Page 13 - Dresden Buzz 07-26-24
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JULY 26 - AUGUST 8, 2024                                                                                                       EVENTS  | PAGE 13

                                                                                                                      from Las Vegas! Spend an exciting night with Cher,
        TOUCH-A-TRUCK COMMUNITY DAY  LOCK #10 & Y-BRIDGE HISTORY                 ONE NIGHT IN A BOX -                 Whitney, Elvis, Roy and Elton! A portion of the pro-
            August 3                         TOUR KAYAKING TRIP WITH PEA         RAISING AWARENESS FOR THE            ceeds to be donated to local veterans. Tickets are
                                                                                                                      priced at $39, $59, $79 and $99. There are also
           Colony Square Mall                OHANA WATERSPORTS                   HOMELESS                             donation  level sponsorships  available:  740-454-
        3575 Maple Ave, Zanesville)             August 10                           August 16                         6851
           11AM - 2PM                          Pea Ohana boathouse                  Trulight Ministries
        Hands-on family fun! Touch! Climb! Explore! Honk!     12PM - 2:30PM      (807 Putnam Ave Zanesville)          CELEBRATE  NEW  CONCORD  –
        Discover the vehicles and  meet the community   Join the Muskingum County Library System for Pea              SWING’S THE THING
        support leaders and first responders who serve our   Ohana’s immersive kayaking tour through Zanes-   7:00 PM
        community. Fire trucks, police vehicles, ambulanc-  ville’s rich history. Departing from the historic Pea   Have  fun raising  awareness for the homeless.    August 27
        es, heavy equipment, semis and more! Located in   Ohana  boathouse,  our  journey  leads  us  to  Lock   FREE  food  and  the  LIVE  band,  Slaw  Dog  will  be    New Concord Village Park
        the front mall parking lot.          #10  on  the  Muskingum  River,  where  we’ll  meet   performing.  Visit us on Facebook to register and    7PM - 8:30PM
                                                                                 participate!  You  can  also  donate  and/or  register
                                             the  Lockmaster  and  former  ODNR  Lockmaster,   online at:    Celebrate New Concord has reached over 17,000
        DRESDEN ANTIQUE VEHICLE DRIVE        Dutch Holland. As we navigate through the work-                          audience members since its founding in 2001 by
            August 4                         ing double lock, Dutch will share captivating tales   MATT FRAMPTON - LIVE MUSIC AT   the late Muskingum University music professor Dr.
                                                                                                                      William Schlacks. He and his co-director, the late
           Dresden River Park                of its over  170-year-old  history. Continuing  our   THE VICTORY GARDEN   Rod Lang, also of Muskingum University, worked
                                             paddle past iconic landmarks like the 6th Street
        (East Muskingum Avenue, Dresden)     Bridge and the Y-Bridge, we’ll conclude our expe-   August 16, August 23, September 20,   with  the Celebrate New  Concord committee and
           2PM                               dition at Putnam Landing Park, reflecting on our   October 11            village  leadership  to bring  high-quality, family-
        Our  next  Dresden  Antique  Vehicle  drive  will  be   adventure  amidst  the picturesque  scenery. This    The Victory Garden   friendly  summer entertainment  in  an  informal
        Sunday, August 4th. Anyone with a street-legal, an-  program  is  for  adults  18+  due  to  the insurance   (807 Main Street, Dresden)  environment.  Performances  feature  a  variety of
        tique vehicle (car, truck, motorcycle, rat rod, etc.) is   waiver. Register at    musical and other entertainment genres. The con-
        welcome to drive with the group. If it’s old, bring it!                     6PM - 8PM                         certs  are  traditionally  held  on  Tuesdays  in  June,
        We’ll meet at Dresden River Park around 1:45pm.  2024 CELEBRATE NEW CONCORD   Join us for an evening of music, food, and drinks.   July, and August
        Around 2:00pm, we’ll form a line and then hit the   - SUMMER ENTERTAINMENT   Donations are always welcome. A link is provided
        streets.                                                                 for you or you can donate the night of the event.
                                             SERIES                              For tickets go to:   SENIOR
        SCHUBACH BIG BAND                      Aug. 13, Aug. 27
            August 4                           New Concord Village Park          FREE CHILD HAIRCUTS FOR BACK               CENTER
           Zanes Landing Park                (2 West Main Street, New Concord)   TO SCHOOL
           7PM                                 7PM                                  August 18
        Concert,  FREE.  Rain  or  shine.  Rain  site  Secrest   July 9-David Mayfield Parade, July 23-Muskingum    Neubella nail & spa    MENU
        Auditorium, 334 Shinnick Street, Zanesville, Ohio   Valley  Symphonic  Winds,  August  13-Northwest   (766 Linden Ave, Ste B, Zanesville)
        43701                                Territory, August 27-Swing’s The  Thing. Bring a   All Day
                                             chair and enjoy FREE family fun! Rain location is   Walk-ins Only
                                                                                                                          Lunch is  served Monday through
        BACK TO SCHOOL FOAM PARTY!           New  Concord  United  Methodist  Church,  20  East                          Friday each week.  Reservations are re-
                                             High Street.
            August 5                                                             A LEGENDARY EVENING WITH THE          quired by 9 am for lunch by calling the
           Duncan Falls/Philo Branch Library  Schedule is subject to change.  The Dresden Buzz tries to   STARS        Muskingum  County  Senior  Center at
           4PM - 5:30PM                      provide up-to-date event listings and information for area    August 24
        Say goodbye to summer with a bubbly good time!   events however, some events may end up being canceled,    Secrest Auditorium and Music Hall   740-454-9761. There is a suggested do-
        It’s a fun-filled farewell to the warm season, filled   rescheduled, etc. between the time we compile them for   Doors Open 7PM - Showtime 8PM  nation of $3.00 for lunch.  Menu is sub-
        with music,  dancing,  and  carefree celebration.   print and the time the event occurs.  It is always a good   A  dynamic,  engaging  and  fun-filled  show  featur-  ject to change without notice.
        Come dressed for a mess and please bring a towel.    idea to double check event times and details before at-  ing five of the very best tribute performers direct
                                             tending.                                                                  Friday, July 26
        FAMILY MOVIE NIGHT AT KIDZ-                                                                                    SPAGHETTI, BROCCOLI, TOSSED SALAD,
        VILLE                                                                                                          PEACHES
            August 5
        Join us for a delightful evening of family fun at Riv- Little                                                  Monday, July 29
           Riverside Park
                                                                                                                       CHICKEN  STRIPS,  TATER  TOTS,  CAPRI
           5PM - 9PM
        erside Park, where the enchantment of storytelling                                WORD FIND                    BLEND, PASTA SALAD, FRUIT JUICE.
        meets the magic of cinema! Pack your blankets,                                                                 Tuesday, July 30
        bring your snacks, and join us for an unforgettable                                                            STUFFED PEPPER, MASHED POTATOES,
        evening of stories, adventure, and movie magic at                             Look for a new puzzle each issue!
        Kidzville, located within Riverside Park. Don’t miss                                                           CARROTS, TROPICAL FRUIT
 Answer for last issue’s puzzle: “Believe you can and you’re halfway there”   out on this chance to create cherished memories
 - Theodore Roosevelt  for all! The adventure will kick off with a captivat-                                           Wednesday, July 31
        ing guided storytime through our onsite Storywalk.   Puzzles for our younger Buzz readers.                     HAM / GREEN BEAN / POTATO
        Engage in a thrilling scavenger hunt, where clues                                                              CASSEROLE, MIXED VEGETABLES,
        lead  you  on  an  exploration  of  the park’s hidden
        treasures.  Then, we  will  settle  in  for the  main   T  U  R  T  L  E  O  J                                 PINEAPPLE, COOKIE
        event: a screening of “Migration.” This heartwarm-
        ing film promises to enchant audiences of all ages                                                             DRESDEN ACTIVITY
        with its touching tale of courage, friendship, and   DFLUNZTI
        the power of perseverance.                                                                                     SCHEDULE:
        TAYLOR SWIFT PARTY                          ERCMBSND                                                           Mondays:
                                                                                                                       Line Dancing at 10:00 AM
            August 6                                                                                                   Bingo at 12:00 PM
           John McIntire Library                    BYADFISH
        Auditorium, Storytime & Meeting Room A                                                                         Tuesdays:
           4PM - 6PM                                UXTSBHLB                                                           Golf Card Game at 10:00 AM
        Are you ready for it? Join us for an enchanted Tay-                                                            Hausey & Canasta at 12:00 PM
        lor Swift-themed event with friendship bracelets,   NZRDIDWV
        karaoke, dance fitness, trivia, snacks, and prizes!                                                            Wednesdays:
        Perfect  for fans  of all  ages. Register at events.                                                           Line Dancing at 10:00 AM                        NPEOREVM                                                           Thursdays:
        DRESDEN THURSDAY MARKET                     YENGDTKH                                                           Golf Card Game at 10:00 AM
           August 8                                                                                                    Hausey & Canasta at 12:00 PM
           Union Square (701 Chestnut Street)
           4PM - 8PM                                                                                                         Bonnie Longaberger
        Entertainment, local vendors, crafts, baked goods,   CAN YOU FIND THESE WORDS in                                         Senior Center
        produce. Union Square shops: Sage Redesign, Kin-                                                                   1348 Main Street, Dresden
        ney Home, Art and Decor, The Village Seamstress,   the puzzle above?
        Welcome Home Studios. 2024 Market dates:   8/8
        - 9/19 - 10/17 - 11/21 - 12/19.                                                                                MCCFS EVENTS
                                                                                                                       There is always something to do at the
        FLEETWOOD MAC EXPERIENCE                  DOG        BIRD                                                      Muskingum County Center for Seniors.
           August 10                                                                                                   Visit
           Secrest Auditorium and Music Hall      CAT        TURTLE                                                    Calendar/ for all upcoming events.
        FMX recreates the legendary look & sound of the                                                                       Muskingum County
        one and only Fleetwood Mac! For Information and   FISH  BUNNY
        tickets  visit                                                                     Center for Seniors
        fmx-at-secrest-auditorium                                                                                         160 N. 4th Street, Zanesville.
   8   9   10   11   12   13   14   15   16   17