Page 9 - Dresden Buzz 10-04-24
P. 9

OCTOBER 4 - 17, 2024                                                                                                           SPORTS   | PAGE 9
        Foxfire Phoenix girls volleyball  West M volleyball falls to

        fell in two home games                                                    Coshocton after sweeping

                                                                                  Maysville and Crooksville
        by Matthew Dotson

                                                                                 by Matthew Dotson

                                                                                 Jules Bennett pictured just before one of her 5 kills against Maysville.   Matthew Dotson

                                                                                  Vs Coshocton (10/1)                 on the match 3 – 0.
                                                                                     The girls  from  West Muskingum      Senior Ayla  Tilton had  14  kills,  1
                                                                                  hopped  on  the bus  to Coshocton  on  ace, and 14 digs for the match.
                                                                                  Tuesday for a conference game against
                                                                                  the Redskins.  In set one, Coshocton got  Vs Maysville (9/24)
                                                                                  the jump on the Tornadoes with a 25 – 7     On  the  road Tuesday to nearby ri-
           Matthew Dotson                                                         win.  Set two was much more of a battle  val Maysville Panthers for a conference
                                                                                  as Coshocton snuck past West Musking-  matchup,  the Lady  Tornadoes were
        Vs Horizon Science Academy (9/26)    traveled to Zanesville to play the Foxfire   um in a 25 – 17 win.  The Redskins to  ready to battle.  In the first round, the
            Thursday night was another home  Phoenix on the volleyball court.  In set   the match by sweep with a 25 – 10 win  Tornadoes out-played the Panthers 25 –
        game  for  Foxfire  as  they  met  up  with  one the girls from Oakstone jumped out   in the last set.        19 in a close round.  Round two of the
        the  traveling  team from Horizon  Sci-  to an early lead with a 25 – 2 win.  The                             game had the Tornadoes up by a bigger
        ence Academy.  In set one of the match  Phoenix stepped it up in set two but still   Vs Crooksville (9/26)    margin with a 25 – 13 win.  Maysville
        the  Phoenix girls  stumbled  but put  up  fell short with a 25 – 10 loss.  Oakstone      West Muskingum  hosted the trav-  stepped it up again in the final round as
        a good fight falling 25 – 12.  The girls  swept the match with the final set win of   eling Lady Ceramics on Thursday.  The  West Muskingum edged by with a 25 –
        raised the bar in set two by narrowing  25 – 9.                           Lady Tornadoes took to the court in the  17 win and a 3 – 0 match victory.
        the Horizon lead 25 – 16.  The Hawks     Keira Kun had one ace and one kill   first set in a very close 25 – 22 win.  Set     Freshman  Jules  Bennett  had  12
        took the sweep with the final set win of  for Foxfire, Kelcie Stokes had one ace,   two was almost as close but the West  kills and 2 digs, freshman Riley Savage
        25 – 12                              and Kaeliegh Carnes had one kill.    Muskingum volleyballers edged by with  had 6 kills, Lucy Thorne and Ayla Tilton
                                                                                  a 25 – 21 win.  The final set of the match  each had 4 kills for the game.
        Vs Oakstone Academy (9/23)                                                was the closest of all as the Tornadoes
            The  girls  from Oakstone  Academy                                    took the set 25 – 23 and a clean sweep

                                                        Cody, son of Marcy of Newark, Ohio
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