Page 14 - Dresden Buzz 03-21-25
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PAGE 14 | EVENTS/ANNOUNCEMENTS                                                                                          MARCH 21 - APRIL 3, 2025


        STUDENT VENDOR FAIR                  SQUARE DANCE                        lot of the OUZ campus. Guests are welcome to   ADULT PROM CELEBRATION
           April 5                             April 5                           bring a telescope to share. All events are free to    April 26
                                                                                 the public. Children must be accompanied by an
           Dresden Elementary                  Lindsley’s Banquet Barn           adult.                                 Newton Township Fire Department
        (1318 Main St, Dresden)              (4060 New Riley RD, Dresden)                                             (5490 Maysville, Pike Zanesville)
           9AM - 2PM                           7PM - 10PM (Doors open at 6:30PM)  BASIC BEGINNER                        5PM - 10PM
        Nearly 50 student vendors registered and a wide   NO EXPERIENCE IS NECESSARY! Bring your family   SOURDOUGH CLASS   Get ready to relive your high school prom night in
        variety of items that will be offered, including   and friends for a good time!! Delicious food will    April 12   style. Put on your fanciest attire and dance the
        baked goods, freeze dried candy, photography,   be available for purchase! $10 per person, door               night away with your friends and loved ones. Don’t
        paintings, wood working, jewelry, crocheted   sales only!                   Adamsville Community Building     miss out on this fun-filled evening of music, danc-
        items, maple syrup, 3D printed items and so                              (8200 Madison Street, Adamsville)    ing, and nostalgia. See you there! All proceeds go
        much more.  Cash only.  Concessions will be   BUNNY CARES                   12:30PM - 5PM                     to WAGS 4 Kids - an organization that provides
        available all day. The event is sponsored by the    April 6              Learn to make a country loaf, long ferment sour-  service dogs to children with disabilities. Tickets:
        Dresden Elementary PTO.                                                  dough bread start to finish. - Hands-on instruction,
                                               Colony Square Mall                - tools for making bread included, - you will take a   1076684665819?aff=erelpanelorg
        WARHAMMER 40,000 CHARITY             (3575 Maple Ave, Zanesvile)         loaf home to bake, - fresh bread to sample, while
        TEAM TOURNAMENT                        10:30-11:30am                     you learn. Cost is $50. Class size is limited. RSVP   THE ART OF BUCKRAM -
           April 5                           Calm and inclusive atmosphere with Bunny photo   to: OR call: 419-302-  HAT MAKING EXPERIENCE
                                             experiences tailored for individuals with autism
           Colony Square Mall                and their families.                                                        April 26
        (3575 Maple Ave, Zanesvile)                                              EASTER CRAFT AND                       Union Square
           10AM                              EASTER BUNNY PET PHOTOS             VENDOR SHOW                          (701 Chestnut Street, Dresden)
        Space is limited to 60 People (30 Teams). There    April 7 & 14             April 18-19                         1:30PM - 4PM
        will be random events for each round with special    Colony Square Mall                                       Interested in Learning how to create your own
        missions just for this event so be prepared for                             Colony Square Mall                hats?  I’m excited to share some of my millinery
        fun and chaos. PLEASE NOTE: As this is a charity   (3575 Maple Ave, Zanesvile)  (3575 Maple Ave, Zanesvile)   knowledge with you! In this workshop you will
        event, prizes will be drawn for by tickets. You will   Located near the Cinema   During Mall Hours            learn the supplies and tools needed to shape and
        receive tickets for signing up and paying (2 tick-                       Mall-wide show featuring locally made gifts, arts,   create your own hat designs. I’ll be walking the
        ets), for having a painted army (1ticket), for win-  MOTORCYCLE SHOW     crafts, direct sales consultants        class through each step through a live demonstra-
        ning games (2 tickets), for losing games (1ticket),    April 11-13                                            tion! All supplies are provided. $65 per person.
        and for various other reasons (being the   Colony Square Mall            SPRING CUDDLES ON THE FARM           REGISTER EARLY TO SECURE A SPOT! Registra-
        best sport, having the best dice rolls, worst dice   (3575 Maple Ave, Zanesvile)  - CELEBRATE NEW LIFE ON THE   tion will close on April 18th! 740-879-7404 or
        rolls, etc..) (1ticket) Remember this is a fun event                                                
        so be prepared for anything!!! Registration via    During Mall Hours     FARM
        email at: $20 per person,                                 April 18, April 19                DRESDEN ANTIQUE
        ($40 per team) payable in cash on day of event or  TELESCOPE OBSERVATION NIGHT   McDonald’s Greenhouse and Corn Maze  VEHICLE DRIVE
        thru Venmo.                            April 12                          (3220 Adamsville Road, Zanesville)     May 4
                                               Lewis Observatory                    9AM - 5PM                           Dresden River Park
                                             (1425 Newark Rd, Zanesville)        Experience spring on the Farm with baby animals    Meet at 1PM - Drive at 2PM
                                               Sunset                            to love and snuggle. Cameras welcome. Accepting   Anyone with a street-legal, antique vehicle is wel-
                                             The Zanesville Astronomy Club, a NASA Night   donations  per  person  to  benefit  Transitions  Do-  come to drive with the group. If it’s old, bring it!
                                             Sky Network affiliate, has a telescope observa-  mestic Violence Advocacy & Shelter. Ages 2 and   We’ll meet at Dresden River Park around 1:00pm.
              HAVE A POSITIVE NEWS TIP?      tion night on the 2nd Saturday of each month   under FREE. We will be serving hot, fresh donuts,   Around 2:00pm, we’ll form a line and then hit the
              CALL OR TEXT 740-270-2408.     (March - December) using the Lewis Telescope at   Farm-To-Fork Cafe, hot and cold brew coffee.    streets.
                                             the Lewis Observatory at the back of the parking

                                                                                 Bethel Community Center to

                                                                                 host disc golf tournament at

                                                                                 Cornerstone Church on May 17

                                                                                     Bethel Community  Center will  be  phies awarded to the top three teams.
                                                                                 holding  a  Disc  Golf  Tournament  Fun-     To register your team for the event
                                                                                 draiser  at  The  Cornerstone  Disc  Golf  or  to get information  on  becoming  an
                                                                                 Course located at 4509 Salt Creek Drive,  event sponsor please call the center at
                                                                                 Duncan Falls, Ohio. on Saturday, May 17.   (740) 297-4795, or email
                                                                                 This is a two person team, 36 hole open   Infor-
                                                                                 tournament.  All skill levels are welcome.   mation can also be found on the Bethel
                                                                                 The cost is $50 per team.  Sign in begins  Community Center Facebook page.
                                                                                 at 8 a.m., Tee Off at 9 a.m.  Hot dogs,
                                                                                 and bottled water will be available.  Tro-
                                                                                 Good Deeds Service Club is

                                                                                 teams up with the Zanesville

                                                                                 Athletic Boosters for May 4

                                                                                 chicken dinner fundraiser

                                                                                     Good Deeds Service Club is teaming  Sunday, May 4th. Proceeds go towards
                                                                                 up with the Zanesville Athletic Boosters  the  ZHS  Weight  Room  Fund.  For  ques-
                                                                                 for a chicken dinner fundraiser on Sun-  tions,  call  Brian  at  (740)  624-8304  or
                                                                                 day, May 4th from 11am-1pm at Zanes-  Danny at (740) 819-4819.
                                                                                 ville High School. Tickets are $10 each     Good Deeds Service Club is based
                                                                                 and  include  1/2  chicken,  applesauce,  out of the office of Matson Retirement
                                                                                 and roll. Tickets are pre-order only and  Planning. The group meets monthly and
                                                                                 can  be  purchased  from  Zanesville  Ath-  plans  four  Impact Events each year to
                                                                                 letic Boosters, ZHS Athletes, or Matson  give back to the community. Good Deeds
                                                                                 Retirement Planning. Payment may be  is sponsored by Gleaner Life Insurance
                                                                                 made by Cash or check to Zanesville Ath-  Society.  For more information on Good
                                                                                 letic  Boosters  or  Venmo:  @bmurf7070  Deeds, call Tracy at (740) 454-7646.
                                                                                 to Brian Murphy (must include names in
                                                                                 memo). Meals can be picked up at the
                                                                                 ZHS parking lot between 11am-1pm on
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