Page 5 - Dresden Buzz 10-04-24
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OCTOBER 4 - 17, 2024                                                                                                           SPORTS   | PAGE 5

                    PORTS                                                                Taking a look back at sports highlights throughout

                                                                                         Muskingum County for September 18 - October 1, 2024.

        Maysville Panthers picked up a win against the Redskins and

        fell to undefeated Scotties                                    by Matthew Dotson

        Quarterback Kade Rock passes the pigskin in a screen play against Tri-Valley.    Matthew Dotson

        Vs Tri-Valley (9/27)                 forward  building a  staggering 52  – 7   non-conference battle on  their home  6 lead for the Panthers that they would
            It was homecoming night  for the  lead before the halftime break.     field.    The  two  teams  were  pretty  well  carry into the fourth quarter.
        Scotties at Jack Anderson stadium when     When the game continued the    matched  as  they  battled  out  the  first     The final minutes of play had every-
        the Panthers went to  face  the unde-  Panthers roared into action grabbing a   quarter of  play  each  getting  a  touch-  one on their feet as Coshocton nabbed
        feated Dawgs on their home field.  They  touchdown to push back against the on-  down, Maysville missed their extra point  a rushing touchdown with just four min-
        knew the game was an uphill battle but  slaught and narrow the score to 52 – 14.    conversion,  and  the Redskins conver-  utes left in the game, and after the ex-
        they were hoping for an upset.  Off to a  Tri-Valley quickly answered back  with   sion got blocked along with a field-goal  tra point kick they took a 13 – 12 lead.
        strong  start, the Scotties landed  their  another touchdown added to their tally   attempt to end the quarter 6 – 6.  The clock spun down to just 43 seconds
        first touchdown in a matter of minutes  making the score 59 – 14.  Maysville’s      During  the second quarter, both  remaining  when Maysville managed
        and then proceeded to tackle Maysville  response was another  touchdown but   teams played hard but neither team was  to answer back with their own rushing
        in the endzone on a safety to jump out  they missed the extra point so the score   able  to break  through  to the endzone  touchdown and then followed it up with
        to a 9 – 0 lead in the first quarter.  As  was then 59 – 20.  As the clock ran out,   and  they went into the  halftime break  a two-point conversion to take back the
        the Panthers tried to make a comeback  the Dawgs landed one more touchdown   tied at 6 – 6.                   lead at 20 – 13.  The Redskins tried to
        the Dawgs pushed their lead up to 17 –  and took a massive 66 – 20 victory over      When both teams met back on the  take the win with only seconds left but
        0.  Before it was said and done Tri-Valley  Maysville.                    field in the third quarter, the battle was  fell short and Maysville took the 20 – 13
        had put up a punishing 31 – 7 lead by                                     on again.  They whittled the clock down  victory for the night.
        the end of the first quarter.        Vs Coshocton (9/20)                  to just four minutes remaining in the pe-
            The second quarter saw the nearly     On  Friday night  at “The  Mac” the   riod when Gator Nichols made a 10-yard
        unstoppable Scotties continue to tread  Panthers took on  the  Redskins  in  a   run for the goal line that ended in a 12 –

        Maysville soccer falls to Lil’ Muskies after two big season wins

        by Matthew Dotson
                                                                                 Vs John Glenn (10/1)                 in the first half of the game.
                                                                                     The Maysville boys hit the road Tues-     Back in play after halftime, the Dev-
                                                                                 day to head to New Concord Ohio to face  ils tried to stop the onslaught of shots
                                                                                 the John Glenn Lil’ Muskies.  With the  from Maysville by Mynes made another
                                                                                 much-anticipated game looking to help  connection  that would  ultimately  end
                                                                                 determine John Glenn’s place in the MVL  the scoring  for  the game as the Pan-
                                                                                 Big School  title,  the Muskies were de-  thers kept a 3 – 0 shutout win.
                                                                                 termined to win and the Panthers were
                                                                                 hoping for an upset.  Unfortunately for  Vs West Muskingum (9/24)
                                                                                 Maysville,  the  Muskies pushed  passed     The Maysville  Panthers hosted
                                                                                 them with a 4 – 1 victory with goals at-  Tuesday’s home game against the West
                                                                                 tributed by senior  Dane  McGee, senior  Muskingum  Tornadoes.   Cam Parker
                                                                                 William Nicolozakes with two goals, and  stepped up  for the  Panthers and  con-
                                                                                 junior Oakley Zamensky.              trolled the first half of the game along
                                                                                                                      with his teammates.  Cam landed three
                                                                                 Vs Zanesville (9/28)                 goals before halftime while Shepp Cos-
                                                                                     Nearby Zanesville Blue Devils made  grave  made several  saves  to keep  the
                                                                                 their way to Maysville to take on  the  Tornadoes from scoring.
                                                                                 Panthers Saturday at The Mac for head     After the intermission,  the Torna-
                                                                                 coach Lance McGee’s 350th time at the  does stepped up their defenses as they
                                                                                 helm.  As soon as they stepped on the  held  the Panthers back until  Wyatt
                                                                                 field the Devils realized they didn’t stand  Mynes hit the net for the fourth and final
        Cyle Farnsworth reaches to keep the ball in bounds.    Matthew Dotson    much of a chance as Cam Parker and  time for Maysville in the shutout 4 – 0
                                                                                 Wyatt Mynes took turns each with a goal  victory.
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