Page 7 - Dresden Buzz 10-04-24
P. 7

OCTOBER 4 - 17, 2024                                                                                                           SPORTS   | PAGE 7
        Bishop Rosecrans boys soccer

        improve their overall record

        to 8 – 5 – 1               by Matthew Dotson

                                                                                     Republican Endorsed   F.O.P. Endorsed
                                                                                      Muskingum Co.      Zane Lodge #5  Local 530 Endorsed  IBEW Endorsed
                                                                                      Republican Club                     Laborers Union  Local Union No. 1105

                                                                                       Public Service is my life, I feel with my 30 years of local government
                                                                                       experience and 30 years of private sector work experience, I can bring
                                                                                                strong leadership to the Commissioner’s office.
                                                                                     I have strong community ties all over Muskingum County and have earned
        Tizian Schmelzer moments before one of his three goals for the game against Philo.  the respect of local and federal government for the past 30 years.
           Matthew Dotson
                                                                                     I have the drive, dedication, and work ethic to help lead the citizens of the
                                                                                                  City of Zanesville and Muskingum County.
                                                                                                  City of Zanesville and Muskingum County.
        Vs Philo (9/28)                         When play resumed the boys were
            On Saturday, the Philo High School  back at it, and the Bishops were trying   I am asking for your support by electing me as your next County
        boy’s soccer team made their  way to  hard to at least tie their visitors, but they   Commissioner, making Muskingum County a wonderful place to live,
        Zanesville  from Duncan  Falls.   The  fell  short and  Fisher  Catholic  walked                  work and raise a family.
        Bishops were fired up and ready for the  away with the 1 – 0 win.
        game and took immediate control of the
        ball and continued to dominate the first  Vs Maysville (9/21)                                  Proven Experience
        half of the game with a 3 – 0 lead before     The  non-conference matchup  be-
        the break.                           tween  the  Maysville Panthers and  the      • Elected 5 terms as Jefferson Township Trustee.
            As the game continued, the two  Bishops took place at Bishop Rosecrans        • Currently serving my 1st term as Cass Township Trustee.
        teams  were  more evenly matched in  on Saturday.  The Panthers came in hot
        the second half as they battled steadily  as they took control of the ball early on   • Currently serving as Cass Township Central Committeeman.
        each landing a goal before the buzzer,  slipping  two  shots past  the Bishop’s   • Currently serving as a Local Emergency Planning
        but the win was already in the bag for  goalie for an early 2 – 0 lead to take the     Committee member for Muskingum County.
        the Bishops and they kept the 4 – 1 vic-  first half of the game.                 • Currently Manager of Human Resources, Safety &
        tory.                                   The Bishop’s halftime pep talk must         Environmental Specialist for Sidwell Materials Inc. for
                                                                                            Environmental Specialist for Sidwell Materials Inc. for
            Senior  Tizian  Schmelzer was  the  have  sparked  a  fire  in  the  players  be-    the past 18 years.
        leading scorer for the Bishops with three  cause they came out a completely dif-  • Member of The Well Ministries.
        goals  in  the  game.  Freshman  Ethan  ferent team in the second half firing off
        Sandlund  rounded out scoring with a  shots, dominating the control of the ball,
        goal of his own.                     and although the Panthers were able to
                                             get one more goal, the Bishops rallied                    Community Service
        Vs Fisher Catholic (9/25)            back to tie the game at 3 – 3.
            The Irish came to visit the Bishop’s     For the matchup, the Bishop’s scor-  • Currently Serving my 32nd year as a member of
        home field on Wednesday.  On the field,  ers were senior Tizian Schmelzer, sopho-     Dresden Fire Department.
        the  two teams battled  it out with the  more JT Robinson, and sophomore Car-     • Currently Serving my 26th year as a reserve
        Irish squeezing a shot past the Bishops  son Staunton.                              Deputy Sheriff for Muskingum County Sheriff ’s office.
        taking a 1  –  0  lead  by the  end of the
        half.                                                                             • Past President of Muskingum County Water/Sewer
                                                                                            Advisory Board.
                                                                                          • Past President North Muskingum Ruritan Club.
                                                                                          • Past President North Muskingum Ruritan Club.
             Ohio Pottery Zanesville                                                      • Past President AEP/Tri-Valley Grant Foundation.
                                                                                          • Past President Tri-Valley 12th man club.
                          Waltz Family Owned Since 1951
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                                         Plus bird baths, outdoor plaques,           “Opportunity is missed by most people because it’s dressed in
                                      hen & chick pots, crocks, hanging bird               overhauls and looks like work.” ~Thomas Edison
                                     feeders, hundreds of flower pots, statuary  |  (740) 819-4876
                                      including angels, dogs, military, rabbits
                                                    and more!                 
                                       RETAIL • WHOLESALE                                             ENDORSED BY: Muskingum County Republican Club,
                                                                                                         Local 530 Laborers Union, F.O.P. Zane Lodge #5,
                                         1905 W Main St, Zanesville                                               IBEW Local Union No. 1105
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