Page 6 - Dresden Buzz 06-28-24
P. 6

Dorados  PAGE 6 |  SPORTS                                                                                                         JUNE 28 - JULY 11, 2024

        Dorados Won Big Against Johnstown-Northridge Jaguars

        by Matthew Dotson

        Two Dorados swimmers compete in a backstroke event during a meet at the Dresden Swim Center.  A Johnstown Jaguar competitor is in the far lane.    Matthew Dotson

            The Dorados faced the Pickerington  wise,  Lydia  Collet  was  first  in  the  Girls      The  Dorados team of Hensley Kai-  In first place for the Boys 9 – 10 25yd
        Tiger Sharks on  Wednesday, June  12  13 – 14 50yd Freestyle with a time of   ser, Harper Landerman,  Regan  Stan-  Backstroke the winner was Wade Jones
        for a home meet at the Dresden Swim  28.98. For the Womens 15 – 18 100yd   bery, and Olivia Thornton took first place  with a time of 23.70. Kamden Buckner
        Center.  With a combined score of 458  Freestyle  it  was  Jesi  Fuhriman  in  first   in the Girls 8 & Under 100yd Freestyle  had a winning time of 45.37 in the Boys
        points, the Dorados left the Tiger Sharks  with a time of 58.04. Lillian Cottrell was   Relay with a time of 1:49.25.  Likewise  11 – 12 50yd Backstroke. In the Boys
        treading  water at a  score of 302.  The  the top swimmer in the Girls 6 & Under   in the Girls 9 – 10 100yd Freestyle Relay  13  –  14  50yd Backstroke  Coen Davis
        mens team had  235  points  to Pick-  25yd Backstroke with a time of 39.81,   the team of Jess Phipps, Olivia Williams,  won with a time of 46.07. Garrett Stirling
        erington’s  120  and  the  womens  final  and her teammate Olivia Thornton took   Candace Louise Shipp, and Ruby McCoy  had a time of 1:10.80 winning the Mens
        score was 223 versus 160 for the Tiger  first in the Girls 7 – 8 25yd Backstroke   had a first-place time of 1:30.00. Lydia  15 – 18 100yd Backstroke.  The winning
        Sharks.                              with a time of 26.28.               Collet, Camryn Cunningham,  Analeigh  time of 39.26 in the Boys 11 – 12 50yd
            Wednesday, June 19th, at the Dres-     Ruby  McCoy  shined  in  the Girls  9   Braddock,  and Stella  Fuhriman  had  a  Breaststroke was put up by Bryan Jiang.
        den Swim Center, the  Dorados  took  –  10  25yd  Backstroke  as her time  of   top time of 2:07.11 in the Girls 13 – 14  The Boys 13 – 14 50yd Breast Stroke
        on  the Johnstown  Jaguars.  The  Dora-  22.77  beat out her nearest opponent   200yd Freestyle. Kendyll Buckner, Bree  Coen Fuhriman took the top mark with
        dos girls showed their strengths in the  by nearly a full second. Lydia Collet was   Cosgrove, Jacie Aronhalt, and Jesi Fuhri-  a  time of 31.86. Tyler  Mohler won  the
        matchup  as they overtook the  Jaguar  back  on the  leaderboard  for the  Girls   man had a time of 2:17.08 as the top  Mens 15 – 18 100yd Breaststroke with
        girls  by  a  score of  250  – 113.  In  the  13 – 14 50yd Backstroke with her first-  finishers of the Womens 15 – 18 200yd  a time of 1:08.51.  Wade Jones was the
        Girls 8 & Under 100yd Medley Relay the  place time of 37.16. Dani Stewart was   Freestyle.                    fastest at the Boys 9 – 10 25yd Butterfly
        team of Olivia Thornton, Harper Lander-  the top  swimmer  in  the Womens 15      In the Mixed 11 – 18 200yd Free-  with a time of 22.67.  Bryan Jiang also
        man, Regan Stanbery, and Hensley Kai-  – 18 100yd Backstroke with a time of   style  Relay the Dorados  team of Mia  took to the top spot in the Boys 11 – 12
        ser swam in first with a time of 2:13.27.  1:14.96. Nora Breece beat the compe-  Fuhriman,  Jaxson  Hammond,  Dani  50yd Butterfly with a time of 40.25. The
        For the Girls 11 – 12 200yd Medley Re-  tition in the Girls 11 – 12 50yd Breast-  Stewart, and Garrett Stirling took the top  Boys 13 – 14 50yd Butterfly was topped
        lay Ashlynn Lewellen, Nora Breece, Ry-  stroke with a time of 47.37. For the Girls   time of 1:53.70.         by  Tanner Mohler  who  had  a time of
        linn Martin, and Reese Espenlaub swam  13 – 14 50yd Breaststroke with a time      The  boys teams had  an  extremely  28.14. Kollin  Buckner was the  winner
        in the top spot with a time of 2:53.51.  of 41.67, it was Camryn  Cunningham   productive meet, overtaking  the Jag-  of the Mens 15 – 18 50yd Butterfly with
        Stella  Fuhriman,  Camryn Cunningham,  coming in first for the Dorados.   uars by an  overall  score  of  265  – 40.  his time of 31.34.
        Lydia  Collet, and  Analeigh  Braddock     In  the  Womens 15  –  18  100yd   Kamden  Buckner,  Bryan  Jiang,  Creed     The Dorados won the Boys 8 & Un-
        took top marks  in  the  Girls  13  –  14  Breaststroke Jesi Fuhriman  outswam   Fuhriman, and Ammon Martin took first  der 100yd Freestyle Relay with the team
        200yd Medley Relay. For the Women 15  the rest with a first-place finish at a time   place in the Boys 11 – 12 200yd Medley  of Issac  Watson,  Warren  Stover, Cade
        – 18 200yd Medley Relay Dani Stewart,  of  1:16.50. Regan  Stanbery was  the   Relay with a time of 2:53.52.   Tanner  Olinger, and  Carter Cunningham who
        Mia Fuhriman, Jesi Fuhriman, and Jacie  first-place swimmer in the Girls 8 & Un-  Mohler, Avery Stewart, Coen Fuhriman,  had a time of 1:49.13. The Boys 9 – 10
        Aronhalt  swam  in  first  with  a  time  of  der 25yd Butterfly with a time of 31.98.   and  Coen  Davis  took  first  in  the  Boys  100yd Freestyle Relay was won by the
        2:11.95.  Lydial Collet was the winning  In the Girls 11 – 12 50yd Butterfly Rylinn   13 – 14 200yd  Medley Relay with  a  Dorados  team of Wade Jones,  Slate
        swimmer in the Girls 13 – 14 100yd In-  Martin had a time of 39.22 taking first.   time of 2:16.72. For the Mens 15 – 18  McDonald, Matt Smith, and Henry Nich-
        dividual Medley with a time of 1:17.49.    Stella Fuhriman had a time of 33.01 in   200yd Medley Relay the team of Kollin  olson who had a time of 1:27.90.  The
            Jesi  Fuhriman  was  the  first  one  in  the Girls 13 – 14 50yd Butterfly for first.   Buckner, Tyler Mohler, Garrett Stirling,  team of Kamden Buckner, Bryan Jiang,
        for the Womens 15 – 18 50yd Freestyle  In the Womens 15 – 18 50yd Butterfly it   and Dallin Stirling had the top time of  Ben Smith, and  Creed Fuhriman  won
        with a time of 26.29. Rylinn Martin had  was Mia Fuhriman with a time of 31.53   1:58.76. Henry Nicholson had the time  the Boys 11 – 12 200yd Freestyle Relay
        a time  of 33.81  in  the  Girls  11  –  12  who took the top place.     of 1:59.29 which took first place in the  with a time of 2:26.00.  The Boys 13 –
        50yd Freestyle taking first place.  Like-                                Boys 9 – 10 100yd Individual  Medley.  14 200yd Freestyle Relay was topped by
                                                                                 For the Boys 11 – 12 100yd Individual  the team of Coen Fuhriman, Coen Davis,
                                                                                 Medley Creed Fuhriman  took the top  Avery Stewart, and Tanner Mohler who
            Ohio Pottery Zanesville                                              time  of 1:24.89.   Tanner  Mohler was  had a time of 2:00.17.Dallin Stirling, Jax-
                                                                                 first in the Boys 13 – 14 100yd Medley  son Hammond, Kollin Buckner, and Tyler
                          Waltz Family Owned Since 1951                          with a  time of 1:08.19.  For  the  Mens  Mohler were the swimmers in first place
                                                                                 15 – 18 100yd Individual Medley Tyler  for the Mens 15 – 18 200yd Freestyle
              Veteran                Largest Selection of USA                    Mohler took first with a time of 1:02.54.  Relay.
                                                                                                                          The Dorados move on to face Logan
                                                                                 Carter Cunningham won the Boys 7 – 8
               Owned                   Made Planters in Ohio!                    25yd Freestyle. In the Boys 9 – 10 25yd  and the Moundbuilders on Wednesday,
                                                                                 Freestyle  Matt  Smith  took  first  with  a  June  26th, look forward  to  a  recap  of
                                                                                 time of 21.05. Tyler Mohler swam first  this matchup in the upcoming issue of
                                         Plus bird baths, outdoor plaques,       in the Mens 15 – 18 50yd Freestyle with  the Dresden Buzz!
                                      hen & chick pots, crocks, hanging bird     a time of 23.67. Creed Fuhriman had a
                                                                                 time of 29.68 in the Boys 11 – 12 50yd
                                     feeders, hundreds of flower pots, statuary   Freestyle beating out the competition.
                                                                                     For the Boys 13 – 14 50yd Freestyle
                                      including angels, dogs, military, rabbits     it was Avery Stewart  who had  the  top
                                                   and more!                     time of 30.04. Wade Jones had the first-
                                                                                 place time of 42.13 in the Boys 9 – 10
                                       RETAIL • WHOLESALE                        Freestyle was won by Dallin Stirling who  Made with 100%%
                                                                                 50yd Freestyle. The Mens 15 – 18 100yd
                                         1905 W Main St, Zanesville              had a time of 57.55. Carter Cunningham
                                                  740-408-2624                   won  the  Boys 7 – 8 25yd Backstroke       local news.
                                                                                 for  the  Dorados with a  time of 24.68.
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