Page 3 - Dresden Buzz 10-04-24
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OCTOBER 4 - 17, 2024                                                                                                      LOCAL NEWS    | PAGE 3
                                             Tri-Valley FFA Forestry Judging Team places 3rd
                                             in the state, breaking school record
        “Fall” into

        By: Alexus Masterson, MPH,
        Family & Consumer Sciences Educator
        Ohio State University Extension,
        Muskingum County

            So, if you have been reading for a few
        months now, you know I enjoy discussing
        topics on mental wellbeing and today is no
        different. Fall weather is very crisp and is
        sometimes accompanied by warm beams
        of sunshine, make some time and go out-
        doors by trail, by bike, on the water, or on
        a quiet park bench nearby. Southeast Ohio
        is gorgeous in the fall and has many trails
        and attractions like Dillon State Park and
        The Wilds which are housed here in Musk-
        ingum County. Simplicity is key just by no-  Saturday, September 28, the Tri-Valley FFA Forestry judging team placed 3rd in the state, the highest finish Tr-Valley has ever had in this contest. The contest
        ticing the changing of the season, smells   requires them to timber cruise trees measuring board feet of logs, identify trees from leaves, utilize topographical maps, identify tools used in forestry and to
        and sounds that are around you. Did you   identify lumber products. The top finisher was Jackson Staugh, followed by William Dearing, Caiden Hogue, Eli McDonald, Addison Woerner, Katherine Staf-
        know  that  food  heavily  influences  our   ford, Avery Stewart, Aaron Mconnell, Dyllon Ault, Cameron Hogue, Ryan Griefenstine, Bradyn Klein, Aident Swartz, Gerran Matthews, Allison Scurlock, Ethan
        emotions? When  we “eat  our  emotions”   Woerner, and Abigail Stafford.    submitted
        we tend to find foods that comfort us and
        bring  pleasant  memories. Holidays are
        great examples of food feeding our brains   Muskingum University ranks 1st among Ohio
        in more ways than one. Mindfulness is a
        way that we can engage our bodies to be
        fully  aware,  a  great  way to  do  that is  by   schools for second year in U.S. News & World
        engaging  our  five  senses  in  taste,  smell,
        sight,  feel, and  sound  the Ardent  Grove   Report University Rankings
        Foundation  provides great  examples  of                                                             Submitted
            Fall  foods  such as soup,  warm  pie,     For the second year, Muskingum Uni-  undergraduate students are eligible for  institutions on 17 key measures of aca-
        turkey dinners bring  multiple  senses  to-  versity is a top  performer  among  Ohio  Pell Grants.           demic quality  for National  Universities
        gether to turn it into a mindful moment.   universities in  the U.S.  News  &  World    The 2025 U.S. News & World Report  and 13 for National Liberal Arts Colleg-
        Appreciate the smell,  taste, and  texture   Report 2025 rankings for the Regional  Best  Colleges rankings  are  now  in  its  es,  Regional  Universities  and  Regional
        of  your  favorite foods.  Sit outside  on  a   Midwest. The  University ranked 1st  40th  year. The  latest  edition  assesses  Colleges.
        crisp fall evening and feel the warm food   among  Ohio  universities both  in  Best  1,500  U.S.  bachelor’s  degree-granting
        against the cool air and all the things you   Value Schools and in Social Mobility. The
        are grateful for or looking forward to. On-  University ranked 8th  and  7h, respec-
        tario Parks mention other activities which   tively, among all universities in the Re-
        include journaling/drawing, birdwatching,   gional Midwest.
        and  photo walking.  These  experiences     “One of our institutional values is pro-
        may allow you to see new places and try
        an activity you would not ordinarily choose   viding  access  for all  learners to an  af-
        to  relieve stress and  bring  back balance   fordable  and  exceptional  educational
        to your life. So, this season, take time to   experience that prepares  them for  a
        have mindful moments wherever you are   great  future,”  President  Susan  S. Has-
        and look forward to the changes that lie   seler said.  “The  rankings  acknowledge
        ahead!                               the work we are doing to ensure all our
                                             students thrive.”
        SOURCES:                               Affordability  matters  in  finding  the
        Levin, V. (2019, October 9). Five Fall Mindfulness Exercises. Ardent   best fit school. To determine which col-
        Grove Foundation.
        fall-mindfulness-exercises           leges and universities offer the best val-
        Ontario Parks. (2023, October, 10). 5 ways to practice fall mind-
        fulness.  ue for students, U.S. News & World Re-
                                             port factors academic quality and cost
        Free mammograms                      after accounting for total expenses and
                                             financial aid. According to U.S. News &
        in October          Submitted        World Report, “only schools ranked in or
                                             near the top half of their categories are
          Several  community  businesses  and   included  because  U.S.  News considers
        healthcare  organizations  are partnering   the most significant values to be among
        to offer free mammograms to those who   colleges that are above average aca-
        can’t afford one due to lack of insurance,   demically.”
        being  under-insured  or not  having the     At Muskingum  University,  100 per-
        ability to pay. Coconis Furniture, Marquee   cent of the  undergraduate population
        Broadcasting  (WHIZ-TV), Genesis Health-  receives  financial  aid,  which  is  made
        Care System, Muskingum County Commu-  possible through support received from
        nity Foundation, Southeastern Ohio Breast   alumni and friends of the University in
        and Cervical Cancer Project, and Riverside   addition to state and federal funds. With
        Radiology/Lucid Health are committed to   that  financial  aid,  the  cost  to  attend
        ensuring  area  residents receive  this life-  Muskingum  is  comparable  to  that of
        saving breast cancer screening regardless   Ohio’s four-year public institutions.
        of their ability to pay.               Students with economic  challenges
          During  the  month of October, National
        Breast  Cancer  Awareness Month,  vouch-  are less likely than others to finish col-
        ers for free mammograms are available at   lege. The Top Performers in Social Mo-
        Coconis Furniture locations and the Gen-  bility rankings are given to schools that
        esis Cancer  Care  Center for  community   focus  on  students who are  from low-
        members to pick up.  Mammograms  will   income backgrounds, by “enrolling and
        be conducted at the  Genesis  HealthPlex   graduating  students who received fed-
        in  Zanesville  or  the  Genesis Coshocton   eral Pell Grants.” Social mobility consid-
        Medical Center by the end of 2024, free of   ers graduation rates for students who re-
        charge.                              ceived federal Pell Grants, financial aid
          For  more information,  contact  Pebbles   that is typically reserved for those with
        Kieber, Director, Genesis Cancer, Palliative   annual household family incomes below
        Medicine  and  Hospice  Services, at (740)   $50,000. Close to half of Muskingum’s
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