Page 4 - Dresden Buzz 02-21-25
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Colony Square Mall welcomes Muskingum Valley HEALTH & WELLNESS
new eatery offering quick Symphonic Winds Caffeine
Performs Cancer
affordable food options Benefit Concert Consumption:
by Lynette Dotson submitted How Much Is
The Muskingum Valley Symphonic
Winds will present “A Song for Hope” at Too Much?
Muskingum University on Sunday, Feb-
ruary 23 at 3 p.m. “A Song for Hope” is by Alexus Masterson, MPH,
dedicated to cancer survivors and fight- Family & Consumer Sciences Educator
ers and will raise money for CancerBlows Ohio State University Extension,
and the Genesis Cancer Care Center. The Muskingum County
repertoire for the concert will focus on
the variety of emotions one who faces a
cancer diagnosis might experience. The
two cornerstone works on the program
are Brian Balmages’ Stages, which was Coffee, tea, Red Bull, Alani Nu, 5
composed for a music teacher diag- Hour Energy, what do all these drinks
nosed with cancer; and A Song of Hope, have in common? Caffeine. One day
composed by Peter Meechan for Ryan last week while sitting in my office I was
Anthony, a professional trumpet player about to reach for my third cup of coffee
who lost his battle with multiple myelo- for the day, when I asked my coworker
ma in 2020. if that was a good idea, she stopped me
Interconnecting the musical works and asked if I wanted a better alterna-
on the program will be short stories and tive, like tea. I begrudgingly accepted
reflections shared by cancer survivors as the offer and finished out my workday. I
well as cancer statistics and public ser- wondered if I may be relying too heavily
vice announcements about recommend- on caffeine to get me through my day.
Zanesville Muskingum County Chamber President Dana Matz counts down as Pit Stop Express owner, ed screenings. A trailer for the documen- Let’s look at what caffeine is at the base
Derek Edwards cuts the ceremonial ribbon at the grand opening of his new restaurant located in the tary “Song for Hope: The Ryan Anthony level; caffeine is classified as a drug by
Colony Square Mall. Lynette Dotson Story,” which chronicles the cancer jour- acting as a stimulant that speeds up
A new eatery in the food court at the When asked why he chose this loca- ney of Ryan Anthony, will also be shown messages between the brain and the
Colony Square Mall, 3575 Maple Ave., tion Edwards stated, “Why not the mall? just prior to the performance of A Song body (ADF, 2025). According to the FDA
Zanesville, celebrated its grand opening We wanted to give the public a little va- of Hope, a work specially composed for most adults can safely consume up to
with a ribbon cutting earlier this month. riety, we have a lot of repeat customers Ryan and that features three trumpet 400 mg a day, which is approximately
Pit Stop Express is located near Auntie that are in here every day and we defi- soloists. two to three 12 fluid ounces of coffee.
The concert is loosely based on Can-
Ann’s Pretzels in between the Musk- nitely appreciate that.” cerBlows concerts, which are managed Caffeine sensitivity can happen to other
ingum County Library System outreach “We’re very pleased to be able to have and supported by the Ryan Anthony symptoms include jitteriness, insomnia,
anxiousness, headache, nausea, and
location in the mall and Super Brow. this additional offering here in the mall Foundation. This 501(c)3 foundation rapid heartbeat (Schober, 2024). As we
“We opened November 21st was our food court,” stated Jessica Brailer, the was created by Ryan and Niki Anthony age, the rate at which our bodies absorb
first day, we just wanted to open up a General Manager for Colony Square to promote cancer awareness and raise caffeine changes and absorbs slower
restaurant in the Food Court to have a Mall. “I feel this addition really rounds money for cancer research. All money due to enzymes that metabolize caf-
little variety, you know different things out the current offerings we have, and raised at the concert will be split be- feine grow less efficient with age, which
to choose from,” stated owner Derek the menu here at the Pit Stop is family- tween the Multiple Myeloma Research means older adults cannot clear caf-
Edwards. We wanted to give the public friendly, it’s budget-friendly, there are Foundation and the Genesis Cancer feine as fast as younger people.
some good food and a different selec- a lot of different options they even had Care Center through CancerBlows/The Without caffeine, what are ways to
tion and we have a kid-friendly menu breakfast items, snack items, lunch and Ryan Anthony Foundation. The concert stay awake? Having a snack low in sug-
and we have kids meals and combos, dinner, so we’re really excited to offer will be held in Brown Chapel on the cam- ar, exercise, hydration, and breathing
our prices are really low, you are not go- this to everybody and provide a higher pus of Muskingum University on Sunday, exercises are a great way to stay ener-
ing to find any good food like we have for level of customer service to our com- February 23 at 3 p.m. gized when that after lunch slump hits.
The Muskingum Valley Symphonic
the price that we have.” munity, and we are glad that Derek and Winds, a partnership between Musking- If you are trying to stay energized while
“We offer mostly fried foods, we his family made the investment to come um University and the southeastern Ohio staying indoors connecting with nature
can rejuvenate the system and help you
have chicken patty sandwiches, spicy into Colony Square Mall and they have region, is comprised of local profession- ground when feeling stress. Power naps
chicken patties, sloppy joes, shredded been very well received so far. Anybody al and amateur musicians, in addition to are another great alternative as well.
chicken, a lot of the sides that we have who hasn’t tried it, we want to invite ev- Muskingum students, faculty, and staff. Napping is controversial for some, in-
are fried foods that you can only get at eryone to come out and try some of the Muskingum Valley Symphonic Winds is cluding adults as it is easy to oversleep
sit-down restaurants, like fried pickles, really great things that they have to of- made possible in part by an investment and feel unrested. The length of time
fried mushrooms, onion pedals, onion fer.” of public funds from the Ohio Arts Coun- varies for each person, but experts say
rings, we do deep fried hot dogs, mac Pit Stop Express is open Monday cil (OAC). The OAC is a state agency that that 20 minutes is long enough to get
and cheese bites, we have a lot of good through Thursday 10:00 a.m. to 7:00 funds and supports quality arts experi- the restorative benefits of the first few
stuff,” Edwards added. p.m., Friday and Saturday 10:00 a.m. ences to strengthen Ohio communities stages of sleep (Northwestern Medicine,
In addition to fried foods, Pit Stop Ex- to 8:00 p.m., and Sunday noon to 6:00 culturally, educationally, and economi- 2023). Try to avoid sleeping later in the
press also serves sweet treats including p.m. Follow Pit Stop Express on Face- cally. The Symphonic Winds performs day so your natural sleep schedule is
cinnamon or powdered sugar donuts, book for more information. a three concert season each academic uninterrupted. Finding balance between
year and has also performed as part
funnel cakes, and french toast sticks. of the Celebrate New Concord summer enough sleep and healthy activities can
be difficult, caffeine is okay in small
concert series and the Salt Fork Arts and doses but being mindful of what we con-
New Endocrinologist Joins Crafts Festival. The Symphonic Winds sume can help us be our best at work or
are under the direction of Dr. David Tur-
at home.
Genesis HealthCare System rill, Associate Professor of Music and Sources:
Director of Bands at Muskingum Univer-
submitted sity. Alcohol and Drug Foundation. (2025, February 11). What is caf-
For more information, contact the
Genesis HealthCare System wel- Dr. Sulehri completed a fellowship in en- Muskingum University Music Depart- Shannahan, A. (2023, January). 7 Ways to Wake Up Without
Coffee: Caffeine-Free Strategies to Stay Energized. Northwestern
comes M. Shahan Sulehri, M.D., who docrinology at the University at Buffalo, ment at 740-826-8095 or music@musk- Medicine.
recently joined Genesis Endocrinology, Buffalo, New York, and is board-certified Schober, L. (2024, August 21). How To Know if You Have Caffeine
specializing in diagnosing, treating, and in internal medicine and endocrinol- For more information about Cancer- Sensitivity and What To Do About It. https://www.
managing several different conditions ogy by the American Board of Internal Blows/The Ryan Anthony Foundation,
that affect your hormones and endo- Medicine. He is dedicated to advancing visit
crine system. Dr. Sulehri earned his doc- patient health through innovative treat-
tor of medicine degree from the Latin ments and compassionate care.
American School of Medicine in Cuba Dr. Sulehri is accepting new patients
where he graduated as a gold medalist at Genesis Endocrinology, 860 Bethesda
and with distinctions in internal medi- Drive
cine. He completed his internship at Unit 1 & 4, Zanesville. Patients can ADVERTISE IN THE DRESDEN BUZZ.
the same institution before pursuing a schedule appointments by calling 740-
residency in internal medicine at JFK 586-6690. More information can be 740-270-2408
University Medical Center/Raritan Bay found at by searching Dr.
Medical Center Program in New Jersey. Sulehri.