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World-Class Leadership Event Live2Lead HEALTH & WELLNESS
Comes to Zanesville on February 21
submitted Listen to Your
Heart: Its Heart
Heather Dolen, event organizer and
Chair of the Leadership Muskingum Health Month!
Board of Directors. “It’s an opportunity
for our community to learn from some by Alexus Masterson, MPH,
Family & Consumer Sciences Educator
of the world’s greatest leaders while Ohio State University Extension,
also connecting with local talent and in- Muskingum County
spiring a culture of growth and collabo-
Why Attend?
Attendees will gain new perspectives, When you think of the word heart,
actionable tools, and inspiration to re- what comes to mind? Heart can be your
turn to their organizations ready to im- passion for something in life or a vital
plement change. With sessions on lead- organ. Today we are going to talk about
ership, conflict resolution, and personal one of the most essential organs in the
development, this event is designed for body, the heart. Science tells us that the
professionals, community leaders, and heart pumps blood to the brain and rest
of the body to help us fulfill our daily ac-
submitted anyone passionate about making a dif- tivities, the healthier the heart the high-
ference. er probability you will live a long healthy
Registration: life. Most people today are living longer
The globally renowned Live2Lead Local Leadership Seats are limited! Reserve your spot than ever before thanks to technology
leadership development experience is Spotlights Include: today by visiting and science, but lifestyle is also an im-
coming to Zanesville-Muskingum Coun- • JP Marshall, Founder and President Muskingum. portant part of heart health. Balancing
calorie intake with physical activity, eat-
ty Welcome Center on February 21, of Patriot Stainless, sharing his ing a variety of fruits and vegetables,
2025. This half-day event, designed to leadership journey and strategies About Live2Lead: choosing minimally processed foods,
equip leaders at all levels with practical for success. Live2Lead is a global leadership event and limiting salt intake. These lifestyle
tools, actionable insights, and renewed • Dr. Michael Bullock, Founding broadcast live and hosted in communi- changes are helpful for people who are
passion, will feature an incredible lineup Pastor of Hands of Faith Church and ties worldwide. The event is designed to currently dealing with heart issues, but
of world-class speakers and local com- President of Miles Mission, empower leaders with the tools to cre- preventative action before a problem
munity leaders. highlighting leadership with ate a lasting impact in their organiza- occurs is also important. Talking to your
provider about your family’s history and
Keynote Speakers Include: purpose and vision. tions and communities. scheduling routine checkups will help
• John C. Maxwell – #1 Leadership Event Details: For questions or additional informa- identify a health risk before it develops.
Expert and Bestselling Author, who • Date: February 21, 2025 tion, please contact Heather Dolen at Exercise is a great way to stay
will inspire participants to “believe • Time: Registration at 8:30 AM or healthy as well as control or moderate
the best in people” and unlock Event from 9:00 AM – 2:00 PM 740-252-8194. the risk factors of heart disease. The
leadership potential. • Location: Zanesville-Muskingum American Heart Association recom-
mends a combination aerobic exercises
• Valorie Burton – Certified Executive County Welcome Center, such as jogging, biking, etc. with resis-
Coach and CEO of the CaPP 205 N 5th St, Zanesville tance training like moderate weight-
Institute, with a focus on “Filling • Cost: $25 per attendee lifting (John Hopkins Medicine, 2025).
Energy Gaps” and fostering (includes lunch) Tracking your progress while exercising
resilience. • Thank you to our event sponsor: ADVERTISE IN THE DRESDEN BUZZ. can have a few indicators such as more
• Michael Jr. – Comedic Thought ForeverDads of Zanesville 740-270-2408 reps and body composition by losing fat
Leader and Actor, speaking on and gaining muscle. After the holidays,
“Conflict is Necessary” with his “Live2Lead is more than an event; it is difficult to get back into a routine
signature humor and insight. it’s a transformative experience,” said but setting aside time each day, keeping
a log, or including friends can be helpful
so that you are held accountable. Maybe
you don’t have heart disease or other
Women of Achievement CONTINUED FROM PAGE 3 cardiovascular issues, but you probably
know someone who is. CPR or cardio-
Announces 2025 Winners pulmonary resuscitation is a lifesaving
skill to administer to someone who is in
ees. In 2024, we offered employees the cardiac arrest. The American AED CPR
Submitted opportunity to participate in our annual Association says that if CPR is adminis-
wellness initiatives, free virtual sessions tered immediately after cardiac arrest it
The Muskingum County Women of The achievement awards are de- on Talkspace for mental and emotional can double or triple a person’s chance
Achievement (WOA) program is pleased signed to honor women in the commu- health, nutrition counseling, wellness/ of survival. In Muskingum County, you
to announce winners of the 2025 nity for their contributions to education, health services and occupational well- can become Heartsaver and First Aid
awards. volunteer work, managerial work, or in being and safety.” Certified at the Carr Center in Zanesville
(1035 Beverly Ave). To schedule for a
their professional roles. Winners are se- Genesis HealthCare System has rou- class, call Marty Gamble at 740-453-
This year’s recipients include: lected by a panel of judges, made up of tinely implemented employees’ sug- 5417. Happy Heart Health Month!
• Karen Lyons – Muskingum Family Y past recipients and community leaders, gestions for a healthier workplace en-
Lifetime Service Award who review information submitted by vironment and provided programs that
• Jessica Sabine - Josephine Phillips nominators. benefit employees’ physical and mental Sources:
Figuero, M. (2022, June 28). 11 Benefits of Learning CPR. Ameri-
Health Care Award health. Genesis HealthCare System is can CPR AED Association.
• Amanda Blevins – Winifred K. Vogt In 1988, the Muskingum Family Y developing new opportunities to keep benefits-of-learning-cpr/
Education Award began the achievement program to rec- employees healthy. John Hopkins Medicine. (2025, January 30). Exercise and the
• Katie Ware – Ethel Granger Schultz ognize women in the community who For more information about the prevention/exercise-and-the-heart
Young Adult Award succeed in various endeavors. The trib- Healthy Worksite Recognition Awards, The Carr Center. (2025, January 30). First Aid/ CPR/AED Training.
• Stephanie Bridwell – Mary Townsend ute increases community awareness, visit
Professions Award understanding, and appreciation of how
• Ginger Hamilton – Mary Vashti women contribute to the economic and
Jones Funk Business Award social health of the community. Since its
• Melinda Russell – Aldine Roach inception, the program has recognized
Flegal Special Recognition Award more than 250 women in the Musking-
• Chloe Buchanan – Muskingum um County community.
Community Youth Foundation For more information about Women Find Us Online
Bright Futures Award of Achievement, including sponsorship
Recipients will be honored during a and ticket information, visit our website:
banquet on Wednesday, April 9. Tickets
for this event, as well as sponsorship op-
portunities, are now available.