Page 8 - Dresden Buzz 10-04-24
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PAGE 8 |  SPORTS                                                                                                            OCTOBER 4 - 17, 2024
        TV Lady Dawg volleyball: Tri-Valley falls to strong

        Marietta squad                       by Gregg Meadows

                                                                                 ing  runs,  and  a short touchdown  run     The visiting Falcons  got on  the
                                                                                 from Isaiah Doyle, as the Scottie’s lead  scoreboard first, on a 23-yard run from
                                                                                 ballooned to 51-0 by the halftime inter-  Clinton  Massie running  back Cooper
                                                                                 mission.                             Carmack  at  2:43  of  the  first  quarter,
                                                                                     A running clock in the second half  with a Jack Thamann PAT giving them a
                                                                                 made for a short  third  quarter with  7-0 lead.
                                                                                 neither  team scoring,  then the visiting     But the Scotties struck back quickly
                                                                                 black-and-gold  added  two more touch-  on a Lyall to Keaton Hahn 47-yard touch-
                                                                                 downs in the fourth quarter on a 14-yard  down play, with a McCullough PAT knot-
                                                                                 scoring  jaunt  from  Leevi  Wade, and  a  ting the game at 7-7 heading to the sec-
                                                                                 13-yard end zone visit from Ozend Ford  ond quarter.
                                                                                 for the game’s final points.            The visiting Falcons added a pair of
                                                                                     Jayden Wallace  led all rushers  second quarter scores – two Jack Tha-
                                                                                 with 110 yards in 14 carries with three  mann  field  goals  (26  and  28  yards)  –
        Tri-Valley freshman Reese Lamonica (No. 2) is pictured above smashing one of the 14 kills she had   scores, with Isaiah  Doyle getting 69  and led 13-7 at halftime over the hosts.
        back on Tuesday night, September 24 in Dresden at The Dawg House in the Lady Dawgs five-set loss to
        league-leading Sheridan.    Gregg Meadows                                yards  on  12 carries  and  a  touchdown,     After a scoreless third  quarter, Tri-
                                                                                 and Leevi Wade three runs good for 34  Valley started its winning drive early in
            It will  be a mid-season  battle of  touchdowns in the second half against  yards and a touchdown.        the  fourth quarter from their own  20-
        Muskingum  Valley League unbeatens  the winless Raiders, as a running clock     Max Lyall  was 5-9  through the  air  yard  line.  Two Clinton-Massie  penalties
        on Friday, September 20  in New Lexing-  in  the  final  two  quarters  resulted  in  a  for 145 yards and three TD passes, with  kept the Scotties headed in the right di-
        ton, as the visiting – and defending big  speedy final 24 minutes of play, as the  Keaton  Hahn  making  the most of  his  rection, while Lyall connected on four of
        school conference champs -  Tri-Valley  visitors boarded  the bus  owners of  a  two catches, good for 87 yards and two  his five pass attempts.  Hahn hauled in
        Scotties travel to Perry County to take on  65-0 shutout win.            scores,  and  Lamonica  a  catch for  43  two important Lyall aerials for 23 yards,
        conference Small School division leader     A look at first quarter action saw TV  yards and six points as well.  then Ryan Lamonica caught a big drive-
        New Lexington on  the  Panther’s  home  senior quarterback Max Lyall and class-     Ashton Winner led TV tacklers with  saving  catch across the  middle  on  a
        Jim Rockwell Stadium turf.           mate Keaton Hahn connect on a 79-yard  five stops, followed by Boston Smith with  third-and-2, before Lyall lofted his strike
            Last  season  in  Dresden,  the Scot-  scoring hook-up on the game’s third play  four tackles, Ryan Lamonica with three  to the corner of the end zone and found
        ties dispatched the visiting Panthers by  from scrimmage, with Bode McCullough  stops, and Casen Baker, Kurt Ross, and  Kade Hindel,  who made a great catch
        a 38-8 count, after leading just 14-8 at  splitting  the  uprights  for  what would  Koen Moore  all  credited with a  pair  of  for tying score, followed by McCullough’s
        halftime.                            be his first of nine perfect PATS on the  tackles each.  Smith also  had an  inter-  game-winning placement kick.
            On  Friday night, September 13  in  night, as the visitors utilized a fast start  ception and fumble recovery, and Carter     But the game was far from over. The
        McConnellsvile,  the  visiting  Scotties  for a 7-0 lead.                Dinan, Ryan Lamonica, and Lucca Gar-  visiting Falcons had two more chances.
        make quick order  of the  host Raiders,     After a Scottie safety for a 9-0 lead,  gasz also had interceptions for the win-  Ryan Lamonica snuffed out one of those
        scoring  a  hefty  eight  times  in  the  first  Lyall hooked up this time with Ryan La-  ners, who held the  host Raiders to 66  chances with an over the shoulder inter-
        two quarters of play to take a command-  monica  on  a  43-yard  scoring pass.  A  yards of total offense.    ception for Tri-Valley, then a last-minute
        ing 51-0 lead at the halftime intermis-  Jayden  Wallace seven-yard  touchdown     Back on Friday night, September 6  Clinton  Massie drive  saw the  Falcons
        sion, thanks to seven Tri-Valley first half  run had the visiting Scotties up 23-0 at  in Dresden at Jack Anderson Stadium,  reach the Scottie 27-yard line before a
        end zone visits, seven Bode McCullough  the end of the first quarter.    the  long-awaited Tri-Valley vs. Clinton  huge defensive stand by the black-and-
        PAT’s, and  a two-point  safety for good     Tri-Valley scored four more times in  Massie non-conference rematch saw  gold saw the home team stop the Fal-
        measure.                             the second period on a Lyall to Keaton  Mother Nature  hold  up  the kick-off for  cons short of a first down and on fourth
            The  Scotties tacked on  two more  Hahn connection, a pair of Wallace scor-  some 90 minutes, as a pair of ill-timed  and two to preserve the victory.
                                                                                 weather fronts packed with some nasty     Max  Lyall  finished  12-19  for  154
                                                                                 late summer storms swept through the  yards and two scores, with Keaton Hahn
                                                                                 area.                                leading Scottie receivers with five grabs
                                                                                     But  the  weather  finally  broke  in  a  for 93 yards and his first quarter touch-
                                                                                 game that Scottie football  fans  have  down, and Hindel a pair of grabs includ-
                                                                                 had circled on their calendars since Tri-  ing  his fourth quarter game winner.
                                                                                 Valley lost 24-14 last season on the Clin-  Jayden Wallace led Scottie rushers with
                                                                                 ton Massie’s home field.             52 hard- earned yards in 17 carries.
                                                                                     And  for  Tri-Valley football  fans,  it     Clinton  Massie had  60  plays from
                                                                                 was worth the wait, as the Scotties spot-  scrimmage – 52 of those were rushes,
                                                                                 ted the host Falcons an early touchdown  good for 279 yards; Peyton Warren led
                                                                                 - and a halftime lead - before rallying in  the Falcons with 114 yards on 11 car-
                                                                                 the second half for a memorable 14-13  ries.
                                                                                 win and a quick 3-0 start to their 2024     Defensively for the Scotties, Ashton
                                                                                 season.                              Winner led TV tacklers with a hefty nine
                                                                                     It was a bend-but-not-break second  total stops, followed by Derek Frueh with
                                                                                 half defense and a fourth quarter Max  seven  tackles, then teammates Chris
                                                                                 Lyall  to Kade Hindel  scoring  hook-up,  Gargasz  and  Ryan  Lamonica credited
                                                                                 then a game-winning Bode McCullough  with 6.5 tackles apiece, followed by Bos-
                                                                                 PAT that handed Coach Cam West and  ton Smith (six tackles), Kam Karns (5.5),
                                                                                 his Scottie football team the big win over  Casen Baker (5), Logan McClellan (3.5),
                                                                                 visiting Clinton Massie, a southwestern  and Gavin Spiker (2.5).
                                                                                 Ohio football powerhouse and owners of
                                                                                 three OHSAA gridiron state titles.
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