Page 7 - Dresden Buzz 02-07-25
P. 7
FEBRUARY 7 - 20, 2025 SPORTS | PAGE 7
Tri-Valley swim team took top marks at recent SEOSL
Championship and move on to Sectionals
Maysville and John Glenn also compete
by Matthew Dotson
Tri-Valley Swim squad pose for a picture at the SEOSL Championship in Athens. Submitted
Area teams took part in the SEOSL fourth in the same event. 100 Yard Freestyle with teammate Bray- Owen Harney, and Kollin Buckner.
Championship on Saturday, February Kollin Buckner was the third-place fin- lie Burkey taking fifth place. Tri-Valley’s Sarah Jacoby swam in
1st, at the Ohio University Aquatic Cen- isher for Tri-Valley in the Boys 200 Yard Another top finish for Tri-Valley was second place in the Girls 100 Yard
ter in Athens. Out of the sixteen total Freestyle with teammate Sam Wegner Carter Dinan with a time of 52:19 in the Backstroke. Owen Harney picked up a
teams in the championship, Tri-Valley coming in fourth. Boys 100 Yard Freestyle. Maysville’s second-place finish for the Dawgs in the
took top marks with a team score of 387 Dani Stewart swam in second in Owen Rusnak took fourth in the same Boys 100 Yard Breaststroke followed
followed by The Plains in second place, the Girls 200 Yard IM for Tri-Valley. AJ event while TV teammate Kollin Buck- by teammate Coen Fuhriman in fourth
Vincent Warren in third, River View in Lawler was the top Dawg in the Boys ner took fifth place. place and John Glenn’s Liam Clinard in
fourth, Newark in fifth, Marietta in sixth, 200 Yard IM with a time of 2:02.53 with Maysville took the second place posi- fifth, TV’s Danny Jiang in sixth.
Coshocton in seventh place, Portsmouth teammates Garrett and Dallin Stirling, tion in the Girls 500 Yard Freestyle with The team of Carter Dinan, Garrett Stir-
in eighth, Maysville in ninth, and John and Owen Harney taking fifth and sixth, swimmer Leila Hawk followed by Tri-Val- ling, Dallin Stirling, and AJ Lawler took
Glenn in tenth. and seventh respectively in the event. ley’s Dani Stewart in third place. second place in the Boys 400 Yard Free-
The Tri-Valley team of Sarah Jacoby, Sarah Jacoby was the fourth-place fin- Sam Wegner and Dallin Stirling were style Relay while the second team of
Dani Stewart, Savannah Brooks, and isher in the Girls 50 Yard Freestyle for the third and fourth-place finishers in Sam Wegner, Cole Dougherty, Jackson
Braylie Burkey took second place in the Tri-Valley. Carter Dinan also finished the Boys 500 Yard Freestyle for Tri-Val- Morehouse, and Kollin Buckner took
Girls 200 Yard Medley Relay. The Scot- fourth for the Scotties in the Boys 50 ley. third for Tri-Valley.
ties also took second in the Boys 200 Yard Freestyle with Maysville’s Owen With a top time of 1:49.23 the team of For Tri-Valley, they will continue on to
Yard Medley Relay with the team of Rusnak taking fifth, TV teammate Coen Savannah Brooks, Braylie Burkey, Dani the 2025 OHSAA Sectional Boys D2 in
AJ Lawler, Owen Harney, Carter Dinan, Fuhriman taking sixth, and John Glenn’s Stewart, and Sarah Jacoby took first in Steubenville on Saturday, February 8th.
and Coen Fuhriman. A second team of Liam Clinard taking eighth. the Girls 200 Yard Freestyle Relay. The Girl’s team will head on to the 2025
Jackson Morehouse, Danny Jiang, Aiden In second place in the Boys 100 Yard The Scotties took second place in the OHSAA Sectional Girls D1 in Worthing-
Lentz, and Sam Wegner took fourth in Butterfly was Tri-Valley’s AJ Lawler fol- Boys 200 Yard Freestyle Relay with the ton on Saturday as well.
the same event for the Dawgs. lowed by teammate Aiden Lentz in team of Aiden Lentz, Garrett Stirling,
Maysville’s Leila Hawk grabbed third fourth position. Coen Fuhriman, and Dallin Stirling, fol-
place in the Girls 200 Yard Freestyle, Savannah Brooks was the second- lowed in third place by the second TV
with Tri-Valley’s Savannah Brooks taking place finisher for the Scotties in the Girls team of Cole Dougherty, Danny Jiang,