Page 13 - Dresden Buzz 06-28-24
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JUNE 28 - JULY 11, 2024                                                                                                        EVENTS  | PAGE 13


        BEACH PARTY!                         VICTORY GARDEN                         July 14                           IN JULY 10K & 5K HOSTED BY
           July 5                              July 11, August 8,                   Zanesville Girl Scout Center      TRI-VALLEY CROSS COUNTRY
          126 Muskingum Ave, Zanesville      September 5, October 3              (3230 Bowers Lane, Zanesville)          July 20
           5:00 PM                             The Victory Garden                   3PM - 5PM                           5265 Dillon Hills Drive, Nashport
        First Friday BEACH PARTY! Wear your Best Beach   (807 Main Street, Dresden)  Families of girls K-12 grade are invited. Visit dif-   7PM
        Attire to the Putnam Entertainment District and    6PM - 8PM             ferent  sports  stations to try out your  skills.  Arts   Christmas in July 5k/10k and 5k fun run/walk Pre-
        let’s fete! Weasel Boy will have specials: (Hawai-  Join us on Thursday night’s throughout the sum-  and  crafts, Science experiments, face paint-  sented by Beard and Hammer Home Remodeling
        ian pizza, meatballs and Asian salad), and Jake   mer with live  music on the  lawn at The  Victory   ing, free food, door prizes, join Girl Scouts.    This twilight race will take place on a paved course
        Hina spinning some surf tunes! BunkoJess will   Garden. Grab your chair or blanket and spend an               throughout  the  beautiful  campus  of Dillon  State
        have plenty of Art, and make and take turtle   enjoyable evening with friends and loved ones. For   SPACE DAYS “S.T.E.M.”   Park. All proceeds raised at this event will support
        cutouts to paint. Girl UPcycled always has new   tickets go to:   July 15 & 16   the Tri Valley Cross Country Team. Contact Musk-
        items - from attire to paintings & ceramics with                                                              ingum  Multisports to  sign  up  www.muskingum-
        lots of ocean themes. MVM Videography will have                             John and Annie Glenn Museum
        a beach photo booth. Muddy Misers is always a   SUMMER OUTDOOR MOVIE!    (72 West Main Street, New Concord)
        great place to dinner by the water. Float down    July 12                   9:30AM - 2PM                      SPACE DAYS - JOHN & ANNIE
        the Muskingum earlier in the day with Pea Ohana    Village Park          The John & Annie Glenn Museum, 72 W. Main St.   GLENN MUSEUM
        Watersports!                         (2 West Main Street, New Concord)   in  New Concord,  will  host the  2024 Space Days    July 15 & 16
                                               8:30PM - 11PM
        DRESDEN ANTIQUE VEHICLE              Join us Friday night, July 12, in Village Park for the   on Monday, July 15 (for students ages 8 & 9) and    John & Annie Glenn Museum
                                                                                 Tuesday, July 16 (for students ages 10 - 12). This
        DRIVE                                10th anniversary of The Lego Movie! Special thank   year’s theme is “STEM - Forces and Motion”. Stu-  (72 W Main St, New Concord)
            Sunday, July 7                   you to our New Concord Area Board of Trade and   dents will learn about kinds of forces and their ef-   Students ages 8 – 9 years old on Monday, July
                                                                                 fects on objects as they perform experiments and
          Dresden River Park                 Friends of New Concord, Inc., for sponsoring our   participate in activities.The cost for this fun-filled   15th from 9:30 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. and 10 – 12
           2PM                               movie. Festivities will begin at twilight – a little af-  learning program is $20 per student and includes   year olds on Tuesday, July 16th from 9:30 a.m. –
                                                                                                                      2:00 p.m.
        Our next Dresden Antique Vehicle drive will be Sun-  ter 9 PM! There will be a concession stand and pre-  a pizza lunch provided by Wally’s Pizza. The stu-  The John and Annie Glenn Museum will be host-
                                             movie festivities and photo opportunities!
        day, July 7th. Anyone with a street-legal, antique                       dents will also each receive a book, compliments   ing their annual day camp for students. This year’s
        vehicle (car, truck, motorcycle, rat rod, etc.) is wel-                  of Park National Bank. For more information or to   theme is S.T.E.M., Science Technology Engineering
        come to drive with the group. If it’s old, bring it!   MATT FRAMPTON - LIVE MUSIC AT   make reservations, call the Museum Association   and Math. Students experience a fun filled day of
        We’ll meet at Dresden River Park around 1:45pm.  THE VICTORY GARDEN      of  East  Muskingum  office  at  (740)  826-3305  or   science experiments. They receive a pizza lunch
        Around 2:00pm, we’ll form a line and then hit the    July 12, August 16, August 23, September   mail  a completed registration  form (available  at   provided by Wally’s Pizza and a book provided by
        streets.                             20, October 11              along  with   Park National  Bank.  Pre-registration  is  required
                                                                                 a check payable to MAEM to P.O. Box 107, New
                                               The Victory Garden
        SPACE ADVENTURE                      (807 Main Street, Dresden)          Concord, OH 43762. Spaces are limited for this ex-  either through emailing
                                                                                                                      or calling (740) 683 – 7714 and there is a $20 fee
           JULY 9                                                                citing program so please reserve your spot soon.
                                               6PM - 8PM
          NEW CONCORD BRANCH LIBRARY         Join us for an evening of music, food, and drinks.
        (77 West Main Street, New Concord)   Donations are always welcome. A link is provided   ADAMSVILLE HOMECOMING   Schedule is subject to change.  The Dresden Buzz tries to
                                                                                    July 17 - 20
           2-3PM                             for you or you can donate the night of the event.                        provide up-to-date event listings and information for area
                                                                                                                      events however, some events may end up being canceled,
        Enjoy an out-of-this world space adventure! Betsy   For tickets go to:   Gaumer Park, Adamsville   rescheduled, etc. between the time we compile them for
        Taylor, a volunteer from the John and Annie Glenn                        Grand Parade Wednesday at 6:30PM     print and the time the event occurs.  It is always a good
        Museum, will be presenting about space, and as-  AMEREICA’S BASKET FESTIVAL -   The  parade  will  kickoff the  four  day Homecom-  idea to double check event times and details before at-
        tronomy.  Visit  https://events.muskingumlibrary.  CELEBRATING           ing festival, beginning at 6:30pm Wednesday July   tending.
        org/to register.                                                         17th!
                                             Basket Lovers & Longaberger Alumni
        2024 CELEBRATE NEW CONCORD             July 13
        - SUMMER ENTERTAINMENT                 Dresden, Ohio 43821
        SERIES                               (Main Street, Dresden)
           July 9, July 23, Aug. 13, Aug. 27    10:00 AM                           Little
          New Concord Village Park           Join fellow basket lovers for an afternoon of fun,
                                             shopping, reminiscing and much more in Ameri-
        (2 West Main Street, New Concord)    ca’s Basket Making Capitol of Dresden, where the
           7PM                               hand-made artistry of baskets is always celebrat-                                Crossword
        July 9-David Mayfield Parade, July 23-Muskingum   ed. For further information visit www.destination-
        Valley Symphonic  Winds,  August 13-Northwest or follow us on Facebook - https://                    Look for a new puzzle each issue!
        Territory, August 27-Swing’s The  Thing. Bring a
        chair and enjoy FREE family fun! Rain location is
 Answer for last issue’s puzzle: “Don’t cry because it’s over. Smile because it happened”
 - Dr. Seuss  New Concord  United Methodist Church, 20  East  QUARTER BINGO
        High Street.                           July 13                              Puzzles for our younger Buzz readers.
                                               New Concord Elementary Park
        ADVENTURES WITH A DOODLE             (Stormont Street, New Concord)
           JULY 10
                                               2PM - 6PM
          Roseville Branch Library           Enjoy some Quarter BINGO during the Fireman’s
        (41 North Main Street, Roseville)    Festival, July 13, from 2 – 6 PM under the tent!
           5:30-6:30PM                       Each card is just 25 cents per game for a chance
        Meet Fetch the Therapy Dog and join him on his   to spin the wheel to win some prizes including half
        Paw-some adventures.                 the pot!
           July 10 - 13                      JOHN & ANNIE GLENN MUSEUM
          Union Square                         July 13
        (700 Chestnut Street, Dresden)         John & Annie Glenn Museum
        Grand Parade Wednesday at 6:30PM     (72 W. Main St. New Concord)       10AM - 4PM
                                             The John & Annie Glenn Museum will be offering
        EARTH CAMP                           free walk-through tours during  the  New Concord
           JULY 11                           Fireman’s  Festival  on Saturday, July  13th  from
          Collegial Woods (OUZ/ZSC Campus)   10:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. Escape the summer heat
                                             and learn about New Concord’s history
        (1555 Newark Rd., Zanesville)
           9AM-3PM                           LIVE MUSIC AT THE
        Registration is free for kids ages 8-12.  MANSION
        Learn about Sun Safety, Yoga, Mindfulness, Geo-
        caching,  Hydration and  forage on a hike.  Lunch    July 13
        and a snack will be provided. Space will be lim-   Historic Prospect Place Estate
        ited, and registration is required by Thursday, June   12150 Main Street, Trinway
        20, 2024. This camp is presented as a partnership   1PM - 8PM
        among  the  Muskingum  County  Library System,   $5.00 per person or $20.00 per car load. Grab a
        Muskingum Valley Park District, and Muskingum   lawn chair or blanket and a cooler with your favor-
        Soil and Water Conservation District.  Register at   ite drinks and join us as we enjoy some music from  some amazing up and coming local artists. Inpa-
                                             tient, performing  1-3PM, Royce Anthony 4-5PM,
                                             The Alley Boys 5-8PM.
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