Page 2 - Dresden Buzz 06-28-24
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PAGE 2 |  LOCAL NEWS                                                                                                      JUNE 28 - JULY 11, 2024

                                             Jefferson High School Alumni Banquet By Alice Stratman Smith

                  NEXT DEADLINE
                   July 8 at 5 PM

                    NEXT ISSUE
                      July 12

           DRESDEN: Bonnie Longaberger Senior Center,
          Scotties Den, Dari Twist, Circle K, Thirsty Dawg,
           The Warehouse Restaurant, Dresden Branch
         Library, Creno’s Pizza, Beauty By Design, Dresden
            Buzz, Main Street Pizzeria, The Mill, Agin
          Hardware, Certified, Subway, Shriver Pharmacy
           FRAZEYSBURG: New Beginnings Drive Thru,
             Dairy Queen, Frazeysburg Village Office,
                Subway, Duchess Gas Station
                 NASHPORT: Crenos Pizza
           ZANESVILLE: Kroger, The Muskingum County
          YMCA, John McIntire Library, Muskingum County
             Center for Seniors, Mass Media Comics,   Left to right: Lester Taylor, Bonnie Birkhimer Hague, Jean Glosser Robinson, Shirley Pletcher King, Jean Mattingly Scott, Sally Thompson Prouty, Richard
           Masterwork Gaming, Denny’s Classic Diner,   Prince, Pati Tyson Redmond, Eleanor Kain Katsamps and Alice Stratman Smith.   Matthew Dotson
          Fieldhouse Family Sports and Wellness Center,
           Donald’s Donuts, Nicole’s on Main Hair Salon      The  annual  Jefferson  High School  her husband,  LTC Robert A. Redmond,  bers in  attendance  – P.J.  Longstreth,
          and Boutique, The Zanesville-Muskingum County   Alumni Banquet was held on Saturday,  PhD, who, sadly, made the book a pos-  Paul Lacy and Jim Ross. And Cheerlead-
               Conference & Welcome Center,   June  15  in  the Tri  Valley auditorium  in  sibility.  In 2021 Pati published the book  er Becky Starner McInerney.
                  Walgreens (Military Rd.)
                                             Dresden, Ohio.  A social hour was held  WORDS FROM THE HEART, When Ameri-     Loretta Hanson  from Arizona  was
            SOUTH ZANESVILLE: South Branch Library,   at 4:30p.m. followed by the  meal at  ca’s Veterans Speak.  It was dedicated to  given a baseball cap in school colors for
            Darrell’s Donuts, Central Pike Coffee Co.  5:30p.m. prepared by the Dresden Fire  all Veterans of the Armed Forces of The  coming the farthest and Dick Freshwa-
                                             Department and served by the Tri-Valley  United States of America and to those  ter was given a ceramic chair in school
          NEW CONCORD: Scott’s Diner, Wally’s Pizza, New   band members.  The front cover of the  now serving.  Pati asked Sally to help her  colors with a plant.
           Concord Branch Library, Creno’s Pizza, Orme   program  featured a  Jayhawk drawn  by  prepare the book for publication.  List-     Ken Norris  presented $1,000.00
          Hardware, Chapman’s Coffee House, Arena Cuts  Olivia  Jenkins,  granddaughter of Diana  ed on page 191 is JHS 1959 graduate  to  five  recipients  from  the  Scholarship
           DUNCAN FALLS: Duncan Falls/Philo Branch   Adams, Alumni Treasurer.    George Miller; Page 230, Pati’s husband  Fund.   Landon  Wilson,  Lyla  Fisher and
                       Library                  President Alice Stratman Smith wel-  Robert Redmond; Page 304 is JHS grad-  Alexis Ardelian  accepted their check
                                             comed everyone followed by the Pledge  uate David Bice.  Both books are avail-  and gave information about their plans.
              ROSEVILLE: Roseville Branch Library  of Allegiance, the National Anthem and  able on        Absent  were Alivia  Sims and  Camden
                                             Invocation  by  Rev.  Lester  Taylor,  1959     The following  attended  in  classes  Wickerham.
                                             graduate.                           honored.   70  year, 1954  - Don Cullins     Treasurer  Diana  Adams Schaefer
                                                Guest  speakers were  1959  gradu-  and Bob Jamison; 65 year, 1959 – Bon-  gave a report on the funds of the Alumni
                                             ates Sally Thompson Prouty from Rick-  nie  Birkhimer  Hague,  Shirley  Pletcher  followed by the reading of the minutes
                                             ville, Maryland and Pati Tyson Redmond,  King,  Eleanor  Kain  Katsamps,  Sally  of the 2023 Alumni by Recording Secre-
                                             from Greensboro, North Carolina.   Sal-  Thompson Prouty, Alice Stratman Smith,  tary Martha Fritts Prince.  A tribute and
                                             ly’s father was a local minister and she  Jean Mattingly Scott, Lester Taylor, Rich-  the names of alumni who died this past
                                             had three brothers who were JHS gradu-  ard  Prince,  Pati  Tyson  Redmond,  Carol  year was given by Martha Fritts Prince.
                                             ates.  Pati’s father was a teacher at JHS  Jean Robinson; 60 year, 1964 – PJ Long-     President Alice Stratman Smith led
                                             and her sister Barbara a 1957 graduate.   streth, Jim  Ross, Gary Graves, Earlene  the singing of The Jefferson Alma Mater
                                             Sally and Pati have been friends since  Starner Corban, Melody Tignor Graves.  followed by the closing  benediction  by
                                             grade  school.   In  2018 Pati  published     Also  recognized  was  the  1963-64  Rev. Carl Schaefer.
                                             the book We The Widows, in memory of  Basketball  State Champs  team mem-

                                             Alice Stratman Smith, Martha Fritts Prince, Diana   P.J. Longstreth, Earlene Starner Corban, Jim Ross,   Don Cullins and Robert “Bob” Jamison
                                             Adams Schaefer   Matthew Dotson     Melody Tignor Graves, Gary Graves       Matthew Dotson
                                                                                    Matthew Dotson

                                             Speakers Sally Thompson Prouty (left) and Pati   Scholarship recipients with Ken Norris      Alice Stratman Smith
                                             Tyson Redmond (right)    Alice Stratman Smith      Alice Stratman Smith
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