Page 14 - Dresden Buzz 06-28-24
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PAGE 14 | ANNOUNCEMENTS/LOCAL NEWS                                                                                        JUNE 28 - JULY 11, 2024
        Alice in                             Good Deeds Service Club to                                                HEALTH & WELLNESS

        wonder land                          offer Teacher Supply Grants                                              Tick Talk

        By Alice Stratman Smith                 Good  Deeds Service Club  wants  14th.  Application is not a guarantee of
                                             to help  teachers get their classrooms  award; priority will be given to first time   By: Alexus Masterson, MPH,
            In the April 5-18 issue of the Dres-  ready for the new school year by award-  applicants.  The application form can be   Family & Consumer Sciences Educator
        den Buzz this column listed some com-  ing funds for school supplies.  Musking-  found  at www.matsonretirementplan-  Ohio State University Extension,
        ments that Linda  Purtee  (died 2013)   um County  Teachers K-12  are eligible and  is  due no  later   Muskingum County
        wrote in her bible.   Her husband  Sam   to apply for a financial award to benefit  than August 1, 2024.
        (died 2023) gave me permission to copy   their classroom through the 3rd Annual     Good  Deeds Service Club  is spon-
        these  from  her  bible.    Here are  some   Teacher Wishlist  Project.  Good Deeds  sored by Gleaner Life Insurance and is
        comments from a precious friend who is   members will  offer awards  of  $100-  based out of the office of Matson Retire-
        gone from this earth but not forgotten:  $200  each  for  first  10-12  applicants.  ment Planning in  Zanesville,  OH.   For      As I was scrolling through social media
        • When you go to bed, give all your troubles to   Completed applications will be reviewed  more information  on  this project, call   the other day, I saw a post from a young mom
            God. He’s up all night anyway.   by Good  Deeds members in  August.    (740) 454-7646 or e-mail stephen.mat-  talking about finding a tick on their child and
        • Do your best each day and wait to see what   Winners will be notified with instructions  provided  pictures.  At  first,  I  did  not  notice
            tomorrow may be.                 on how to pick up the funds on August                                    anything out of the ordinary until I zoomed
        • All endings are new beginnings!                                                                             in and noticed a tiny black speck that could
        • Precious moments cannot stay; precious                                 Jackson Twp                          have been mistaken for dirt. That little black
            memories last forever.           Monetary                                                                 spot was very much a tick but almost went
        • Let your light shine.....Pastor Ray Green                                                                   unnoticed had it not been for that mom see-
        • You must do things you think you cannot do.  donations                 Meeting change                       ing  it.  This season  it seems  like ticks are
        • The best hearts are ever the bravest.                                                                       smaller  and  appearing  in  more  numbers
        • They hurt me!  So what!            being accepted                       Jackson Township Trustees are chang-  than previous years, why is this important?
        • The purpose of life is to live it.                                      ing the July meeting from Thursday July   Ticks can be carriers of disease, specifically
        • Anyone can die! It takes more courage to   The Frazeysburg  Lions  Club  has  been   4th  to Tuesday July  2 at 7PM at the   Lyme Disease.
            live!...From God to Linda        asked if  they  would  accept  monetary   Township Hall in Frazeysburg.      Lyme Disease is  most common  in  the
        • In water baptism you drown  your enemies.   donations for the benefit of the tornado                        Northeast, mid-Atlantic, and upper-Midwest
            (fear, hate, past, hurt, etc.)   victims.  If  any  one  wishes  to  make a   2024 Dresden                region of the United States (CDC, 2024). The
        • Fear Not!                          monetary donation,  make  the  check                                     bacteria causing human infection are spread
            Proverbs  3:13.14.15..The  Living   payable to the Frazeysburg Lions Club                                 through blacklegged  ticks  and  has a large
        Bible...The man who knows right  from   and put tornado on the memo line and   Homecoming                     range of signs and symptoms such as fever,
        wrong  and  has  good  judgement  and   mail to:                                                              headache, fatigue, and a characteristic skin
        common sense is happier than the man                                     July 10-13                           rash  called  erythema migrans.  This rash  is
        who  is  immensely  rich!  For  such wis-  Frazeysburg Lions                                                  common with over 70 percent of people with
        dom is far more valuable than precious   12355 Scout Rd                                                       Lyme disease. Most notable rashes look like
        jewels.                              Frazeysburg, Oh 43822                                                    a “Bulls-eye” or target lesion. It is a circular,
                                                                                                                      expanding rash with target-like appearance.
                                                                                                                      For  more information  on  rashes caused  by
                                             All donations will go 100% to residents                                  Lyme disease check out  https://www.cdc.
              SEND YOUR COMMUNITY            who were affected by the June 6th tor-                                   gov/lyme/signs-symptoms/lyme-disease-
                ANNOUNCEMENTS TO                                                                                      rashes.html.  Lyme disease untreated can
             INFO@DRESDENBUZZ.COM.                                                                                    cause many health issues, so prevention is
                                                                                                                          Using  proper insect repellent that spe-
                                                                                                                      cifically states it will work for ticks is impor-
                                                                                                                      tant, as not all bug sprays repel ticks. Repel-
                A BUZZ FUNNY                     What do                                                              lent that contains 20 percent DEET, picaridin,
                by Logan Dotson                                                                                       or IR3535  on exposed skin for long-lasting
                                              you call a                         Dresden Homecoming Queen and court   shrubs  reduce  the risk  for  ticks including
                                                                                                                      protection. Staying away from tall grass and
                                                dinosaur                         Left to right: Attendant Sophie Bash, Atten-  wearing long-sleeved shirts, long pants, and
                                                                                                                      high boots. Wearing light colored clothes help
                                                                                 dant  Hayleigh  Davis,  Queen  Charity  Clark,
                                                                                                                      ticks be more visible if crawling ticks are on
                                                                                 Attendant Alyssa Hay. Front: Crown Bearer
                                          who sets off                           Vayda Maxwell (daughter of Abbi and Blair   you. Once you are ready to change clothes,
                                                                                                                      put the ones worn outdoors in the dryer for
                                            fireworks?                           Additional homecoming information  was not provided   10 minutes on high heat to kill ticks on dry
                                                                                                                      clothing.  Conduct  a  full-body  tick check by
                                                                                 before the Dresden Buzz press date.
                                                                                                                      using a handheld or full-length mirror to view
                                                                                                                      all parts of the body when coming from tick-
                                                                                                                      infested areas,  and  for parents  make  sure
                                                                                                                      to  help  younger  children  check themselves
                                                                                                                      (USDA Forest Service, 2024).
                                                                                                                          These tips for staying safe outdoors this
                                                                                                                      season  are  super  important for  those  out-
                                                                                                                      doors no matter what  age! Understanding
                                                                                                                      ways to stay safe while enjoying the outdoors
                                                                                                                      can reduce the risk of bites and infection.
                                                                                                                      Sources: Center for Disease Control and Pre-
                                                                                                                      vention. (2024, June 11). CDC Ticks: Prevent-
                                                                                                                      ing  Tick  Bites.  CDC.
                                                                                      Bible-based character           Forest  Service U.S.  Department  of  Agri-
                                                                                                                      culture.  Checking  for  Ticks.  Forest  Service
                                                                                    education during school
                                                                             Follow Logan on Facebook @artworkbylogandotson  Gospel Sings
                                                                                    hours (specials or lunch).

                                                                                                                      June 28 - Trinway UMC
                                                                                                                      July 5 - Dresden First Baptist Church
                                                                                                                      July 19 - Frazeysburg Christian Church

                                                                                                                      All Gospel Sings start at 7pm.
                                Dino-mite!                                                                            July 26 - Trinway UMC
                                                                                                                      For questions call Mary Lee at
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