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PAGE 2 |  LOCAL NEWS                                                                                                FEBRUARY 21 - MARCH 6, 2025
                                             COVER STORY
                                             Ian Lauer’s Kenpo Karate celebrates

                                             grand opening of mall location with

                                             ribbon cutting ceremony                                    by Lynette Dotson

                                               Colony Square Mall, 3575 Maple Ave,   both growing and there wasn’t enough   throwing art per se, but if we have tech-
                  NEXT DEADLINE              Zanesville, is now the home of Ian Lau-  mat space for us both  to be teaching   niques where someone has to go to the
                  March 3 at 5PM             er’s Kenpo Karate, a martial arts school.    at  the same time and  when  that hap-  floor  we  have  padded  floors  for  that,
                                                                                 pened I decided to find my own space.
                                                                                                                      and  some  additional  mats,” explained
                                               Owner and Instructor, Ian Lauer, has a
                    NEXT ISSUE               3rd-degree black belt in American Ken-  And fortunately for me, he did all of that   Lauer.  “Kicking shields and  hand  tar-
                                             po;  1st-degree  black belts in  Coszacks
                                                                                                                      gets we have all of that, so we can work
                                                                                 research  five  years  ago  and  I  looked
                      March 7                Karate, Hapkido, and Tae Kwon Do; and   around too. – I just talked with Jessica   on  developing  power and  targeting  as
                                             a blue belt in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. He stud-  and it was surprisingly reasonable here   we train, we have mirrors because that
                PICKUP LOCATIONS             ied  wrestling  and  Dutch  Kickboxing/  when you compare it to other spaces in   helps  students  see  what  is  going  on
           DRESDEN: Bonnie Longaberger Senior Center,   Muay Thai. Lauer is also a certified per-  the town.”         when they are training. I have a setup to
          Scotties Den, Dari Twist, Circle K, Thirsty Dawg,   sonal trainer. In addition to his impres-    Six main principles are taught at the   do personal training because I got cer-
           The Warehouse Restaurant, Dresden Branch   sive martial arts career, Lauer has been   Kenpo  school;  respect, self-discipline,   tified in personal training in 2004 so I
         Library, Creno’s Pizza, Beauty By Design, Dresden   in several films including Enter the Fire   focus,  awareness,  confidence,  and   have been training for over twenty years
            Buzz, Main Street Pizzeria, The Mill, Agin   and The Musician where he was cast in   growth. There  are classes for all  ages   and so I thought you know there are a
          Hardware, Certified, Subway, Shrivers Pharmacy,   the lead role. He was also in the award-  beginning  at age four  and  continuing   lot of hours where I am not in a class
                Humble Heart, Smore Baskets
                                             winning film The Reliant.           through adulthood.                   so now I have this setup to do personal
           FRAZEYSBURG: New Beginnings Drive Thru,      Lauer  started instructing  about  two     “We are thrilled to welcome Ian Lau-  training, and I may open it to parents of
             Dairy Queen, Frazeysburg Village Office,   years ago but, quickly needed his own   er’s Ken Po Karate here at Colony Square   students so while their kids are training
           Subway, Duchess Gas Station, Fallsburg Pizza  larger space due to his business grow-  Mall,” said Jessica Bailer, Colony Square   they can workout.”
                                             ing.  “I chose this location because one   Mall Manager. “He has done a beautiful     “Probably 90% of people who get their
                 NASHPORT: Crenos Pizza      of the systems I study is ju-jitsu, I was in   transformation with the space and this   blackbelt want to have their own school,l
           ZANESVILLE: Kroger, The Muskingum County   Los Angeles for 13 years as an actor so I   is going to be providing some good ser-  so I have been very fortunate to be able
          YMCA, John McIntire Library, Muskingum County   did a lot of movies and everything and I   vices here to community members of all   to do that,” said Lauer.
             Center for Seniors, Mass Media Comics,   have multiple black belts and have been   ages. This is going to promote wellness,     Lauer’s Kenpo Karate is located next
          Denny’s Classic Diner, Fieldhouse Family Sports   training in a lot of different systems, but   and honing in skills, and building confi-  to JC Penny in the Colony Square Mall.
             and Wellness Center, Donald’s Donuts,   one I train in is ju-jitsu so when I came   dence, and it is going to be something   The school has an outside entrance so
           The Zanesville-Muskingum County Conference   back I wanted to find a ju-jitsu school,   we are really proud and happy to provide   they have hours that extend beyond the
           & Welcome Center, The Elk’s Eye Art Market,
            Walgreens (Military Rd.), The Carr Center,   so I found the one next door.  And so I   here to the  community. We are proud   normal  mall  operating  times. You can
           Sunrise Bowling Center, Colony Square Mall  was talking with Jason, the owner over   that he came to the mall.”   find more information and class times
                                             there, and  he knew  I  wanted my own     The Kenpo school is decked out with   by visiting  Also,
            SOUTH ZANESVILLE: South Branch Library,   school. So he let me sublet from him, so   all  the  necessary equipment  “We do   follow  Ian  Lauer’s  Kenpo  Karate on
            Darrell’s Donuts, Central Pike Coffee Co.  I rented space from him for a while, and   some take-downs and throws, it’s not a   Facebook for updates.
                                             then after a while it was like ‘ok’ we are
                  AVONDALE: Tina’s Diner
              WEST PIKE: Litten Home Hardware,   Governor DeWine Announces Five New All Ohio
                    West Side Market

           NEW CONCORD: Scott’s Diner, Wally’s Pizza,   Future Fund Sites             submitted
           New Concord Branch Library, Creno’s Pizza,
                    Orme Hardware
                                               Ohio Governor Mike DeWine and Ohio   make Ohio more competitive with other   ation in Muskingum County.
           DUNCAN FALLS: Duncan Falls/Philo Branch
                       Library               Department  of Development Director   states  and  more likely to win projects     The awards were approved by the Ohio
                                             Lydia Mihalik today announced five sites   that bring hundreds to thousands of new   Controlling Board this week.  In total, the
              ROSEVILLE: Roseville Branch Library  that will be prepared for future econom-  jobs.”                   Ohio General Assembly provided $750
                                             ic  development with  support from the     “Ohio has become the go-to destina-  million  for  the  All  Ohio  Future Fund  in
                                             All Ohio Future Fund (AOFF).         tion  for  cutting-edge,  industry-leading   the current operating budget. Governor
                                               A total of $92 million  in  AOFF  fund-  companies,  all thanks to our  commit-  DeWine previously  announced more
                                             ing  will  be used to advance  infrastruc-  ment  to building  strong,  thriving  com-  than $14.6 million to install critical in-
                                             ture at locations  in  Gallia,  Guernsey,   munities,” said Director Mihalik. “These   frastructure at the Baltimore Avenue In-
                                             Muskingum,  and  Pickaway counties.   strategic investments  will  fuel imme-  dustrial Corridor in Defiance.
                                             Governor  DeWine created the  All  Ohio   diate economic  growth and  lay the     Program  guidelines,  eligible expens-
                                             Future Fund with support from the Ohio   groundwork for future opportunities that   es, and additional information are avail-
                                             General Assembly to help attract future   will benefit Ohioans for years to come.”   able online at
                                             economic development projects by pre-    The  Zanesville  Muskingum  County   AllOhioFutureFund.  The  awards will  be
                                             paring  large  properties with  necessary   Port  Authority will  receive  $3,684,370   structured as part-grant, part-loan, with
                                             infrastructure.                      from the  All  Ohio  Future  Fund for  site   several  accountability  measures and
                                               “When major corporations are looking   preparation  and  the  construction  of a   loan  forgivability dependent  on  factors
                                             to move  or  expand,  they need shovel-  sewer extension  at the National  Road   including  median  wages at or above
                                             ready property,” said Governor DeWine.   Business Park. The project will enhance   125 percent of the median community
                                             “We’re proactively preparing these sites   infrastructure  at the  203-acre site to   wage.
                                             with  the necessary  infrastructure  to   support business growth and  job  cre-

                                             Genesis HealthCare System Elevates to

                                             Level III-N Trauma Center Verification                                                  submitted

                                                                                 verified  as  a  Level  III  Trauma  Center   processes to ensure quality care is con-
                                               The Genesis HealthCare System Trau-
                                             ma Center recently elevated its trauma   since 2011 and has undergone the veri-  sistently  being  provided  in  all  phases,
                                             center to a Level III-N designation. The   fication process every three years since   including care in the pre-hospital setting
                                             American College of Surgeons Commit-  that  time. Starting  in  2023,  the new   through the rehabilitation phase.
                                             tee on Trauma (ACS-COT) made the des-  level “N”  designation  by the ACS-COT     The  American  College of Surgeons
                                             ignation  after recognizing  the Genesis   reflects 24-hour neurosurgery coverage   (ACS) is a scientific and educational as-
                                             Trauma  Center’s ability  and  dedication   to assess and manage neurologically in-  sociation of surgeons that was founded
                                             to providing optimal care for injured pa-  jured patients such as head and spinal   in 1913 to raise the standards of surgical
                                             tients.                             injuries.                            education and practice and to improve
                                               “Providing high quality and timely trau-    During  the  verification  process,  trau-  the care of the surgical patient. The Col-
                                             ma care to our community is our top pri-  ma care is evaluated utilizing numerous   lege has over 72,000 members and is
                                             ority,” said Stuart Chow, D.O., F.A.C.O.S.,   trauma quality metrics, including timely   the  largest association  of surgeons  in
                                             F.A.C.S, Medical Director of Trauma and   assessment, resuscitation,  stabiliza-  the  world.  Longstanding  achievements
                                             Acute Care Surgical Services at Genesis   tion, emergency surgery, intensive care   have placed the ACS at the forefront of
                                             HealthCare System. “Genesis is commit-  and post-hospital care of patients who   American surgery and have made it an
                                             ted to providing immediate care for in-  have sustained a traumatic injury. This   important  advocate for  all  surgical  pa-
                                             jured patients.”                    process also involves evaluation of the   tients.
                                               Genesis HealthCare System has been   trauma  program  reviewing  operational
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