Page 7 - Dresden Buzz 06-28-24
P. 7

JUNE 28 - JULY 11, 2024                                                                                                        SPORTS   | PAGE 7
        Jr Pioneers swept Columbus                                               MVL Leads All-Star Football

        doubleheader before dropping                                             Series 23 – 19 after Friday’s

        to TNT and Sr Pioneers                                by Matthew Dotson  40 – 26 win in New Lexington

                                                                                     New Lexington’s Jim Rockwell Sta-     Licking  Valley opened  scoring  in
                                                                                 dium was host to the 2024 Muskingum  the  fourth  quarter with Utica’s  Justin
                                                                                 Valley vs Licking  Valley All-Stars game  Giffin making a short run for paydirt to
                                                                                 on  Friday,  June 14th.   Licking  Valley  push  back at Muskingum  and  narrow
                                                                                 was hoping to narrow down the tally of  their lead to 32 – 20.  Niceswanger hit
                                                                                 Muskingum  and  not let them  get too  Sheridan’s  Bryson Ruff for a 24-yard
                                                                                 much farther ahead in the series.  Musk-  touchdown  after a long  drive  initiated
                                                                                 ingum  Valley  struck  first  with  a  short-  by Licking Valley’s 66-yard punt, putting
                                                                                 reach touchdown that gave them a 6 – 0  Muskingum Valley up 40 – 20 with only
                                                                                 lead in the first quarter.  Licking Valley  3:06 left on the clock.
                                                                                 couldn’t let it stand and came back with     Licking Valley pushed on, finding Ja-
                                                                                 a touchdown of their own with the extra  cob Wheeler open they hit him up for a
                                                                                 point to boot giving them a 7 – 6 advan-  14-yard touchdown, just barely landing
                                                                                 tage.                                inside the endzone on the back side to
                                                                                     The second quarter saw Muskingum  end the scoring for the night with a final
                                                                                 take the lead back with a run-in touch-  tally of Muskingum Valley 40 – Licking
                                                                                 down  that  gave  them a  12 –  6 edge.   Valley 26.  This set the record for the se-
                                                                                 The  MVL boys kept pushing  hard  and  ries to 23 – 19 in Muskingum’s favor.
                                                                                 ended a drive with a pass to Tri-Valley’s
                                                                                 Ashton Sensibaugh to pad their lead at
                                                                                 19 – 7 after the extra point.  Licking Val-
        Junior Pioneers first baseman Brody Hammersley tries to tag out the runner for the Senior   ley hit Jacob Wheeler with a short pass
        Pioneers.   Matthew Dotson
                                                                                 to narrow the gap and LV went into the
        Vs Senior Pioneers (6/20)            Vs Bruins doubleheader (6/15)       halftime break down 19 – 14.          READ & SHARE THE
            The Junior Pioneers are no strang-     In game one against the Bruins at      After the intermission, Coshocton’s
        ers to  playing  the Senior  Pioneers but  Gant Stadium, the Junior Pioneers shut   Riley  Woodie  came out  of  nowhere to   BUZZ ONLINE IN
        they were hoping for a win at Gant Sta-  out their opponents and capitalized on   blast  past  all  the defenders for  a  65-
        dium on Thursday.  As the game opened  the shutout in the second inning when   yard  touchdown for Muskingum Valley   FULL COLOR
        the  two teams went  scoreless for the  Melick and Campbell both scored on a   increasing  their lead  to 26  –  19  after
        first  two  innings  until  the  Jr  Pioneers  single by Blecha on the ground to center   the  PAT.  But  Muskingum  Valley was   DRESDENBUZZ.COM
        picked  up  their  first  run  in  the  top  of  field taking a 2 – 0 lead.  The Pioneers   not  finished  there,  Morgan’s  Logan
        the third inning taking a 1 – 0 lead and  wrapped up scoring in the bottom of the   Niceswanger  found  fellow  team mem-
        padding that run with another in the top  third  inning  with a triple  by Reiss that   ber  Kole  Searl  downfield  for  a  25-yard
        of the third before the Senior Pioneers  scored Swartz and Hammersly followed   touchdown giving Muskingum a 32  –
        answered back in the bottom of the in-  by a ground  out by Jennings to bring   14 lead ending the scoring for the third
        ning with a run of their own but were still  in the final run of the game when Reis   quarter.
        trailing 2 – 1.  The top of the fifth inning  stepped across home plate.  The Bruins
        had the Jr Pioneers adding a run to their  could not come back and after six and a
        lead, but the Sr Pioneers came back in  half innings the Pioneers took the 5 – 0
        the bottom of the inning to tie the game  win on game one.
        at 3 each.  The game went on scoreless     Game two started out with a three-
        untill the Sr Pioneers grabbed the final  run  leap  ahead  by the Pioneers in  the
        go-ahead run in the bottom of the eighth  bottom  of  the  first  inning  when  Teke
        inning to win the match 4 – 3.       scored on a single by Hammersly, and
                                             Swartz scored on an error, followed by   (740) 754-1162 Dresden | (740) 455-3730 Zanesville  | (740) 754-2635 Rentals & Leasing
        Vs TNT (6/18)                        Jennings’s single that brought in Ham-
            When the TNT College Knights came  mersly for a 3  –  0  lead.  Pulling  a re-
        to town to the Gant Stadium on Tuesday  peat in the bottom of the second inning
        they came ready to play.  From the start  quickly had  the Junior  Pioneers up  by
        they grabbed three runs in the top of the  6 – 0.  The Bruins battled but couldn’t
        first inning and padded that lead to 4 –  land a run.  After two scoreless innings,
        0 by the top of the second.  Zanesville  the Pioneers capped off their score with
        picked up two runs in the bottom of the  three runs in the bottom of the fifth in-
        second to narrow the deficit down to 4  ning and one more in the bottom of the
        – 2.  TNT packed two more runs into the  sixth to take a 10 – 0 victory in game
        top of the third inning to push the lead  two and  a  clean  sweep of the double-
        back up to 6 – 2 against the Jr Pioneers.   header
        The Knights held the Pioneers scoreless
        throughout the remainder of the game
        and tacked on three more runs of their
        own in the top of the seventh to take the
        game 9 – 2.

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                                                                                   Remodeled 3–4Ͳbedroom home on quiet street in Dresden. Beautiful neigh-
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                                                                                        for a large family. Convenient location to shopping, restaurants,
                                                                                                        Muskingum River and more.
                                                                                                         Lori Frank 740Ͳ704Ͳ5511

        Pitcher Jake Roshau throws a pitch from the mound.    Matthew Dotson
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