Page 10 - Dresden Buzz 09-06-24
P. 10

PAGE 10 | SPORTS                                                                                                          SEPTEMBER 6 - 19, 2024
        Foxfire Phoenix football team is battling hard to get back on

        track after two recent losses                                       by Matthew Dotson

        The Phoenix rush onto the field as the Foxfire cheer squad welcomes them.    Lynette Dotson

            After a strong opening, Foxfire has  by the end of the first quarter.  ter of play as the Wildcats tallied up a
        faced a couple  of tough teams that     Peebles opened the second quarter  22-point lead.  Just before the intermis-
        have them fighting to regain their foot-  with a touchdown run off of a punt re-  sion the Phoenix were able to grab eight
        ing. With a fledgling team and fairly un-  turn that pushed them to a 32-point and  points narrowing the gap.
        known competitors, it will undoubtedly  aided  in  their overall  momentum that     As the two teams met back up on
        take some time for the Foxfire Phoenix  ended in a 45 – 0 victory for the Peebles  the field, Foxfire was ready to fight, and
        to get rolling down the road to success,  Indians.                       fight they did!  The Phoenix were fired
        but they are taking steps to learn from                                  up,  pushing  downfield  as  hard  as  they
        each game and get stronger as they go.  Vs Paden City WV (8/31)          could and building their score up to 24
                                                Back at home on the 31st, Foxfire  total points, but not before the Wildcats
        Vs Peebles Indians (8/24)            held their homecoming awards ceremo-  ended their scoring run at 38.  The Phoe-
            On  the  road to Peebles, Ohio,  the  ny before facing off against the visiting  nix came close to making a full come-
        Phoenix were pumped up following their  Paden City Wildcats.  After an extended  back but fell to their visitors.
        big win at their home opener.  However,  drought in the  area,  the  game  started     The Next game for Foxfire is sched-
        the Indians had been preparing for their  with an unfamiliar site, rain was off and  uled for September 14th, against North
        visitors and after a few minutes of play  on as the two teams started their battle.   Adams.
        opened  up  the scoring  that eventually     Try as they might the Foxfire offense
        led to a 24 – 0 lead for the home team  couldn’t  get  a  break  in  the  first  quar-                        Sean Smith & Jullianna Campbell - 2024
                                                                                                                      Foxfire Homecoming King & Queen
                                                                                                                         Lynette Dotson

        John Glenn Lil’ Muskies girl’s soccer team fighting a rough start

        to the season                    by Matthew Dotson

                                                                                 Vs Bishop Rosecrans (9/3)            much like the first with the two teams
                                                                                     Back on the trail, this time to near-  battling  in  the heat to see  who would
                                                                                 by Bishop Rosecrans High School.  John  give  first.  Tri-Valley’s  Maddie  Garber
                                                                                 Glenn started off strong but Bishop’s se-  landed  a  shot  on  the  goal  for  the  first
                                                                                 nior Sydnee Maxwell landed a goal off of  and only score of the game taking a 1
                                                                                 an assist by her classmate Maddi Pugh  – 0 win over the visiting John Glenn girls
                                                                                 to take a 1 – 0 lead.                after a 10 – 3 shot on goal advantage.
                                                                                     In the Second half of the game, both     Faith  Lemon  had  five  saves  in  the
                                                                                 teams fought  hard  and  neither team  game while Mackenzie Harvey had four
                                                                                 was able to break the defenses to score  saves.
                                                                                 ending the game with Rosecrans taking
                                                                                 a 1 – 0 win.                         Vs Athens (8/24)
                                                                                     Faith Lemon had four saves for the     On  the road  to Plains,  Ohio  Satur-
                                                                                 Lil’ Muskies.                        day, the Lil Muskies were headed to face
                                                                                     John  Glenn  will  face  Sheridan  at  the Athens Lady Bulldogs in a non-con-
                                                                                 their home field on Wednesday, Septem-  ference game. As the girls took action it
                                                                                 ber 11.  Game time is set for 7:30pm.  was clear to see that Athens had com-
                                                                                                                      mand of the ball landing three shots on
                                                                                 Vs Tri-Valley (8/29)                 the net in the first half of the game.  Af-
                                                                                     The ladies from New Concord made  ter a brief break, the Muskies were back
                                                                                 their  way to  Dresden to  play the Scot-  at it trying to build up steam to hopefully
                                                                                 ties at Kenny Wolford Park on Thursday.   get the game back on  track.   Unfortu-
                                                                                 Both teams being  long-standing  rivals  nately, the girls were not able to gain any
                                                                                 the Lady  Dawgs were hoping  to  con-  ground in fact the Lady Bulldogs forced
                                                                                 tinue their winning season with a home  their way into another goal to round out
                                                                                 victory.  The first half was a battle with  their score for the game and take the 4
                                                                                 John Glenn fighting off multiple scoring  – 0 victory.
                                                                                 attempts from the Scotties but did not     Faith Lemon had five saves with a
        John Glenn’s Ella Starrett battles TV’s Caydee Shoenleben for possession of the ball.  manage  a  goal  of  their  own  and  both  total nine shots on goal by Athens.
           Matthew Dotson                                                        teams ended the first half scoreless.
                                                                                     The  second half  of the game was
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