Page 6 - Dresden Buzz 10-04-24
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PAGE 6 |  SPORTS                                                                                                            OCTOBER 4 - 17, 2024
        Scottie football takes 6-0 record into Week 7 game vs. River

        View on Hall of Fame Night at Jack Anderson Stadium                                                                       by Gregg Meadows

        Running back Jayden Wallace prepares to evade a tackle from Maysville defense.    Matthew Dotson
            Six  weeks  into the  2024  football  touchdowns,  breaking  Nate  Strock’s   end zone visit in the fourth rounded out  a pair of 11-yard rushing scores by an-
        season, Coach Cam West and his high-  school record 68 career TD tosses ear-  scoring for the winners.        other All-Ohioan, senior tailback Jayden
        flying  Scottie  gridiron  squad  have  not  lier this season, and now is up to 82 ca-     Maysville’s  20 points  came on  a  Wallace, as two Bode McCullough PATs
        only fashioned an unbeaten 6-0 record,  reer scoring tosses.             Kade Rock to Gator Nichols TD connec-  had  the  Scotties  up  20-0  at  the  first
        but they’ve done it in convincing style for     But in the Maysville game, the Scot-  tion,  a Keaton  Bryan  15-yard  run,  and  break.
        the most part.                       tie talented 6’ 2” signal caller also sur-  a  95-yard  kickoff return  from Landon     Host New  Lexington  got on  the
            In  their  first  six  games,  the  Scot-  passed the TVHS football career yardage   Iden.                board at 7:37 of the second quarter on
        ties have averaged 43 points per game,  mark held by Strock as well.  Strock’s      Statistically for the Scotties: Top re-  an Isaiah Stephens for a 2-yard touch-
        while allowing just under 10 points per  6,318 career passing yards was tops for   ceivers - Keaton Hahn (five catches/102  down pass to Paul Stenson, but the Scot-
        contest.                             TV until Friday night’s Lyall performance,   yds.,  3 TDs), Hindel  (4-43  yds  and  a  ties answered with two more scores – a
            Last  Friday night’s  66-20 win,  on  as Max now has the record with 6,379   score); Ryan Lamonica (2-78 yds., and a  Lyall  to Lamonica  six-pointer that cov-
        Homecoming Night at Jack  Anderson  career yards through the air, through six   score) Jayden Wallace – 55 yards in 10  ered 47 yards, then a last-second Lyall
        Stadium  over visiting  Maysville,  was  games into his senior season.   rushes and also 3 catches for 55 yards  to Keaton Hahn touchdown hookup from
        further proof  of  the way  the Tri-Valley     Tri-Valley’s seven first half scores in   and score. Isaiah Doyle (58 yds in five  26 yards out with just five seconds left
        football  machine  has  steamrolled  five  the  Maysville  win  included:  Lyall’s  first   carries and a score). Bode McCullough  before halftime.
        of their first six opponents. The Scotties  period  nine-yard toss to Keaton  Hahn,   was 8-8 on PATs.            The Scotties forced a running clock
        scored seven touchdowns – and a safety  a 33-yard hookup with Ryan Lamonica      Defensively for  the Dawgs: Kam  in the third quarter after Max Lyall’s first
        – in the first two quarters, then utilized  (followed by a two-point conversion run   Karns, Derek Frueh, and Casen Baker all  rushing score of his career, a four-yard
        a second half running clock to cruise to  by  Lamonica),  another scoring toss  to   had interceptions, while Ashton Winner  QB  sneak up  the middle  that gave Tri-
        the win.                             Hahn (54 yds.), and an 18-yard run from   and Derek Frueh were the top TV tack-  Valley a 41-7 lead at 7:49.
            Tri-Valley  senior  All-Ohio quarter-  Jayden  Wallace  for  a 31-7  headed  to   lers.                   The host Panthers found the end zone in
        back Max Lyall threw for a career-high  the second quarter. Lyall’s three second      This Friday night, the Scotties host  the fourth quarter, with 4:30 left in the
        tying six touchdowns in the game (in just  period  TD passes  were to Hahn  (eight   River  View at Jack  Anderson Stadium,  game for the game’s final 41-14 tally.
        two quarters of play) and 317 total yards  yards), Wallace (27 yards), then an 18-  where in a pre-game ceremony, former  Offensively for the winners, Max Lyall fin-
        on his 16 completions as the host Scot-  yard bullet in the end zone to Kade Hin-  Tri-Valley  football great and All-Ohioan  ished his big night connecting on 10 of
        ties led 52-7  at  the halftime intermis-  del on the last play of the first half.  Nate Strock,  softball  All-Ohioan  Riley  his 16 attempted passes good for 252
        sion.                                   Scottie freshman Leevi Wade added   Paxson, and the 2017 Scottie D-III state  yards  and  three scoring  aerials,  while
            Lyall  already owns  the  Tri-Valley  a 17-yard scoring scamper in the third   runnerup  football  team  (coached by  Jayden Wallace led Scottie rushers with
        school-record  career  mark for most  period,  then  an  Isaiah  Doyle  five-yard   Justin Buttermore) will be honored with  his game-high 108 yards in 18 attempts
                                                                                 their induction into the TVHS Athletic  and two scores, and two catches for 18
                                                                                 Hall of Fame.                        yards as well.
                                                                                     Back on  Friday night,  September
                                                                                                                          Ryan  Lamonica  led Scottie receiv-
                                            Purchase                               20 at New Lexington, Tri-Valley won the  ers, hauling in four Lyall tosses good for
                                                                                 battle of unbeatens with their 41-14 win  a whopping 177 yards and two TDs, with
                                            Your Copy                            over the host Panthers.              Keaton Hahn adding a pair of snags for
                                                                                 Visiting Tri-Valley racked up five first half  34  yards, and  Kaden  Hindel  a pair  of
                                                                                 scores to lead 34-7 at intermission, then  grabs  for  23 yards.  Bode McCullough
                                                                                 cruised in the second half to remain per-  was five-for-six on PATs for the winners.
                                            at the Next fect on their 2024 season at the midway  Defensively for the Dawgs, Chris Gargasz
                                                                                 point of the regular season.         led TV tacklers with 6.5 stops including
                                            Home Game!                             on  the  Panthers  first  possession,  the  nan  was  right  behind  with  five  tackles
                                                                                     After forcing a New Lexington punt  two tackles for a loss, while Carter Di-
                                                                                 host Scotties wasted little time in setting  and a fumble recovery, followed by Ash-
                                                                                 the tone for the contest, as TV senior All-  ton  Winner  (five  tackles),  Kam  Karns,
                                            100% Of the proceeds benefit the     Ohio QB Max Lyall hooked up with junior  Gavin Spiker, and Styer Rognon all with
                                                                                 standout receiver Ryan Lamonica for a  four tackles, Ryan Lamonica with three
                                            Tri-Valley Touchdown Club.           long gain, then capped the 69-yard scor-  stops, and  Kade Hindel,  Derek  Frueh,
                                                                                 ing drive, finding Lamonica again for a  and Kurt Ross all with two tackles. Frueh
                                                                                 20-yard  completion  for  six points  and  also recovered a fumble for the winners.
                                                                                 quick lead for the black and gold.
                                                                                     Tri-Valley found  the  end zone two
                                                                                 more times  in  the  opening  quarter on
   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11