Page 4 - Dresden Buzz 06-28-24
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PAGE 4 |  LOCAL NEWS                                                                                                      JUNE 28 - JULY 11, 2024
        American Freestyle Tae Kwon Do Club shines at the 35th Annual

        Mid Ohio Open Martial Arts Tournament                                                        submitted

            The American Freestyle Tae Kwon Do
        Club, located at the Muskingum County
        YMCA proudly announces the outstand-
        ing achievements of its students at the
        35th Annual Mid Ohio Open Martial Arts
        Tournament, hosted by Jacques Tarr, in
        Fredericktown, Ohio on June 15, 2024.
        This marks our  second  tournament  of
        the  year, and  our  students showcased
        remarkable  skill  and  dedication,  bring-
        ing home multiple accolades.
            Competing  against  martial  artists
        from various  regions,  our  four  partici-
        pants delivered exceptional performanc-

        • Jordan Conrad: Dominated the
           competition with 1st place finishes in
           Kata, Weapon Kata, Sparring, and
           Padded Weapon categories.
        • Conner Gallagher: Achieved 1st place
            in Weapon Kata and 2nd place in Kata.

        • Nate Elswick: Placed 5th in
            Open Hand Kata.
        • Noah Sherry: Secured 1st place
            in Kata.
            This tournament  follows our  suc-
        cessful participation  earlier  this year
        on March 23, 2024, at the Martial Arts
        Open Tournament. In that event, our stu-
        dents also demonstrated their prowess:

        • Noah Sherry: 1st place in Kata for the
            Co-Ed 5-year-olds category.      Students from the American Freestyle Tae Kwon Do Club with their trophies.    submitted
        • Jordan Conrad: 4th place in Kata and
            2nd place in Padded Weapons for the
            8-9 year-old novice category.    Clapper, master instructor at the Musk-  fostering a sense of discipline, respect,  events, please contact  American  Free-
                                             ingum County YMCA Tae Kwon Do Club.  and camaraderie among students of all  style Tae Kwon Do Senior Master Instruc-
         Leading  the students,  Grand  Master  Will Dagpin, master instructor also had  ages. Our  commitment to excellence  tor, George Taylor on Facebook & Mes-
        Kinney noted, “Competing in these tour-  this to say; “Their hard work and perse-  in  martial  arts education  continues  to  senger:
        naments not only  highlights  their mar-  verance are truly inspiring.”  thrive, as demonstrated by the outstand-  AmericanFreestyleTaeKwonDo
        tial arts skills but also builds their con-     The  Muskingum  County  YMCA Tae  ing performances of our students in re-     Registration  for Mighty Mites  (4-6
        fidence  and  sportsmanship!”  “We  are  Kwon Do Club has been a cornerstone  cent tournaments.               year olds) | Tae Kwon Do (6-Adult) | Self
        incredibly  proud  of  our  students’  dedi-  of the community for 20 years, provid-     For  more information  about  our  Defense Class (16+) can be done by vis-
        cation and accomplishments,” said Teri  ing  top-notch martial  arts training  and  Tae Kwon  Do program  and  upcoming  iting the Muskingum County YMCA.
        Denny’s Classic Diner Hot                                                Corey Jackson, D.O., first to

        Summer Night’s Cruise Ins                                                use new technology in joint

        continue through Aug. 2                                                  replacement surgery

                                                                                 GPS aids joint alignment for improved surgical outcomes

                                                                                     Corey  Jackson,  D.O.,  Board-certified      enhanced responsiveness
                                                                                 Orthopedic Surgeon at the Genesis Ortho-  • Auxiliary display connectivity,
                                                                                 pedic  Center,  recently  became  the  first      facilitating improved
                                                                                 surgeon to use the newest generation of      collaboration among surgical teams
                                                                                 ExactechGPS® hardware and technology.  • High angular visibility throughout the
                                                                                 Jackson performed a total knee replace-      surgical space, ensuring the system’s
                                                                                 ment using the new technology with en-      proven precision and accuracy
                                                                                 hanced system responsiveness and con-  • Compact tracker design, which
                                                                                 nectivity, and ultra-fast proprietary active      optimizes performance and minimizes
                                                                                 tracker technology.                      obstruction in the surgical space and
                                                                                     “Exactech  GPS provides  real-time      impact of fluid or blood interference
                                                                                 personalized insights for optimal patient     Jackson specializes  in  diagnosing
                                                                                 outcomes,” said Jackson. “The compact  and treating knee and hip arthritis, frac-
                                                                                 screen and  active trackers seamlessly  tures, post traumatic  arthritis,  avascu-
                                                                                 integrate into  the operating  room,  en-  lar  necrosis of knees and  hips,  painful
                                                                                 hancing efficiency and performance. Our  or  failed  total  or  partial  knee  and  hip
                                                                                 patients  undergoing  knee replacement  replacements,  dislocations  and  shoul-
                                                                                 procedures  will  benefit  from  this  new  der arthritis among other conditions. He
                                                                                 technology.”                         performs procedures such as total knee
                                                                                     The GPS system features enhanced  replacement,  revisions  of  total  knee re-
                                                                                 active  tracker technology  and  a mod-  placement,  total hip  replacement,  knee
                                                                                 ernized  touchscreen interface,  providing  arthroscopy,  conversion  hemiarthro-
                                                                                 fast and effective two-way intraoperative  plasty to full arthroplasty and meniscec-
                                                                                 communication  for  accurate, real-time  tomy, loose body removal, injections, to-
                                                                                 analytics  throughout  total joint  replace-  tal shoulder arthroplasty, hip resurfacing
                                                                                 ment surgery.                        and shoulder arthroscopy.
                                                                                     Notable features of the next genera-     Visit  to
        Friday Cruise Ins at the Zanesville Denny’s Diner are planned most Friday evenings through   tion GPS include:  learn more about the Genesis Orthopedic
        the summer.  Dates are June 28, July 19, July 26 and August 2.  There will not be a Cruise   • Large, high-resolution screen and   Center.
        In on July 5th or 12th.     Lynette Dotson                                   integrated capacitive technology for
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