Page 10 - Dresden Buzz 03-21-25
P. 10
PAGE 10 | SPORTS MARCH 21 - APRIL 3, 2025
High School softball and Muskingum splits two games
baseball in full swing to go 3 - 4 overall on the start
of the season by Matthew Dotson
Muskingum’s Liam Manning fires off a shot at the goal while Chipper Iacobucci stands by.
Matthew Dotson
Vs Franciscan (3/15) Brown landing their first goal, and Clay
In another Saturday home game for Habben assisted by Ethan Pac pushed
the Muskies, the Barons rolled in from them out to a 2 – 0 lead early on. Musk-
Steubenville. The early aggressors, the ingum’s Adin Mondul answered back
Barons hit the scoreboard first with a with a shot assisted by Chipper Iaco-
shot by Joseph James. Nathaniel Carter bucci. The Tigers grabbed a third score
assisted by Joseph James nabbed the with a shot by Travis Demsher assisted
second goal for the Barons taking a 2 – 0 by Ty Harris to lead 3 – 1. Grant Webster
lead over Muskingum. Adin Mondul was was the second scorer for the Muskies
the first to answer back for the Muskies with Jacob Sega assisting. The Tiger’s fi-
making a 2 – 1 game. Chipper Iaco- nal goal for the round was popped in by
bucci tied up the game for Muskingum Nathan Brown. Chipper Iacobucci shot a
Rosecrans batter waiting to time her swing during an early season match up against Zanesville. High with Drew Davis shooting the lead score goal early in the second quarter to bring
School spring sports season opens this weekend. Matthew Dotson with an assist by Adin Mondul to put the Muskingum’s score to 3. Wittenberg an-
Muskies up 3 – 2. Dominic Scordino tied swered back with a goal by Quentin Ru-
the game back up for Franciscan with a dolph with an assist by Nathan Brown to
goal with 3:02 left on the clock in the end the first half of the game up 5 – 3.
first period. Ethan Kmieske grabbed a The Tigers took off in the third quarter
goal assisted by Grant Webster push- with Ethan Pac hitting a goal in the first
ing the Muskies back to the lead with minute followed by teammate Nathan
a score of 4 – 3. Franciscan tied up the Brown landing a second goal with 13:44
game in the second quarter to end the left on the clock. By the time the dust
half with both teams at 4 points. settled on the period, Wittenberg had
After the intermission, the Muskies built their lead up to 10 – 4. In the fi-
came out to fire off a 4 – 3 third quarter nal minutes of the game, Grant Webster
followed by a 5 – 2 fourth quarter to lock shot a goal for the Muskies to increase
down a 13 – 9 victory over the Barons. their score to 5. A few minutes later
Tyler Workman shot another goal for
Vs Wittenberg (3/08) Muskingum, followed by Evan Cosgrove
The Tigers traveled to New Concord on with 4:37 left on the clock. Wittenberg
Saturday to face the Fighting Muskies. came back with two more goals of their
From the start of the game, Musking- own to take the game with a 12 – 7
um knew they would be facing a chal- score.
lenge as Wittenberg jumped out to a 4
– 2 lead in the first period with Nathon
Fighting Muskie’s Jackson D’Amico looks downfield to pass the ball past Wittenberg
Matthew Dotson