Page 10 - Dresden Buzz 07-26-24
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PAGE 10 |  SPORTS                                                                                                        JULY 26 - AUGUST 8, 2024
        25th Annual Muskingum                                                    Senior Pioneers sweep

        University Athletic Department  doubleheader against

        Golf Outing A Huge Success                                               Columbus Mustangs                               by Matthew Dotson

        by Matthew Dotson

 SPORTS     Matthew Dotson

            Eaglesticks in Zanesville hosted the
                                                “The outing has two really important

        Muskingum University’s Annual Athletic  accomplishments,  or goals,  one is we
        Booster Golf Outing.  In this, their 25th  bring Alums together and they see each
        year of this signature fundraising event  other, some of them haven’t seen each
        for the Muskingum Athletic Department,  other for a long time, they have a good
        the  event hit full  capacity  of 34  four-  time, and  they  talk  with  one  another,
        somes, 136 golfers on June 4th, more  and that’s really important.  Muskingum
        than a full month before the event.  has a lot of connection to our Alums and
            The event was sponsored by twenty  they really are excellent both supporters
        different corporate sponsors and  was  and  fans  of the  institution,  so we  love
        organized  by  Muskingum  University’s  having  the opportunity  to  bring  them
        Athletic Department  Assistant  Director  together.  And the other reason is rais-
        Tom Caudill.   Coaches and  other ath-  ing money for the institution and for the
        letic department staff members helped  Athletic Department, that allows us to
        with the outing, working on things like  really provide good experiences for our
        sign-ins,  and  raffle  ticket  sales,  and  of  student-athletes  so it is an  important
        course, Magnus the Muskie was on hand  event for us.” stated Muskingum Univer-
        to greet golfers as they arrived.    sity President Sue Hasseler.
            To kickoff the day the crew at Eagle-     Overall the golfers enjoyed a beauti-
        sticks performed a ball drop on the prac-  ful day for 18 holes and are looking for-
        tice green just  outside  the clubhouse  ward to next year’s outing which will be
        where the ball that hit the designated  held at Eaglesticks on July 18th, 2025.
        hole would win a monetary prize.

                A BUZZ FUNNY
                by Logan Dotson

                                               Why did the

                                               barber win

                                                 the race?
                                                                                 Bryce Turner runs to tag out a Mustangs third base runner.    Matthew Dotson

                                                                                     On  their  trip  to  Zanesville  Sunday,  til they padded it with two more runs in
                                                                                 the  Mustangs  were hoping  for  good  the top of the fourth inning to take a 3
                                                                                 weather and  a  clean  sweep of  the  – 0 lead.  Columbus thought they were
                                                                                 doubleheader against the Pioneers.  In  home-free until  the bottom of the sev-
                                                                                 game one, Zanesville came out of the  enth inning when the Pioneers seemed
                                                                                 gate swinging first with a run in the top  to wake up with a triple by Tumblin to
                                                                                 of the  second inning when Church sin-  bring  in Church, followed by a walked
                                                                                 gled to right field driving home Lundell  batter and a ground out to second that
                                                                                 for the 1 – 0. Lead.  The Mustangs were  allowed Tumblin to score.  Pauley dou-
                                                                                 trying to battle back and finally tied the  bled next allowing Carder to score the ty-
                                                                                 game in the bottom of the fourth inning  ing run at 3 all.  Barclay flied out to cen-
                                                  He knows                       on  a  double  by Ritchey that drove in  ter setting two outs. Lundell stepped up
                                                                                 Neel.  In the very next play, Jacobs hit  to the plate and delivered a line drive to
                                                                                 a ground ball to shortstop and reached  left field and Pauley scored the winning
                                                      all of                     first on an error allowing Ritchey to score  run  at  4  –  3  Pioneers  not  only  ended
                                                                                 to take the 2 – 1 lead.  It looked as if the  the  game with a victory but  swept the
                                                          the                    Mustangs were going to take game one  doubleheader and sent Columbus home
                                                                                 but the Pioneers came back in the top of  empty-handed.
                                                      short                      the seventh to get the tying run off of an-     The Pioneer’s next game will be at
                                                                                 other single by Church driving in Lundell  the Gant Stadium in Zanesville on Satur-
                                                                                 to set the score at 2 all. In the top of the  day the 27th, game time is set for 8 pm
                                                        cuts!                Follow Logan on Facebook @artworkbylogandotson  eighth inning, Pauley doubled to right to  against the Arlington Tigers.
                                                                                 push in Neff and Carder for the go-ahead
                                                                                 runs they needed for a 4 – 2 victory in
                                                                                 game one.
                                                                                     The Mustangs were determined not

                                                                                                                         ADVERTISE IN THE DRESDEN BUZZ.
                                                                                 to make the same mistakes in  game
                                                                                 two and they came out swinging with a
                                                                                 run in the top of the first inning giving
                                                                                 them a 1 – 0 leg up that they held un-           740-270-2408
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