Page 11 - Dresden Buzz 07-26-24
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JULY 26 - AUGUST 8, 2024                                                                                                       EVENTS  | PAGE 11

 by Matthew Dotson
        SUMMER MOVIE CLUBHOUSE               KIDS NIGHT                           POWER AND PRECISION TOUR: AN        ment, games, and laughter  throughout  the day.
           through August 15                   July 27                            ENGINEERING EXPERIENCE              From the Pickleball Tournament and Relay Race to
                                                                                                                      Kids Games and Face Painting, there’s something
          Cinemark Colony Square Mall          Coopermill Manor                     July 31                           for everyone.
        (3575 Maple Ave, Zanesville)           4 - 7PM                              Zane State College
        Tickets Now On Sale! 10 Weeks Of Mega-fun Mov-  Hey  yall! We  are hosting a kids night !!!  We  will    4 - 6PM   DRESDEN MELON FESTIVAL
        ies for Kids. Bring the kids and enjoy exciting big-  have crafts, snacks and music !!!! Dress the kiddos   Join us for the Power and Precision Tour—an exclu-   August 3
        screen entertainment for just $1.75* per ticket for   up in pretty dresses or fancy clothes for the boys   sive journey into the cutting-edge world of electric
        each movie. Save even more on your visit with $1   and let the kids dance their little hearts out. This is   and  mechanical  engineering!  This unique  event    Dresden River Park
        OFF deals on kids’ snack packs and any size pop-  a free event for the community. Just want the kids   offers an insider’s look at our state-of-the-art fa-  (East Muskingum Avenue, Dresden)
        corn & drink combos during Summer Movie Club-  to have a fun night.       cilities, guided by program directors and success-  Parking at Tri-Valley High School
        house  showtimes.  More  information  at:  https://                       ful alumni currently making waves in the industry.     ALL DAY                                Discover the skills and innovations that ensure our   $1.00 admission until 4 p.m./ $2.00 after 4 p.m.
        summer-movie-clubhouse               LET’S GO MOTHING!                    graduates are among the most employable in to-
                                               July 27                            day’s job market. Don’t miss your chance to expe-  8:30  A.M.  TO  5:00  P.M.  SHUTTLE  SERVICE  WILL
        ICE CREAM SOCIAL                       Mission Oaks Gardens               rience the future of engineering firsthand! To pre-  BE AVAILABLE FROM TVHS PARKING LOT TO PARK
           July 26                             8:45PM                             register for this event please call 740.588.5000 or   AREA.
          Trinway United Methodist           Celebrate National Moth Week with us this Satur-  email
        (2nd Ave., Trinway)                  day,  July  27  at  Mission  Oaks  Gardens!  Program-                    EVENTS AT BOAT LAUNCH AREA:
                                             ming starts at 8:45pm. Experience the park after
                                                                                                                      5:30 a.m. - SMALL MOUTH TOURNAMENT SIGN-IN
           4PM - 7PM                         dark  in  search  of  nocturnal  critters!  Free!  Bring   SAVED BY THE 90’S - 90’S   6:00 a.m. - LAUNCH SMALL MOUTH
        Homemade ice cream, chicken noodles, baked   your camera and a flashlight. Learn more about   COVER BAND      9:15 a.m. - KID’S 100 YARD RACE
        beans, sloppy joes, pies and cookies.  National Moth Week here: https://nationalmoth-   August 1              9:30 a.m. - 5K/10K RACE
                                                                 Secrest Auditorium and Music Hall  10:00  a.m.  -  FLAG  RAISING/TRI-VALLEY  HIGH
        SQUARE  DANCE  WITH  PLEASANT                                               DJ Adonis at 5 PM, Band at 6:30 PM   SCHOOL BAND PERFORMS
        VALLEY BOYS                          VENDOR, FOOD TRUCK EVENT AND         2024 Secrest Summer Concert Series.   3:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m. – CRUISE IN
           July 26                           CRUISE-IN                            Secrest Auditorium parking lot. FREE admis-  RIVER PARK AREA:
          Muskingum County Center for Seniors   July 27                           sion                                9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. CRAFT SHOW
           6 - 9PM                             Sam Hatfield Stadium Duncan Falls                                      12:00pm    PETTING ZOO
        It’s time for a square dance! It’s great exercise, you    11AM - 4PM      FIRST FRIDAY ART WALK               11:00pm - 4:00 p. m.  KIDS’ GAMES
        can meet new friends and create lasting memo-  FREE  admission.  Chinese  Auction.  50/50,  Shop-   August 2  11:00pm - 4:00 p.m.   BOUNCE HOUSE
        ries! Doors open at 5:00 pm, calling starts at 6:00   ping, Food. Cruise-In will include door prizes, win-   Downtown Zanesville  12:00pm   CORNHOLE REGISTRATION
        pm. Admission is $3 per person and it’s open to   ner will be people’s choice. For information                1:00PM     CORNHOLE TOURNAMENT
        the public. Come on down, kick up your heels, and   - Call or Text: 740-683-9092.    5 - 8PM
        let’s make this square dance a night to remember!                         (some studios stay open until 9)    MAIN STAGE AREA:
                                                                                                                      1:00 p.m. – MELON DERBY
                                                                                  You are invited to join The Artist Colony of Zanes-
        MUSKINGUM COUNTY BLUE                VALERIE HICKMAN MEMORIAL             ville for the “ArtCoz” First Friday Art Walk! Zanes-  2:00 p.m. - SMALL MOUTH WEIGH-IN
        RIBBON FARMER’S MARKET               ALUMNI SOCCER GAME                   ville is home to a thriving art community rich with   2:30 p.m. – KIDS’ MELON EATING CONTEST
                                                                                                                      3:00 p.m. - KIDS’ SEED SPITTING CONTEST
           July 27                             July 28                            creativity and talent that encompasses a wide   12:00 p.m. – 11:00 p.m. –
                                                                                  variety of artistic mediums offering something
          Muskingum County Fairgrounds         Sulsberger Stadium Zanesville      for every taste and aesthetic. This community art   SONS OF THE AMERICAN LEGION BEER GARDEN
           9AM - 12PM                          Girl’s kick-off @ 6PM, Boy’s @ 7:15PM   walk is hosted by ArtCoz each first friday of every
        Continuing the tradition of hosting a Farmer’s Mar-  2024  T-shirts  available.  Order  by  July  16.   month, and is primarily located within Zanesville’s   Musical Entertainment:
        ket at the Muskingum County Fairgrounds featur- Proceeds will   downtown arts district  3:30 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. THE STICKS & STONES
        ing  home grown and  homemade products  from   benefit the Hickman Memorial Scholarship.                      6:00 p.m.  - 8:00 p.m.   BAREFOOT MCCOY
        local vendors. Markets are every Saturday 9AM -                           ARTCOZ Y-BRIDGE                     8:00 p.m. – 11:00 p.m.  APPALACHIAN OUTLAWS
        Noon  May- September
                                             PUTT 4 THE PAWS                      ARTS FESTIVAL                       UNION BAPTIST CHURCH

                                                                                    August 2 - 3
                                               July 28
        THE LIGHTNING THIEF - THE PERCY        Green Valley Golf Club               Located right off of Interstate 70 - 4th   PRESENTS THE 1ST ANNUAL
        JACKSON MUSICAL                      (4420 Dresden Road, Zanesville)      and Shinnick Streets                SUMMER EXTRAVAGANZA!
           July 26, 27, 28                                                          Aug, 2 - 2PM - 11PM Aug 3 - 11AM - 11PM    August 3
                                               8AM - 2PM
          Zanesville Community Theatre       Attention golfers! Join us for our 6h Annual Putt for   Over 70 local and regional artists & artisians    Union Baptist Church Zanesville
           Friday & Saturday performances begin at   Paws Golf Outing at Green Valley Golf Club! Check-  gather in historic Downtown Zanesville. Live mu-   1PM - 5PM
        7pm, Sundays at 2:30pm               in begins at 8am with a shotgun start scheduled   sic, great foods and children’s activities.      Please join us for a day of fun! Food, music and ac-
                                                                                  FREE admission.
        This musical is a modern, fun retelling of the clas-  for  9am.  Register your  4-person  team today -        tivities. All proceeds going to our Diana M. Martin
        sic Rick Riordan book.This show is for older teens   event will  be a “Best  Ball  Scramble”.  Skins and      Scholarship Fund, (Donations welcome). For more
        and young adults. For more information: https://  mulligans available for purchase - “Closest to the   PICKLEFEST 2024   information, contact: Brie Crump 740-586-9009 or
                                                                                                                      Kimberly Crump 740-562-7275                 pin” prizes for every hole. Register online at www.   August 3
                                     1st  place  team    Jaycee Riverside Park
        EDUCATION OF YESTERDAY               receives $500 2nd place team receives $300 3rd   (State Route 666, Zanesville)  READ & SHARE THE BUZZ ONLINE IN FULL
                                             place team receives $100. PACKAGES $500 “Top
        JEEP AND CRAFT SHOW                  Dog” Team Sponsorship  -  1 team  registration,  1    8AM - 2PM             COLOR - WWW.DRESDENBUZZ.COM
           July 27                           hole sponsorship and mentions on website, social   Pickleball  Tournament:  Whether  you’re  a  sea-
                                                                                  soned player or a newbie, grab your paddles and
          Old Mill                           media and local media. $250 Team - 1 team regis-  join  the  friendly  competition  on the  courts  from
        (3685 Cass Irish Ridge Rd, Dresden)   tration (does not include cart fee - cart is $13 and   8am to 11am. Delicious Eats: Indulge in mouthwa-  Schedule is subject to change.  The Dresden Buzz tries to
                                             payable to Green Valley the day of the event). $100
                                                                                                                      provide up-to-date event listings and information for area
           9AM - 6PM                         Hole Sponsorship - promote your business or show   tering treats from our food trucks, including tangy   events however, some events may end up being canceled,
        Awards  1st, 2nd,  3rd Place,  Most original  and   your personal support for our Shelter with a hole   pickles and other delectable delights. Food trucks   rescheduled, etc. between the time we compile them for
        People’s choice. Jeep entry $20. Registration 1PM   sponsorship - sign will be displayed at the event.  and vendors will be open from 10am to 2pm. But   print and the time the event occurs.  It is always a good
        - 4PM. (All Jeeps welcome) Judging starts at 4PM                          we will have a coffee vendor at 8am! Community   idea to double check event times and details before at-
        Winners announced at 6PM. 50/50 Raffle tickets,   BINGO - EVENT BY TRI-VALLEY   Fun: Bring your family and friends! Enjoy entertain-  tending.
        Lottery basket. Food and drinks available for pur-
        chase. All proceeds go to Country Crossroads Edu-  BAND BOOSTERS
        cation of Yesterday. Call or text 740-562-0097 or    July 28
        740-562 0095 for information.          Buds
                                               Doors open at 4PM
        CIVIL WAR LIVING                     $2,000 in payouts, Kings & Queens seal and in-
        HISTORY WEEKEND                      stant tickets and the Dawg Bowl is played every
           July 27 & 28                      game! Doors open at 4 and games begin at 6 at
          Historic Prospect Place            BUDS on 146 (old Nashport elementary)!
        (12150 Main Street, Trinway
           10AM - 5PM (Sat.), 10AM - 4PM (Sun.)  MUSKINGUM UNIVERSITY TO HOST
        Free  Admission.    $1.00  Parking  fee.    Cannon  WEEK-LONG CODING DAY CAMP
        demo  every  hour,  flag  raising  at  10:30AM,  flag    July 29 - August 2
        lowering a half hour before the event ends for the    Muskingum University
        day.  Abraham Lincoln will be on site at noon and
        at 2PM for a few appropriate remarks and a Q&A    10AM - 4PM
        on Saturday only.  A ladies tea at 1PM will also   The camp teaches students how to code mobile
        be held on Saturday.  “Ohio in the Civil War” Mark   apps. In groups of up to three, students will iden-
        Holbrook will be on Sunday at noon. A ladies fash-  tify a problem and create a mobile application to
        ion shop will also be on Sunday at 2PM.  All pro-  address it using an online drag and drop program-
        ceeds benefit the preservation and restoration of   ming tool. The camp is free to all students ages
        the Prospect Place Mansion and estate.  Prospect   10 to 15 years old. Lunch will be provided. Go
        Place is owned and operated by the G.W. Adams   to to register or to learn
        Educational  Center,  an  all-volunteer,  Ohio  regis-  more about the camp.
        tered 501-c-3 nonprofit organization.
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