Page 8 - Dresden Buzz 02-21-25
P. 8
Electrics wrap up regular Maysville girls win first
season and face John Glenn in postseason game after losing
three conference matchups
post season by Matthew Dotson
by Matthew Dotson
Carter Crabtree from Philo tried to get around the Scotties by passing to Cooper Radcliffe.
Matthew Dotson
Vs Maysville (2/14)
Philo hosted Maysville Friday night With the intermission over, the War-
at the Power Plant. The Panthers were riors were back on the path leading
ready to go as soon as they hit the court, every turn of the game landing points
dominating the game and leaving the all the way through the third quarter to
Electrics to play catchup. In the end, head into the final period up 61 – 27 Maysville’s Sophie Dennis goes for a shot against the Tornadoes. Matthew Dotson
Maysville went back home with a 66 – with a running clock. With the final
25 win and another conference tally in buzzer just minutes away the Warriors Vs East Liverpool (2/13) second quarter. Just before halftime,
their MVL record. put in their second string to finish out Maysville hosted the East Liverpool the Muskies continued to overextend the
Philo will play John Glenn in New Con- the game. Philo kept up, but they were Potters for their first postseason game. Panthers defenses and led by 25 – 14
cord on Friday, February 21st, at 7 PM not able to gain any advantage with the After losing the last three games and before the break.
for a tournament game. clock ticking down and fell to Warren by struggling through a limited roster the After the halftime pep-talk, the
a score of 70 – 35. Lady Panthers brought their A – game Maysville girls were back in the game,
Vs Meadowbrook (2/11) with a 54 – 48 win over the Lady Potters putting up shots and blocking their op-
On the road again in Byesville on Tues- Vs Tri-Valley (2/7) they moved on to face Morgan in the Dis- ponents closing the gap down to just
day, the Electrics met up with the Colts Friday’s visitors were the Tri-Valley trict Semi-Final game. five points in the third quarter with John
for a non-conference game. Philo battled Scotties for a conference matchup Glenn still leading 37 – 32. Although
hard against the evenly matched de- against the Electrics at the Power Plant. Vs West Muskingum (2/10) they kept fighting, so did the Lil’ Muskies
fender, but ultimately the Electrics took Philo jumped out to a quick lead in the The West Muskingum Lady Tornadoes and the last minutes of the game led to
the 69 – 65 close win. first few minutes of the game taking an headed over to Maysville for Monday’s John Glenn holding their five-point ad-
Senior Talon Preston had 19 points, 8 – 5 advantage nearing the end of the conference game. From the starting vantage and winning the game 54 – 49.
two rebounds and four steals for the Elec- first quarter. As the game rolled on the whistle, the Tornadoes took control of
trics. Cooper Radcliffe had 14 points, six Scotties found their way past the Elec- the ball, breaking out a 13 – 5 lead in Vs Philo (2/05)
rebounds, and eight assists. Rusty Trout tric’s defenses and pushed hard to flip the first quarter. Maysville kept rolling Maysville High School hosted the Lady
had 12 points, three rebounds, two as- the scales sending the Philo players to forward in the second period as they Electrics from Duncan Falls on Wednes-
sists, and six steals. Camden Stoner had the halftime break down 33 – 23. built their advantage up to 23 – 13 be- day. The game started out pretty close
11 points, seven rebounds, one assist, Back on the court, the Scotties con- fore the halftime break. with the Electrics pulling ahead slightly
and one steal. tinued their rule of the floor with point When the break concluded the Lady to take a 14 – 10 lead by the end of the
after point popping their lead in the third Panthers launched forward putting up first quarter. In the second quarter, the
Vs Warren (2/8) quarter to 49 – 35 over the Electrics. On another 12 points in the third quarter to Philo girls cranked up the offense and
After the tight loss to Tri-Valley on Fri- the court in the fourth quarter, the Elec- increase their score to 35 – 20 heading defense building a 28 – 16 deficit for the
day night, the Electrics hopped on a bus trics tried to hold Tri-Valley back but they into the final frame. With just minutes Maysville girls to have to ponder during
to Vincent on Saturday to take on the fell short losing the game 64 – 51. remaining the Tornadoes defense held halftime.
Warren Warriors in a non-conference Sophomore Carter Crabtree had 18 Maysville to just eight points as they fin- In the beginning of the second half,
matchup. The Warriors took no prison- points for the game with three rebounds ished the game with a 50 – 28 victory. the Maysville girls began to close the gap
ers as they smashed out an 18 – 8 first- and one assist. Cooper Radcliffe had 11 narrowing the lead to 8 points with Phi-
quarter lead. After turning up the volume points, one rebound, and four assists. Vs John Glenn (2/8) lo ahead 35 – 27. As the final seconds
the Electrics were able to knock out a In New Concord on Saturday, the Lady closed in the Lady Panthers continued
few more points in the second period but Panthers were hoping to gain a win to rally forward almost taking the game
Warren showed no signs of stopping as against the Lil’ Muskies. John Glenn but the Electrics held onto the lead by
they blasted through the first half of the took control of the game in the first quar- one shot taking the game 42 – 40.
game with a 42 – 20 lead. ter pushing out a 10 – 4 lead before the