Page 7 - Dresden Buzz 02-21-25
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John Glenn girls basketball wrap up their season with
playoff loss to Morgan by Matthew Dotson
Vs Morgan (2/13) point advantage and grabbed the win
Thursday’s game was hosted by the Lil’ with a final score of 54 – 49.
Muskies in New Concord as the Morgan
Raiders headed North to Muskingum Vs West Muskingum (2/05)
County to open their postseason play. The Lil’ Muskies hit the road for West
Almost at a stalemate from the start, Muskingum on Wednesday to take on
the Raiders took an early 11 – 9 lead the Lady Tornadoes. The first quarter
at the end of the first quarter. Keeping of the game was a hard-fought battle
pace with their visitors, the Lil’ Muskies between the two teams. West Musk-
couldn’t break past the Morgan defense ingum was able to jump out to an 8 – 4
and headed to the halftime break down lead before the end of the first quarter.
23 – 20. In the second quarter, the game was
The Raiders took control in the second completely dominated by the Lady Tor-
half more than doubling John Glenn’s nadoes holding John Glenn scoreless
points and increasing their lead to 41 – while increasing their lead, leaving the
27. The last minutes saw the Lil’ Muskies Lil’ Muskies with a 14 – 4 deficit at half-
rallying for a 15-point quarter but falling time.
shy of the goal to lose the game 51 – 42 Back from the break the Muskies still
ending the John Glenn girl’s season. struggled to gain ground over the West M
defense but held their ground as much
Vs Maysville (2/8) as they could as the Tornadoes’ lead in-
New Concord hosted the Maysville creased to 19 – 8 before the end of the
Lady Panthers on Saturday in the Tank. third quarter. Both teams hopped into
When the ball dropped it was John Glenn action in the last remaining minutes as
who took the early lead, out defending the scores increased dramatically, West
the Panthers and taking a 10 – 4 lead by retained their lead as the final score bal-
the end of the first quarter. The Panthers looned up to 50 – 24.
increased their efforts in the second
quarter but fell short of the Muskies who
took a 25 – 14 advantage into halftime.
When the intermission was over,
Maysville was energized and ready to
play, grabbing the most shots for the
quarter almost closing the gap ending New Puzzles
the third quarter down 37 – 32. The
final minutes of the game were a com-
plete draw which didn’t bode well for on page 12!
Hannah DeMattio plans her next move against the Maysville Lady Panthers. Matthew Dotson Maysville as John Glenn held their five-
West Muskingum girls close
out regular season with a 12 - 3
MVL record by Matthew Dotson
Vs Maysville (2/10) Vs John Glenn (2/05)
On the road to neighboring Maysville, West Muskingum hosted the Lady Lil’
the Lady Panthers were waiting to battle Muskies on Wednesday for a confer-
it out with their conference foes. The mo- ence game. After the tipoff, the Lady
ment their shoes hit the court the Tor- Tornadoes pushed forward to lead the
nadoes started to blow by the Maysville Muskies by a score of 8 – 4 before the
defenses taking an early 13 – 5 lead in end of the first period. In the second
the first quarter. The second period was quarter, West M’s defense was rock sol-
a struggle for Maysville to keep up, and id as they held the Muskies back while
West Muskingum pushed their lead to pushing their own lead to 14 – 4 before
23 – 13 before halftime. the start of the halftime break.
When the whistle blew for the sec- On the court once more, the Lady Tor-
ond half of the game to begin, Maysville nadoes continued their journey to victory
started off strong, but all the while the by putting in shot after shot and leading
Tornadoes kept building their lead with the Muskies before the final quarter by a
their score hitting 35 – Maysville’s 20 score of 19 – 8. In the final minutes of
before the beginning of the fourth quar- the game, the Tornadoes pumped out a
ter. With the final minutes on the clock, total of 31 points to take a massive 50 –
West Muskingum played their hearts out 24 win.
taking the victory back home with a final
score of 50 – 28.
Vs Sheridan (2/8)
On the road in Thornville, the Lady Tor-
nadoes were pushed around by the Lady
Generals who took a 17 – 5 lead before
the halftime break.
When the two teams returned to play,
Sheridan continued dominating the
court increasing their lead to 39 – 13
in the third quarter. The final minutes of
the game were a blur for the Lady Torna-
does as Sheridan ended the game up 30
points with the final score of 59 – 29. West Muskingum’s Madalyn Kennedy passed
the ball to teammate Mireyha Reese to avoid
Maysville Matthew Dotson