving their Vs Mount Union (2/12) assists, a block, and a steal.
energy for the final quarter push that had Wednesday night, the Purple Raiders