Page 3 - Dresden Buzz 02-21-25
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Muskingum University Stories of Four Remarkable
Occupational Therapy Program 19th Century Men submitted
to Host Older Adult Health and Muskingum County History’s Peter at Ohio Wesleyan University (OWU) and
then a general manager of the Brooklyn
Cultice, President, would like to intro-
Wellness Fair submitted duce you to four extraordinary men who Dodgers, but his defense of his baseball
fought the challenges of the 19th Cen-
player, Charles Thomas, was admirable.
tury – slavery, anti-Black laws, fear, rac- Thomas was a talented Black baseball
Muskingum University’s Master of Oc- being by sharing helpful ideas for engag-
cupational Therapy (MOT) Program is ing in the daily activities they value and ism, and no education. Each had their player at OWU who was not permitted to
hosting the second annual Older Adult doing so safely. The students put their own special talents; each had the cour- stay at the same hotel as the rest of the
Health and Wellness Fair. Community new knowledge to work by educating age to stand up for Civil Rights, for free- OWU baseball team because of the col-
members ages 65+ are invited to par- community members about productive dom, and for education. or of his skin. Rickey insisted on Thomas
ticipate in activities that will provide tips and safe aging, while the attendees ben- Mr. Cultice will share the stories of sleeping in his hotel room which went
and strategies for productive aging. efit from the tips they learn about home Joshua Simpson, Frederick Douglass, against the policies of the hotel.
The event will take place on Satur- safety, saving energy, and staying en- Branch Rickey, and Charles Thomas. All four men with unique stories. All
day, March 8, from 11 a.m. to 12 p.m. gaged in living their lives to the fullest. You might recognize one or more of four were advocates of the Civil Rights of
in Caldwell Hall on Muskingum Univer- “We are building on the inaugural those names, but you probably don’t Black men and women at times when
sity’s campus. The event is free, and Health & Wellness Fair by adding two know the history of their connections such advocacy could put them in dan-
sign-in and registration begin at 10:30 community partners. Attendees will to Muskingum County. Joshua Simpson ger. Join Peter Cultice on February
a.m. Handicap parking is available, also learn about services available from was born a free Black man but was de- 26 from 5:30 to 7 p.m. at the Dresden
along with an accessible entrance. Fam- Muskingum’s Bullock Health & Wellness nied freedom and education. He went Branch of the Muskingum County Li-
ily members and caregivers are wel- Complex and the Area Agency on Aging on to earn his education, advocated for brary (816 Main Street, Dresden) to
come to accompany attendees and join Region 9. It’s a win-win for everyone who abolitionism, and authored “The Eman- learn more. There is no cost to at-
in learning more about occupational participates.” cipation Car.” Frederick Douglass, more tend and no registration is needed.
therapy’s role in promoting health and The event is an opportunity for occu- of a familiar name, was born a slave, Special Thanks to the Muskingum
safety for older adults. pational therapy students to apply what escaped, and became a well-known lec- County Library System for this part-
Participants will explore ways to en- they are learning as part of their Elders turer at anti-slavery meetings across the nership! For information about future
hance their daily lives with practical Level I Fieldwork course. The MOT pro- nation including at the Putnam Presby- events visit muskingumcountyhistory.
strategies for home safety, fall pre- gram at Muskingum University is a two- terian Church in 1843. Branch Rickey is org/events.
vention, adaptive equipment use, and year program designed for licensed Oc- best remembered as a baseball coach
simple home modifications. Attendees cupational Therapy Assistants (OTAs) or CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1
will also learn energy conservation tech- individuals with a bachelor’s degree in
niques, tips for maintaining physical ac- a health-related field, preparing gradu- Superintendent
tivity, and methods to improve overall ates to sit for the national examination
wellness, such as relaxation, medita- for the occupational therapist, admin- perintendent of Circleville City Schools, to move into the district and start get-
tion, and community engagement. Ad- istered by the National Board for Certi- overseeing day-to-day operations of the ting to know the people in the Tri-Valley
ditionally, strategies for promoting brain fication in Occupational Therapy (NB- school district. Mr. Henderson holds a family.”
health will be shared to support cogni- COT®). The program is accredited by the Bachelor of Science in Physical Educa- Mr. Henderson is eager to begin his
tive well-being. Accreditation Council for Occupational tion from The Ohio State University, a transition as superintendent and plans
“The Master of Occupational Therapy Therapy Education of the American Oc- certificate in Learning Disabilities from to be visible in the district over the com-
program is excited to provide an event cupational Therapy Association. Capital University, and a Master of Edu- ing months prior to his official start date
focused on health, wellness, and preven- If community members have ques- cation from Ashland University. of August 1, 2025.
tion for community members 65 years tions, they can call Dr. Lawler at 740- Mr. Henderson and his wife Jenny are Please join the Tri-Valley Local Schools
and older again this year,” MOT Program 826-8466 or email klawler@musking- the proud parents of five children, Ma- Board of Education in congratulating
Director Dr. Kim Lawler said. “Students rissa, Kelly, Amanda, Jimmy and Mya and welcoming Mr. Henderson as your
will promote attendees’ health and well- and eight grandchildren. In addition to next superintendent.
spending time with his family, Mr. Hen-
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with his sons-in-law.
CALL OR TEXT 740-270-2408. In Mr. Henderson’s words, “I’m excited 740-270-2408