Page 3 - Dresden Buzz 06-28-24
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JUNE 28 - JULY 11, 2024                                                                                                   LOCAL NEWS    | PAGE 3
        Inaugural Season                     continued from page 1
 By Alice Stratman Smith
        of Putnam                            America’s Basket Festival

        Railroad Forum



        Stone Academy, 115 Jefferson Street, location of
        the Putnam Underground Railroad  Forum series
        of presentations; Anti-Slavery Tensions Ohio
        Historical Marker .   Submitted

            Increased  interest in  the Under-
        ground Railroad (UGRR) and Abolitionist
        activity in  Putnam and a recommenda-
        tion from the National Park Service have
        resulted in an effort to  update Putnam’s
        listing in the National Register of Historic
        Places. The original 1975 listing  recog-
        nized the historic impact of Putnam at
        the local level. It was amended in 2004   Event coordinators for America’s Basket Festival are pictured in front of The World’s Largest Basket located in Dresden, Ohio. From left to right are Lurenda
        to include  Putnam’s importance at the   Hayes, Stephanie Hahn, Tammy Delancey, Diana Smith, and Katlin Hatfield. Not pictured are Jim Lepi, Darron Delancey, Michael Kennedy, Nancy Cameron,
        state level. The 2024 update seeks rec-  and Stacey Morrison.     Matthew Dotson
        ognition  of  Putnam’s  national    signifi-
        cance. The National Park Service (NHL_
        Bulletin_ 508_ Final_2023-09) refers to                   Welcome Cen-   long-time DCA member  and  entrepre-  on Facebook. To register for Lunch in a
        the National Register as “the official list               ter, Beauty by  neur Jim Lepi.                      Basket, Bingo, Build a Basket, or Paint
        of the nation’s historic places worthy of                 Design  Floral     For  detailed  information  please  a Basket activities please go to ABF24.
        preservation.” It  goes on to explain that,               Boutique    &  visit and  for Spaces are limited.
        “the evaluation of National Register eli-                 The  Dresden  updates follow  Destination  Dresden
        gibility is a planning tool used to  iden-                Brew      Cof-
        tify, evaluate, and protect America’s his-                fee  Cafe, the
        torical and archeological resources, and                  shops in Union
        part of a  national strategy to coordinate                Square  includ-
        and support public and private efforts in                 ing  Sage Re-
        this regard.”                                             design, Kinney
            The Putnam UGRR Forum series is   Home Art & Decor, Home Sweet Home
        open  to the  public  and  free of charge.   art studio, and The Village Seamstress
        Each meeting  will  feature a program   are all must-see shops for anyone visit-
        about  Putnam  history as  well  as  infor-  ing  Dresden.  Please check individual
        mation about the National Register  of   store hours as some may not be avail-
        Historic Places update including related   able during the entire event.
        Q&A and discussion. The program theme      Darron  Delancey executive DCA
        for the Forum’s Inaugural Season is Old   board member and co-owner of Humble
        Putnam: Stories That All Americans Can   Heart said,  “America’s  Basket Festival
        Relate To,  Regardless   of  Where They   is a  time to gather, to say hellos,  and
        Live.                                to continue in making Dresden a small
            Muskingum  County  History (MCH)   town to enjoy. I would like to thank all of
        Board President, Pete Cultice, indicated    our sponsors, the MCCF, and the Dres-
        that  “the  first  program  of  the  Forum,   den Community Association  Members
        ‘Birthplace of the Ohio Anti-Slavery So-  for making this event possible.”
        ciety,’  (which  took  place  on  June  27)      The  entire  day  is  filled  with  activi-
        focused   on  the shift in  attitude  and   ties  including  BINGO,  a photo booth,
        change in strategy that occurred in the   a Longaberger  family  basket  signing,
        movement to end slavery.”  Cultice also   hands-on  opportunities to Build  a Bas-
        shared, “the MCH Board is very thankful   ket and Paint a Basket (pre-registration
        for the generous financial support from   required),  a  reunion  for  Longaberger
        the  J.W. & M.H. Straker Charitable Foun-  Employees, activities for  kids,  and  live
        dation.  We have worked many times   music by Bryan Lewis.
        with  the Straker  Foundation,  and  we      A beer and spirits garden and a food
        appreciate their involvement in the Put-  truck will be on-site plus attendees have
        nam district.”                       the option of pre-registering to pick up a
            The  next  forum  in  the  series is   Lunch in a Basket at the event!
        scheduled  for Thursday, July  25,  2024      The festival is also the final day for
        from 7:00 PM  to 8:30 PM and will be   the 2024 Dresden Homecoming. Rides,
        held at the Stone Academy Historic Site   games, and  homecoming  fare  will  be
        & Museum (115 Jefferson Street, Zanes-  located on the grounds of Union Square
        ville).  For further information please vis-  (701 Chestnut Street) adding to the ex-
        it  citement of the day.
        events1                                 “A few years ago a city planner said
                                             to me ‘Dresden is arguably the basket
                                             capital of the world and you don’t have a
                                             basket festival?’, well now we do!” said
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