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PAGE 2 |  LOCAL NEWS                                                                                                       FEBRUARY 7 - 20, 2025
                                             COVER STORY
                                             Colony Square Mall remains popular gathering

                                             place offering community events, shopping,

                                             dining, and fun                     by Lynette Dotson

                                               The  Colony Square  Mall  has been a   shows that specialize in local artisans,   and  T.J.Max.   Other businesses like  Z.
                  NEXT DEADLINE              hub  for community  engagement and   crafters, small businesses, direct sales   Nails,  Westwood Tattoo Collective, Su-
                February 17 at 5PM           connection  in  Zanesville  and  the  sur-  consultants, they are done in the com-  per Brow, Planet Fitness, Lashley Trac-
                                             rounding area for years. In 2025 those   mon area of the mall, and they are open   tor Sales, L3gacy Ink, Gracie Allegiance
                    NEXT ISSUE               opportunities are growing.  From new   to anyone that has those types of items.    Ohio Jiu Jitsu, Fabulous Styles & Cuts, &
                    February 21              businesses  that offer  places  to  gather   And I think it is a nice way for them to   AT&T are also all in the mall. The food
                                             and  shop,  to great community-focused   get their foot in the door for really mini-  court houses Auntie Anne’s, China Max,
                PICKUP LOCATIONS             events, the mall has a lot to offer.  mal cost and we take care of the setup   Picnic Pizza, and the newly opened Pit
                                                                                 for them and they can come in here and
                                                                                                                      Stop Express.
                                               Just this month alone, there are two
           DRESDEN: Bonnie Longaberger Senior Center,   huge events  that will  be held at the   set up for the entire weekend.”    New businesses Bin Mania,  and  Ja-
          Scotties Den, Dari Twist, Circle K, Thirsty Dawg,
           The Warehouse Restaurant, Dresden Branch   Colony Square Mall including the Home     Last  year, the  Colony Square  Mall   mie’s Cheese  Steaks are  set to open
         Library, Creno’s Pizza, Beauty By Design, Dresden   Show on February 21 through 23 from   began  working with the  Muskingum   soon  and  Tax Zone and  Kenpo Karate
            Buzz, Main Street Pizzeria, The Mill, Agin   10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., and the East-  County  Library System to establish  an   with Ian Lauer just recently opened.
          Hardware, Certified, Subway, Shrivers Pharmacy,   side Community Ministry Chair-ity  Auc-  outreach location in the mall. The space     “I would like to invite everybody, but
                Humble Heart, Smore Baskets
                                             tion which is scheduled for February 20-  is located in the Food Court which works   especially  folks who haven’t been out
           FRAZEYSBURG: New Beginnings Drive Thru,    22.                        perfectly for gathering with a few friends   for a while to come in,  take  a walk
             Dairy Queen, Frazeysburg Village Office,     The Home Show  is  targeted  towards   to  play  one  of  the board  games avail-  through the  mall,  see  the  great things
           Subway, Duchess Gas Station, Fallsburg Pizza  home  improvement  professionals  and   able to borrow from the library or grab   we’ve added  within  the last  couple  of
                                             those who own a home or are looking to   some food and get in some reading. The   years,” Brailer said welcomely. “I think
                 NASHPORT: Crenos Pizza
                                             purchase one. It is made possible due to   outreach location  is set to continue  in   people  would  be pleasantly  surprised,
           ZANESVILLE: Kroger, The Muskingum County   a collaboration between WHIZ (Marquee   2025.                   there’s some  really  unique  businesses
          YMCA, John McIntire Library, Muskingum County   Broadcasting)  and  the Colony  Square     “We  are continuing  our  partnership   that have come to the mall, and I feel
             Center for Seniors, Mass Media Comics,   Mall.                      with the Muskingum County Library Sys-  they have added a lot of quality and va-
          Denny’s Classic Diner, Fieldhouse Family Sports
             and Wellness Center, Donald’s Donuts,     “We’re really pleased with the turnout   tem,” said  Brailer,  “They  have brought   riety and  excitement  to the mall.   The
           The Zanesville-Muskingum County Conference   that we have had with exhibitors signing   forth  some  really  nice creative  events,   Chatty Cat Cafe they are  doing  phe-
           & Welcome Center, The Elk’s Eye Art Market,   up. -- You’ll see some real estate brokers,   they did a self-defense class, they did a   nomenal.  They have  adopted out over
            Walgreens (Military Rd.), The Carr Center,   you’ll see some finance specialists, and   diabetes screening class, we are going   200  cats  since their opening, that is
           Sunrise Bowling Center, Colony Square Mall
                                             of course, different facets of contractors   to have an ultimate UNO showdown, we   another way to socialize  and  connect,
            SOUTH ZANESVILLE: South Branch Library,   and architects, some landscapers, and   get to have a family reading festival this   they have study rooms available where
            Darrell’s Donuts, Central Pike Coffee Co.  maybe even some direct  sales  consul-  summer here that the  library and  the   you can come in, they do special nights
                                             tants,” said Colony Square Mall General   Muskingum  Literacy  Council  is spear-  they have a bingo night, different theme
                  AVONDALE: Tina’s Diner     Manager, Jessica Brailer.  “Each year we   heading.”                     nights in there. We are seeing a lot of
              WEST PIKE: Litten Home Hardware,   will see some of the same exhibitors re-    Also, in the Food Court portion of the   folks that like to go to Adventure Gam-
                    West Side Market         turn but then we pick up some new ones   mall is the Zanesville High School Stu-  ing.  They come in  there  and  hang  out
                                             as well.  They always do a good job of   dent Art Gallery. “It is a beautiful way to    and gather, as well as Kip’s Cards.  The
           NEW CONCORD: Scott’s Diner, Wally’s Pizza,   bringing really engaging displays, some   showcase the  hard  work  the  students   Smashing Barrels within the last couple
           New Concord Branch Library, Creno’s Pizza,   will  give drawings that the  public  can   put  in,”  Brailer  commented.   Artwork   years they have expanded, so they are
                    Orme Hardware
                                             enter to win, they will have some swag   is updated frequently so there is some-  now  about  five  times  the  size  of  what
           DUNCAN FALLS: Duncan Falls/Philo Branch   items and handouts, and some of them   thing new to admire on a regular basis.    they used to be and it is a really good
                       Library               will do demonstrations. It’s always really   Some of the artwork is also available to   family gathering spot in there, and they
                                             nice to come out and see those things.”  purchase. Details are posted in the gal-  do offer alcoholic beverages and snacks
              ROSEVILLE: Roseville Branch Library    There  is still  time to participate by   lery.                  in there too. And then, of course, I would
                                             setting up  a booth  at the  show. Call     In addition to the amazing events and   be remiss  if I didn’t  mention the  146,
                                             740-452-5431 or  email  either kfell@  community  partnerships  that the  Col-  the new restaurant  that took over the
                                             whizmediagroup  or  receptionist@whiz   ony Square  Mall  has  welcomed,  there   former  Garfield’s  location.  I  think  that
                                    to reserve your space.  are also a ton of newer businesses and   has been a phenomenal update and up-
                                               “I always like to say it’s under one roof   many timeless favorites  that are still   grade here to the mall and we are glad
                                             here and whatever the weather is doing   deeply rooted in the mall’s core.  Places   to be able to offer that well-rounded ex-
                                             outside you can come in here and enjoy   like Smashing  Barrels  & Suds  Arcade,   perience again  to our  folks that come
                                             that and I always think it is nice that you   Perry’s  Glo-Putt, Chatty Cat Cafe, The   in and enjoy a nice meal, and then, of
                                             can kind of go at your own pace, you can   146 Restaurant,  Cinemark Theatres,   course, frequent the movie theater, just
                                             stop  and  shop  if  you  like, you can  fre-  and Adventure Gaming are great places   make a day or an evening of it. So I think
                                             quent one of the stores like the arcade   to spend  time with  family  and  friends   we are providing good experiences over-
                                             and have some fun,” said Brailer.   or maybe even build  new friendships   all for the community and I would love
                                               The Chair-ity Auction will begin at 3:00   (especially  with the  adoptable  cats at   for people to come out and enjoy that
                                             p.m. on Friday, February 21 at the mall.    Chatty Cat Cafe).  There are still tons of   firsthand.”
                                             About 25 creatively decorated chairs of   stores to shop including American Eagle     Colony Square Mall is located at 3575
                                             many types including rocking, office, bar   Outfitters,  Bath  &  Body  Works,  Casa   Maple  Avenue in  Zanesville.   They can
                                             stools, and more are expected.      Bella, Claire’s,  Deja Vu Boutique, Dun-  be found online  at colonysquaremall.
                                               “We are glad to expand on the part-  ham’s  Sports, Finish  Line,  Five Below,   com, on Facebook @ColonySquareMall,
                                             nership that we have with the East Side   Izzy Bees, JCPenney, Kips Cards- Sports   on Instagram @colonysquaremallzanes-
                                             Community  Ministries  they provide so   Collectibles,  Lu Lu’s  Gifts And  More,   ville, and X @ColonySqMall.
                                             many services throughout  our  whole   S&J Gifts, Shoe Carnival, Spencer Gifts,
                                             community for the entire year so we love
                                             to partner with them for the charity auc-
                                             tion,” stated Brailer.
                                               Chairs and  other  donated incentives
                                             may be previewed on  Thursday, Febru-
                                             ary 20 from 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. at
                                             the mall.  While there, cast your vote for
                                             the People’s Choice Award! The winner
                                             will  be announced during  the live auc-
                                             tion on Friday. A silent auction will also
                                             be happening at the mall from February
                                             20 at 5 p.m. through 22 at 5:00 p.m.
                                               Several  repeating  events are also
                                             planned  throughout  the year  including
                                             craft and vendor shows.
                                               “We  are looking  forward  to continu-
                                             ing our seasonal craft and vendor shows
                                             that we have,” Brailer said. “Those are    Zanesville High School Student Art Gallery located inside the Colony Square Mall.    Lynette Dotson
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