Page 16 - Dresden Buzz 06-28-24
P. 16

A Closer Look
         PAGE 16 |                                                                                                                 JUNE 28 - JULY 11, 2024


                                                                                                                                  We are just an issue away
          The Dresden                                                                                                             from entering into our
          Buzz has been                                                                                                           seventh year publishing
          covering local                                                                                                          the Dresden Buzz.  A new
          news, sports,                                                                                                           issue comes out every
          and events in                                                                                                           other Friday!
          County since July

                                                                                                                                       Thanks to our adver-
                                                                                                                                       tisers, we are able to
           When the Dresden                                                                                                            continue to  keep the
           Buzz was first                                                                                                              Dresden Buzz a free
           established in 2018                                                                                                         newspaper.  Because
           we only covered                                                                                                             the Buzz is a newspaper
           Dresden and the                                                                                                             and not a shopper you
           surrounding Tri-Valley                                                                                                      will never see more
           area.  After we                                                                                                             ads than content.  It
           expanded our                                                                                                                is important to us to
           coverage area last                                                                                                          continue to put out a
           year, we decided to                                                                                                         quality paper with tons
           keep the name.                                                                                                              of local information.

          Scan the QR code on the cover
          of every issue to access the
          digital edition of the Dresden
          Buzz.  You can read it in full
          color and click on ads and
          links in articles to get more
          information.  It is a great way
          to share your favorite issues
          with friends and family who
          may not live nearby.

                                                                                                The Dresden Buzz is made with 100% local news! You will not find syndicat-
                                                                                                ed news in the Buzz.  Providing a quality newspaper means providing quality
                                                                                                news and that is something we will always strive to achieve.

                    Back Issues                        Event Calendar                          Sports                               Buzzles
           Visit our digital archives and read past   Look for Muskingum County events in every   The center of every Buzz has an expansive   Every issue of the Dresden Buzz includes a
               issues of the Dresden Buzz at    issue of the Buzz and on our website at    sports section covering Muskingum County high   full-page puzzle section made by our team
      school, tournament, club, and college teams.  of Buzzle puzzle makers especially for you.

         700 Main Street, Dresden, OH 43821  |  740-270-2408 (CALL TEXT)  |  EMAIL to  |
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