Page 11 - Dresden Buzz 09-06-24
P. 11

SEPTEMBER 6 - 19, 2024                                                                                                         SPORTS  | PAGE 11
        Tri-Valley football kicks off promising 2024 campaign with

        Meadowbrook, Licking Heights wins

        by Gregg Meadows
                                                                                  wasn’t near enough to spoil Tri-Valley’s   14-6 lead.
                                                                                  2024 season – and home – opener at      But Meadowbrook found the  end
                                                                                  Jack Anderson Stadium, as the Scotties   zone again on a Huey to Braylon Lowery
                                                                                  started  slow,  but  finished  fast,  in  dis-  short scoring  toss.  Another failed  Colt
                                                                                  mantling the one-dimensional Colts 43-  PAT  left the  score 14-6  with just 1:28
                                                                                  12.                                 left before halftime.
                                                                                     Host Tri-Valley held a slim 7-6 lead      But that was enough time for anoth-
                                                                                  at the first quarter break, and just a 21-  er  Tri-Valley  scoring  drive, as  the Scot-
                                                                                  12 halftime advantage against a Mead-  ties manufactured a  last-minute push
                                                                                  owbrook squad that went 4-6 last sea-  across the goal line which was capped
                                                                                  son.                                by an  athletic,  leaping  19-yard  scoring
                                                                                     But a 22-point second half and de-  catch in  the  end zone  from senior  Ke-
                                                                                  fensive shutout in the final two quarters   aton Hahn on a Lyall pass for a 21-12
                                                                                  for  the black-and-gold  defenders sent   halftime lead.
                                                                                  the  big  Jack Anderson  Stadium  crowd      Scottie  freshman running  back
                                                                                  home happy with a big season-opening   Leevi Wade capped the opening drive of
                                                                                  win over the scrappy Colts.         the second half with a three-yard short-
         Scottie ‘D’ in action! The TV Scottie defense - who held host Licking Heights to just 185      Tri-Valley  struck  first,  scoring  on  a   scoring burst, and another McCullough
         yards of total offense in their Aug. 30 shutout 31-0 win - is pictured above in action.  first quarter drive that culminated in a   PAT saw the black-and-gold take a 28-
            Gregg Meadows                                                         short scoring pass from senior All-Ohio-  12 lead to the fourth quarter of play.
                                                                                  an  QB  Max Lyall,  to standout  two-way      A Max Lyall to Ryan Lamonica 53-
            It’s no secret that expectations are  while Keaton Hann led Scottie receivers   man  Kam  Karns.  A point-after-touch-  yard  connection down  the  middle  of
         high  for  this year’s  Tri-Valley  football  with five grabs good for 73 yards and two   down placement kick rom All-Ohio kick-  the field resulted in a touchdown, with
         team.                               scores, while Kade Hindel added four re-  er Bode  McCullough  (who was  62-62   Lamonica putting the icing on the cake
            With 18 seniors and the same num-  ceptions for 50 yards, Landon Clapper,   last year on PAT kicks) gave the hosts a   with a two-point conversion run at 9:36
         ber  of returning  lettermen from last  three catches for 28 yards, and Ryan La-  7-0 lead.                  of the fourth quarter. Lyall and Keaton
         year’s MVL  title  team, the  target has  monica a pair of snares, with one a 35-     But the visiting Colts marched down   Hahn  put  the  finishing  touches  on  the
         been squarely fixed on the backs of fifth-  yard touchdown. Jayden Wallace caught   the  field  on  the  arm  of  Justice  Huey,   win,  hooking  up from six yards out at
         year Coach Cam West’s Scottie jerseys.  three Lyall aerials, and Carter Dinan two   eventually  scoring  on  a  Huey one-yard   7:49, and McCullough’s fifth PAT of the
            And  in  the  first  two  weeks  of  the  catches as well for the winners.  keeper for  six points  late in  the open-  night cemented the final 43-12 tally.
         season, Tri-Valley has handled the pres-     Defensively for the Dawgs, Tri-Valley   ing frame. The PAT failed, and the host      Statistically  for  the  winners, Lyall
         sure of the expectations, as the Scotties  junior  defensive back Ryan  Lamonica   Scotties took a 7-6 lead into the second   was a solid 14 of 20, good for 230 yards
         defeated Meadowbrook  43-12 in  the  led  the way  with  a  school-record  tying   quarter.                  and  four  scores,  while  Lamonica  led
         home and season opener back on Aug.  three  interceptions  and  four  tackles      Tri-Valley  senior  special  teams   Scottie receivers with five grabs for 121
         23 at Jack Anderson Stadium, then took  while teammate  Chris  Gargasz, Kade   standout  Carter  Dinan  then  electrified   yards and a touchdown. Hahn added a
         care of business on the road on Aug. 30  Hindel, Derek Frueh, Boston Smith led a   the huge home crowd midway through   pair of snares for 25 yards and two six-
         at  Licking  Heights, blanking  the host  Scottie defense that held the host Hor-  the second period, hauling in a second-  pointers, and the versatile Kade Hindel
         Hornets by a 31-0 count for a quick 2-0  nets to 185 total yards of offense, and   quarter Meadowbrook punt on his own   caught  two  Lyall  aerials  for  67 yards.
         start to the 2024 season.           more  importantly,  pitched  a  shutout,   18-yard  line  and  evading  Colt tacklers   Scottie freshman Leevi Wade led TV on
            In the Licking Heights win, the Scot-  keeping the host Hornets off the score-  all the way to the end zone for an 82-  the ground, toting the pigskin 16 times
         ties and Hornets battled to a scoreless  board.                          yard  touchdown  return.  Another Mc-  for 59 tough yards and a third quarter
         tie after  one  quarter  of  play,  but  the     This Friday night, Sep. 6 in Dresden   Cullough PAT gave the black-and-gold a   score as well.
         Scotties got a Bode McCullough 23-yard  at Jack Anderson Stadium, the Scotties
         field  goal,  then  a  late  second  quarter  host Div. IV powerhouse and three-time
         Max Lyall to Keaton Hahn 10-yard score  state champ Clinton Massie in a much-
         and led 10-0 at halftime.           anticipated rematch of last season’s
            It was all  Tri-Valley in  the second  battle on the Falcons home field, where
         half,  as Lyall  found  Ryan  Lamonica  the Scotties fell 24-14.
         across the middle for a third quarter, 35-     Clinton  Massie enters Jack Ander-
         yard scoring hookup at the 8:49 mark,  son Stadium  with a 1-1  start  to their
         then a  10-yard scoring  dash  from All-  season,  after a season opening  31-21
         Ohio Scottie senior running back Jayden  win over Waynesville, but a 31-15 loss
         Wallace for a 24-0 lead headed to the  to state power Coldwater last Friday
         fourth quarter.                     night.  The  Falcons  are primarily  a run-
            A Max Lyall to Keaton Hahn 14-yard  ning team, evidenced by last year’s 257
         scoring strike with just 2:14 left in the  yards rushing vs. the Scotties in a hefty
         game capped scoring for the visitors, as  49 carries;  and  nothing  has  changed
         a fourth Bode McCullough Pat provided  since last season, for the ground-domi-
         the final points in the 31-0 win.   nated Falcon attack.
            Statistically  for  the  winners, Max     Kick-off is set for 7:00 p.m. at ‘The
         Lyall finished with 19 completions in 33  Jack’.
         attempts, good for 230 yards and three     In  the  season  opening  Meadow-
         scores, but two interceptions as well.  brook win, the Colts 6-0 senior quarter-
            Senior  Jayden  Wallace  made  his  back Justice Huey completed 41 passes
         season  debut  (after  missing  the  first  in  55 attempts for  382  yards  and  a
         game with an injury) a good one, rush-  touchdown.
         ing 24 times for 129 yards and a score,     But Huey’s one-man offensive show


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