Page 5 - Dresden Buzz 02-21-25
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PORTS Taking a look back at sports highlights throughout
Muskingum County for February 5 - 18.
Maysville Panthers take small school MVL Title and move on
to Playoffs by Matthew Dotson
Maysville boys varsity basketball team MVL Champions photo. submitted
Vs West Holmes (2/18) 12 points, nine rebounds, and five as- The night also marked Gator Nichol’s over Meadowbrook.
The Panthers hosted the West Holmes sists. 1000th career point. For the game, Gator Nichols had 25
nights this time for their first postseason points, nine rebounds, three assists, and
game where fresh off their matchup a Vs Philo (2/14) Vs Meadowbrook (2/7) three steals. Classmate Landon Iden
few days earlier, the Panthers found no On their trip to Philo on Friday, the The Panthers hosted the Colts on Fri- had 11 points for the Panthers, with two
surprises and pushed forward to an 80 – Panthers were ready to go and took con- day for a blowout of scoring by Maysville rebounds, three assists, and a steal.
54 blast-off start to their postseason. trol of the ball early on to eventually pull that ended with a huge 64 – 26 victory
The Panthers host the Claymont out a big 66 – 25 win over the Electrics.
MIustangs on Friday in OHSAA tourna- Gator Nichols had 18 points, three re-
ment play with the game starting at 7 bounds, and one assist in the game. Jor-
PM. dyn Watson had 17 points, six rebounds,
and five assists.
Vs West Holmes (2/15)
The West Holmes Knights hosted Vs Tri-Valley (2/11)
Maysville on Saturday for a little non- Maysville played host to the Tri-Valley
conference squaring off that led to a 69 Scotties from Dresden on Tuesday night
– 50 take-home victory for the Panthers. in a big game that ran neck and neck
Gator Nichols scored 25 points, had throughout the entire night, with the
three rebounds, and two assists to finish Scotties taking the final advantage for
the night. Kane Roehrig had 13 points, the closest of wins at 65 – 64.
and four rebounds. Jordyn Watson had Panther’s Gavin Ferguson tries to hold back the Tri-Valley defender on his way to the hoop.
Matthew Dotson