Page 3 - Dresden Buzz 02-07-25
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FEBRUARY 7 - 20, 2025                                                                                                     LOCAL NEWS    | PAGE 3
        Dresden Knights of Columbus                                              Local hardware store

        Free Throw Shoot results                                                 dedicates space for donated

                                                                                 food for those in need

                                                                                 by Lynette Dotson
                                                                                                                        Tim and  Kay  Agin,  owners of  Agin
                                                                                                                      Hardware have dedicated a space to-
                                                                                                                      wards  the  front of their store,  Agin
                                                                                                                      Hardware,  to make  food available  to
                                                                                                                      those  who need it in  the  community.
                                                                                                                        “Kay heard that there were some peo-
                                                                                                                      ple in the community that needed some
                                                                                                                      help with tough times so she decided to
                                                                                                                      do what we could,” stated Tim.
                                                                                                                        The  food  is completely free and  is
                                                                                                                      available  in  a semi-private shopping
                                                                                                                      space  that they have set up.  Tim and
                                                                                                                      Kay welcome anyone to utilize this ser-
                                                                                                                      vice with  no  judgment  or  questions
                                                                                                                        People from the community are keep-
                                                                                                                      ing the shelves stocked.  Some  of  the
        The Dresden Knights of Columbus Free Throw Shoot winners and participants.   The winners are Gavin            items that  are the most needed are
        Hindel (12), Jayden Ridenbaugh (11), Addison Conley (11), Graydee Ridenbaugh (8), and Jackson Con-            bread, boxed dinners, mac and cheese,
        ley (13).      Submitted                                                                                      and canned vegetables. All non perish-
                                                                                                                      able food items that are still within date
                                                                                                                      are welcome.
        Muskingum University hosts                                                                                      Agin Hardware is located in Dresden
                                                                                                                      at 27 West 5th Street. Their hours are
        community events for Black                                                                                    8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday through
                                                                                                                      Friday and  8:00  a.m.  to 3:00  p.m.  on
        History Month                        Submitted                                                                Saturday.

        Muskingum has hosted the first of two   serving as the lead scholar and primary
        free public events in honor of Black His-  scriptwriter for the $27 million redesign    HAVE A POSITIVE NEWS TIP?
        tory Month.                          of  the National  Civil  Rights  Museum
          On Monday, Feb. 3, Dr. Hasan Kwame   at the Lorraine Hotel in Memphis, Ten-           CALL OR TEXT 740-270-2408.
        Jeffries presented “Putting in the Work   nessee, the site of the assassination of
        to Preserve  Democracy.” His presenta-  Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. He currently
        tion aligns with the 2025 national Black   serves as the chairperson of the Board
        History Month  theme,  “African  Ameri-  of Directors of The Montpelier Founda-
        cans  and  Labor.” Dr. Jeffries  explored   tion, which stewards the Virginia estate
        the  importance of African  Americans   of James Madison, the fourth president
        laboring for freedom, past and present,   of the United States and the architect of
        drawing lessons from history to inspire   the Constitution.
        and guide contemporary efforts to pre-    The  community  also  is invited to a
        serve democracy.                     Jazz  Club  Event  on  Tuesday, Feb.
          Dr. Jeffries teaches, researches, and   18 at  7 p.m. in the  Chess Center.
        writes about the African American expe-  This event will  feature live jazz  music,
        rience from a historical perspective. He   snacks, and a brief educational compo-
        has chronicled the civil rights movement   nent highlighting the  cultural  and  his-
        in the 10-episode Audible Originals se-  torical significance of jazz within African
        ries “Great Figures of the  Civil Rights   American culture.
        Movement,”  and  has  told  the remark-    The event is  organized  by  Musking-
        able story of the original Black Panther   um’s Office of Cultural Engagement and
        Party in  Bloody  Lowndes:  Civil  Rights   Inclusion, the Black Student Union, the
        and  Black Power in  Alabama’s  Black   Music  Department, and  Phi Mu Alpha
        Belt, which  has  been  praised  as  “the   Sinfonia.
        book  historians of the  black freedom     For more information, contact Coordi-
        movement have been waiting for.”     nator of Cultural Engagement and Inclu-
          Hasan  also  has  collaborated  on  sev-  sion David McDonald at davidm@musk-
        eral  public  history projects, including

        Genesis HealthCare System

        receives Healthy Business

        Council of Ohio Award

          Genesis HealthCare System  received   HBCO recognized 84 Ohio employers for
        a Gold Award from the Healthy Business   healthy worksite practices.
        Council of Ohio (HBCO) in 2024. HBCO     “We are honored to receive the Gold
        has recognized Genesis for the last 10   Award from the Healthy Business Coun-
        years for its healthy work environment.   cil of Ohio,” said Heather Shuster, Popu-
        HBCO annually reviews Ohio employers   lation  Health  &  Wellness  Manager  at
        demonstrating  their commitment to   Genesis HealthCare  System. “At Gen-
        employees’ well-being by providing com-  esis, we  want  to continue  implement-
        prehensive health  promotion  and  well-  ing  new opportunities and  creating  a
        ness programs. This program  is called   healthier environment for our employ-
        Healthy Worksite Recognition. In 2024,
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