Page 14 - Dresden Buzz 07-26-24
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PAGE 14 | ANNOUNCEMENTS/OBITUARY                                                                                         JULY 26 - AUGUST 8, 2024
        Alice in                             OBITUARY                                                                 Improvements

        wonder land                          Ruth A. Cunningham                                                       and changes at

        By Alice Stratman Smith                                                                                       the Frazeysburg

            What a relief in the temperature this                                 in  the Scouts and  the  Child  Conserva- Swimming Pool
        morning,  Monday,  July  22nd  in  Zanes-                                 tion League (CCL). She adored antiques,
        ville, Ohio at 73 degrees.  The hot weath-                                collectibles, traveling, and shopping. Of-     Mayor  Fred  Wolford  of  the  Village
        er has not  effected me  since I moved                                    ten, she could be found at the nearest  of Frazeysburg is excited to inform the
        from Ohio in 2006 to San Saba, Texas                                      TJ Maxx, armed with a fistful of receipts  public of improvements and changes he
        and hotter in San Fernando, Mexico for                                    and  a  large  bag  of  returns,  ready  to  has made to increase the efficiency and
        mission  work.  The  hot temperatures                                     charm the staff with her infectious smile  public confidence in the community of-
        have  been described  as ‘hotter than                                     and witty remarks.                  fering.
        a  firecracker’,  ‘hot  as  a  fried  egg’  and                              Her larger-than-life personality meant     The  Frazeysburg  Pool  has  been  in
        ‘hotter than hell’.  I have seen a hot fire-                              she  never met a stranger, no matter  existence since the early 1970s and was
        cracker and a hot egg but I don’t want                                    where in the world she was. Ruth’s hu-  deeded to the Village in 1974 to be used
        to see how hot hell is!  The presidential                                 mor, occasionally risqué but always de-  solely  for  the purpose  of  a  community
        election is heating up  but this column                                   lightful, left smiles on countless faces.  pool by the Tri-Valley School District.
        will not go into politics.                                                She is survived by her devoted husband     As many  fond  childhood  memo-
            My companion cat Dinah and I are                                      Glenn Cunningham, daughter Kelly Cun-  ries have been made for generations of
        on our porch as I write this.  She wants to                               ningham,  granddaughter Caylee King  swimmers who have cooled  off  in  the
        be with me because I was gone for four      Ruth  A.  Cunningham  (Jamison),  (Cunningham),  and  her beloved dog  summer months at the Pool, Mayor Wol-
        days with my daughter Jenny visiting my   born January 3, 1940, passed away on  Rosie.  Ruth  was  preceded  in  death  by  ford  and  the  Village  Council  work  dili-
        granddaughter  and  family  in  Franklin,   July 17, 2024, surrounded by family at  her son Clay Cunningham in 2015.  gently to maintain the pool and provide
        Tenn.  Susan fed and gave great care of   Morrison House after a courageous bat-     In lieu of traditional services, Ruth’s  recreation for many.
        her while I was gone.                tle with Alzheimer’s.                family will hold a celebration of life at     Most recently the restoration of one
            In the devotional The Word for you      Ruth was a loving wife, mother, grand-  a later date, ensuring her legacy of joy  of the pools diving boards was complete
        Today on July 11th the title is Are You   mother, and  friend  to all  who had  the  and love lives on. Donations to Alzheim-  and available to the sun bathers.
        A  Workaholic?...God  measures  with  a   pleasure of knowing her. Born to Theo-  er’s Association, Greater East Ohio Area     The  activity was funded  by two lo-
        different yardstick.  He won’t ask about   dore  (Teddy)  R.  Jamison  and  Cozy  M.  Chapter,  1815  W.  Market  Street,  Suite  cal grants; AEP Tri-Valley grant in 2022
        your  politics  or the  color  of your  skin,   Paynter, Ruth’s life was filled with love,  301,  Akron,  OH  44313,  are  requested  purchased the diving board and the re-
        but about the quality of your character.    laughter, and  a touch of mischievous-  in lieu of flowers. Ruth would appreciate  quired cement around the diving board
        Proverbs 3:6 TLB...Put God first, and He   ness.                          knowing  her  passing  could  help  find  a  was purchased with a grant provided by
        will crown your efforts with success.        Married to Glenn E. Cunningham on  cure for the disease that took her from  The  Schooler  Foundation.  In  2023  The
                                             July  8,  1961,  at  the  Dresden  United  us.                           Schooler Foundation gave the grant that
                                             Methodist Church by Reverend Maxwell,     Ruth, may you find endless bargains  satisfied the Ohio Department of Health
                                             their long lasting marriage was a testa-  and laughter in the great shopping mall  requirements for the  cement portion of
                                             ment to true love and partnership. Ruth  in the sky.                     the  project and  was poured  this sum-
         ISSUES OF THE DRESDEN BUZZ ARE ALSO   graduated  from  Jefferson  High  School                               mer just before the 2024 season began.
                ONLINE IN FULL COLOR!        in  Dresden,  Ohio,  and  furthered  her                                 Many thanks to Tim Besser with Besser
               WWW.DRESDENBUZZ.COM           education at Ohio University Zanesville.   SEND YOUR COMMUNITY           Concrete for the donation of additional
                                             Her professional life saw her thrive as a   ANNOUNCEMENTS TO             cement needed to bring the pool into a
                                             banker and in the healthcare field.       INFO@DRESDENBUZZ.COM.          better working order.
                                                Ruth was a community pillar, involved                                     On  June  25,  2024  Mayor  Wolford
                                                                                                                      and Council took a step to better serve
                                                                                 Gospel Sings                         the  Community by adding  Pool  Super-
                                                                                                                      visor  Andrea  Janssen  to  the  team.  An-
                                                                                                                      drea’s love for the pool and the commu-
                                                                                                                      nity are apparent in her daily dedication
                                                                                  July 26 - Trinway UMC
                                                                                  August 2 - First Baptist Church Dresden  to  the happenings of  the pool  and  the
                                                                                                                      customer service she provides to the pa-
                                                                                  August 16 - First Baptist Church Dresden  trons.
                                                                                  August 23 - Trinway UMC                 The  Village  of  Frazeysburg  Pool  is
                                                                                  August 30 - New Hope Church         open Memorial Day through Labor Day;
                                                                                                                      Sunday through Saturday from Noon to
                                                                                  All Gospel Sings start at 7pm.      7 p.m.  The pool  offers  private parties
                                                                                  For questions call Mary Lee at      by scheduling with Andrea at 740-817-
                                                                                  740-624-3985                        5027.

                                                                                                                      Help is needed to

                                                                                                                      fill bare shelves

                                                                                                                      at Christ’s Table

                                                                                                                          The  Muskingum County Junior Fair
                                                                                                                      Board is set to Fight the Hunger in our
                                                                                                                      community  during this year’s  Musking-
                                                                                                                      um County Fair, but we need your help!
                                                                                                                      Donate food or sign up to help with col-
                                                                                      Bible-based character           lection:
                                                                                                                          Donations can be made at the fair
                                                                                    education during school           by dropping off canned food at the trail-
                                                                                                                      er  by  the  Junior  Fair  Office  during  fair
                                                                                    hours (specials or lunch).        week and/or you can bring four cans of
                                                                                                                      vegetables to any gate on Monday, Au-
                                                                                                                      gust 12 from 7 a.m. to 1 p.m. to gain
                                                                                                                      free admission to  the fair.  All  canned
                                                                                                                      food will be donated to Christ’s Table.
                                                                                                                          Last year, more than 15,000 pounds
                                                                                                                      of food was collected and we are hoping
                                                                                                                      for more in 2024. What a way to make a
                                                                                                                      difference in our community!

                                                                                                                            HAVE A POSITIVE NEWS TIP?
                                                                                                                            CALL OR TEXT 740-270-2408.
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