Page 11 - Dresden Buzz 06-28-24
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JUNE 28 - JULY 11, 2024                                                                                                        EVENTS  | PAGE 11


           through August 15                   June 28 - 30                       PAINTING                            5K RUN AND 1 MILE WALK
          Cinemark Colony Square Mall          Zanesville Bible Methodist Church    July 1                               July 4
        (3575 Maple Ave, Zanesville)         (925 Grove Road, Zanesville)           Duncan Falls/Philo Branch Library    Ohio University and Zane State College
        Tickets Now On Sale! 10 Weeks Of Mega-fun Mov-   6:30PM - 8:30PM          Duncan Falls Meeting Room           campus Rogge Pavilion at Collegial Woods
        ies for Kids. Bring the kids and enjoy exciting big-  VBS 2024 is quickly approaching! June 28-30th!   (222 Main Street, Duncan Falls)  Trail (1425 Newark Road Zanesville)
        screen entertainment for just $1.75* per ticket for   On  this Aussie adventure, kids explore  God’s             Registration begins at 7:00AM, 5K Run/
        each movie. Save even more on your visit with $1   monumental love and discover what it means to    4:30 - 6PM
        OFF deals on kids’ snack packs and any size pop-  have an  unshakable faith.  To register, go online   Participants  will  learn  the basics  of  canvas  art   Walk starts 9:00AM, Fetch 1 mile Walk
        corn & drink combos during Summer Movie Club-  at:  painting. This class will focus on painting an out-  9:15AM
        house showtimes. More  information  at: https://  sions/87661/participants/new       door adventure scene. https://events.muskingum-  Participants  will  enjoy the tree-lined  Collegial                                Woods jogging trail and the beauty of the Ohio Uni-
        summer-movie-clubhouse               5K COLOR RUN/WALK -                  ROSEVILLE FARMERS MARKET -          versity Zanesville/Zane State campus. For further
                                                                                                                      details  visit
        DILLON STATE PARK NATURALIST         EVENT BY HOMELESS HANDS OF           SPONSORED BY THE FRIENDS OF         ville/MBHJuly4thFreedomRun  Any questions, con-
        PROGRAMS - SUNSET                    ZANESVILLE, LLC                      THE ROSEVILLE LIBRARY               tact Yolanda Taylor Muskingum Behavioral Health
        KAYAK CRUISE                           Sat. June 29                         July 2                            740-454-1266
           June 28                             American Legion Post No.29           Roseville Branch Library          THURSDAY NIGHT LIVE
          Dillon State Park                  (27 S. 3rd. Street, Zanesville)      (41 North Main Street, Roseville)   ENTERTAINMENT - WAYNE REED
                                               10:00 AM
           7PM - 9PM                         Our  annual  5K COLOR  Run/Walk  will  be June    4PM - 6PM              CONNECTION
        Join  us for a relaxing  evening  kayaking  on the   29th at the American Legion Post 29, located on   The Friends of the Roseville Library are excited to    July 4, August 15,
        lake. We’ll discuss the nature we encounter along   3rd Street Zanesville. Registration is from 10am-  sponsor the Farmers Market. The market will have
        the  way and  enjoy the  scenic views - including   11am. Color  Bombs will  be set off at 11am  to   fresh produce and crafts for sale, as well as free   September 12
        the sunset from out on the water. All equipment   start. you will  have  several  color  stations  along   crafts and activities for all ages.       The Victory Garden
        provided. Space is limited. Ages 16 and up. Reg-  the downtown route. Bring the kiddos! kids under            (807 Main Street, Dresden)
        istration and prior kayaking experience required.   5 are free. $20 Registration fee, includes t-shirt.   4TH OF JULY SUMMER BASH    6PM - 8PM
        To register, please email: michael.durst@dnr.ohio.  You will register the day of the event. There is no    July 2   Throughout the Summer Months we will have live
        gov                                  online  registration  this year. You  can run,  walk,    Willow Haven Care Center,   entertainment on the lawn in the Victory Garden
                                             have a stroller, wagon, bicycle, or wheelchair. This   (1122 Taylor St Zanesville)   for your enjoyment. Sometimes on Friday’s as well.
        2024 STAR SPANGLED                   is a family oriented event! This event will be fol-   5PM -7PM           Bring a chair, blanket and a friend and just relax
        CELEBRATION                          lowed by a cornhole tournament, of you choose to   Dunk tank, games, bounce house, prizes, face   for the evening while Wayne and friends take time
           June 28                           participate, also, at 6pm Rock This Way will take   painting, fishing pond, canvas painting, food,   out of their day to share their love of music. Dona-
          Duncan Falls                       the stage outside and play until 11pm. This is a   snow cones, popcorn. FREE and open to the pub-  tions are greatly appreciated. You can make dona-
                                             day full of fun for the entire family! we will have
                                                                                                                      tions here or in person the night of the event. For
           5PM - 9PM |Fireworks at Dark      Concessions open for anyone needing to grab a bit   lic.                 tickets, go to:
        Activities start at 5PM and ending at 9PM.  Fire-  to eat!                NEW CONCORD
        works start at dark. Please bring your own chairs                                                             GAME NIGHT
        and  blankets. Games, pedal  tractor  pulls,  corn  CORN HOLE TOURNAMENT -   FARMERS’ MARKET                     July 5
        hole and food will be cash only!  We are excited   EVENT BY HOMELESS HANDS OF    July 2, 9, 16, 23, 30          John McIntire Library
        to welcome you to our Star Spangled Celebration!!   ZANESVILLE, LLC         Corner of Layton & Maple, New Concord  (220 North Fifth Street, Zanesville)
                                                                                    4 - 7PM
        FRAZEYSBURG FIREWORKS                  Sat. June 29                       Vendors Wanted! The New  Concord  Farmers’    4PM - 6PM
           June 28                             American Legion Post No. 29        Market is held  every Tuesday from 4-7 PM June   Come check out  what  games the library has
          Frew Memorial Park                 (27 S. 3rd Street, Zanesville)       through September.                  to offer!  We  will  have  board  games and  a Nin-
                                                                                                                      tendo Switch available  to play. Ages  8-18.  To
           7PM | Fireworks at Dark             1:00 PM                                                                register -
        The  fireworks  show  is  scheduled  on  Friday,  June   We will be holding a Corn Hole Tournament June   MAKE YOUR OWN BUBBLES  event/10684901
        28th with the Ball Teams Concession Stand, Girl   29th at 1pm at the American Legion Post 29, lo-   July 3
        Scouts Cookies & Snowcones along  with A LIVE   cated on 3rd Street Zanesville. $30/team. Regis-   John McIntire Library  FIRST FRIDAY ART WALK
        BAND! The fun starts at 7pm with The Best Little   ter the day of the event. BYOP (partner). This event   (220 North Fifth Street, Zanesville)   July 5
        Town Fireworks Show Around at dark!   will  follow our  annual  5K COLOR  Run/Walk  and    4-5PM
                                             will  be followed by a performance  by Rock This
                                             Way from 6pm-11pm outside on the stage. Bring   Explore the magic of bubble-making with our DIY    Downtown Zanesville
        MUSKINGUM COUNTY BLUE                the family! Concessions will be open!   guide! Learn to create captivating bubbles at the    5 - 8PM
        RIBBON FARMER’S MARKET                                                    library with easy-to-follow steps. From mixing your   (some studios stay open until 9)
           June 29, July 6, 13, 20, 27       ROCK THIS WAY BAND -                 own solution to experimenting with shapes! Visit   You are invited to join The Artist Colony of Zanes-
                                                                                                                      ville for the “ArtCoz” First Friday Art Walk! Zanes-
          Muskingum County Fairgrounds       EVENT BY HOMELESS HANDS OF  register.  ville is home to a thriving art community rich with
           9AM - 12PM                        ZANESVILLE, LLC                                                          creativity and talent that encompasses a wide
        Continuing the tradition of hosting a Farmer’s Mar-   Sat. June 29        STARS AND STRIPES ON                variety of artistic mediums offering something
        ket at the Muskingum County Fairgrounds featur-   American Legion Post No. 29   THE RIVER                     for every taste and aesthetic. This community art
        ing  home grown and  homemade products  from   (27 S. 3rd Street, Zanesville)   July 3 & 4                    walk is hosted by ArtCoz each first friday of every
        local vendors. Markets are every Saturday 9AM -                             Zane’s Landing Park               month, and is primarily located within Zanesville’s
        Noon  May- September                   6PM - 11PM                         (200 Market Street, Zanesville)     downtown arts district
                                             Following our 5K Color Run/Walk, at 10am, and
        ZANESVILLE PRIDE                     the  Corn  Hole Tournament  at 1pm, The  Qfm 96   The Zanesville Jaycees proudly presents their an-  Schedule is subject to change.  The Dresden Buzz tries to
                                                                                  nual Stars & Stripes on the River celebration! On
           June 29                           2024 House Band,  Rock This Way  will  take the   July 3rd, food trucks and beverages available from   provide up-to-date event listings and information for area
                                             stage outside,  as  part of  our  supporter  celebra-
          Zane’s Landing Park                tion                                 3pm to 10pm, and on the 4th everything will be   events however, some events may end up being canceled,
                                                                                                                      rescheduled, etc. between the time we compile them for
           11AM - 6PM                                                             available  11am  to  10pm!    A  beautiful  fireworks   print and the time the event occurs.  It is always a good
        Adding new vendors and new entertainment this  REALMQUEST: TEEN TOME      show will happen on the 4th and will go off at dusk   idea to double check event times and details before at-
        year. Pride is solely funded  by community  do-  ESCAPE - ESCAPE ROOM     (between 9:30pm and 10:00 pm start time).  tending.
        nations. Set up for vendors will be from 9am to    July 1
        11am. The event will open to the public at 11am
        and  kick off will  be at  noon.  Event will  wrap  up    New Concord Branch Library
        around 6pm to allow time for clean up.  (77 West Main Street, New Concord)
                                               2PM - 4:30PM
        SUMMER 2024 SATURDAY                 Solve puzzles, crack ciphers, and figure out how
        MORNING ART CLASSES                  to escape the enchanted library. With each chal-
           June 29, July 6, July 27, August 10,   lenge,  uncover ancient  secrets and  race  against
        August 17,                           time to escape. Will you conquer the quest? Ages
                                             12-18. Participants are given 30 minutes to work
          Union Square                       together to solve the clues that will help them es-
        (701 Main Streetm Dresden)           cape from this adventure themed  escape room.
           9:30AM - 11AM                     There are three different time slots for the same
        Hosted by The Village Seamtress. Variety of class-  Escape  Room, and  space is limited to 6  partici-
        es! Classes are FREE! All ages welcome. Children   pants per session, so please only register for one
        under age 12 must be accompanied by an adult.   time slot. If you have any questions or concerns,               please contact  us by calling  740.453.0391 ext
                                             115 or emailing us at youthservices@muskingum-
           June 29
          Immanuel Church                      LIST YOUR EVENT IN THE DRESDEN
        (105 S 7th Street, Zanesville)                 BUZZ FOR FREE.
           6:30 PM                             EMAIL INFO@DRESDENBUZZ.COM
        Join us for a relaxing evening with friends and fam-  OR TEXT/CALL 740-270-2408.
        ily! Showing the movie, “Inside Out”.
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