Page 11 - Dresden Buzz 03-21-25
P. 11

MARCH 21 - APRIL 3, 2025                                                                                                      SPORTS   | PAGE 11
        Top County Wrestlers                                                                VARSITY SPRING

        competed at OHSAA State                                                       SPORTS SCHEDULES

        Finals - Spry and McClellan                                                                    (3/21 - 4/4 2025)

        represent Tri-Valley at

        Nationals               by Matthew Dotson                                    BISHOP ROSECRANS                 Mon., Mar. 31 Meadowbrook   Home  5:00PM
                                                                                                                                             Away  5:00PM
                                                                                                                      Tue., April 1  Meadowbrook
                                                                                                                      Thu., April 3  Tri-Valley
                                                                                                                                             Home  5:00PM
                                                                                 Boys Baseball
                                                                                 Fri., Mar. 28  Crooksville   Away  5:00PM
                                                                                 Mon., Mar. 31 FCHS     Home  5:15PM
                                                                                 Thu., April 3  Reynoldsburg   Away  5:00PM    ZANESVILLE
                                                                                 Girls Softball                       Boys Baseball
                                                                                 Tue., Mar. 25  New Lexington   Home  5:00PM  Wed., Mar 26  Millersport   Home  5:00PM
                                                                                 Wed., Mar. 26 Beallsville   Away  5:00PM  Tue., April 1  Marietta   Home  5:00PM
                                                                                 Sat., Mar. 29  Crooksville   Home  11:00AM
                                                                                 Sat., Mar. 29  Crooksville   Home  1:00PM  Girls Softball
                                                                                 Tue., April 1  FCA     Away  5:15PM  Mon., Mar. 24 Marietta   Home  5:00PM
                                                                                 Fri., April 4   Berne Union   Home  5:15PM  Wed., Mar. 26 Meadowbrook   Away  5:00PM
                                                                                                                      Thur., Mar. 27 Berne Union   Home  12:00PM

                                                                                          JOHN GLENN                  Boys Tennis
                                                                                                                      Mon., Mar. 31 Watkins Mem.   Home  4:15PM
                                                                                 Boys Baseball                        Tue., April 1  Claymont   Home  4:30PM
                                                                                 Sat., Mar. 29  NPHS    Home  12:00PM  Wed., April 2  Newark   Away  4:00PM

                                                                                 Tue., April 1  Indian Valley   Home  5:00PM
                                                                                 Thur., April 3  Meadowbrook   Away  5:00PM
                                                                                 Girls Softball                           COLLEGE
                                                                                 Sat., Mar. 22  Steubenville   Away  2:00PM
                                                                                 Wed., Mar. 26 Dover    Home  5:00PM
                                                                                 Tue., April 1  Tri-Valley   Home  5:00PM  SPORTS
                                                                                 Boys Lacrosse
                                                                                 Sat., Mar. 22  Newark   Home  6:00PM
                                                                                 Tue., Mar. 25  JMHS    Away  6:00PM
                                                                                 Thu., April 3  Lincoln   Away  6:45PM  MUSKINGUM UNIVERSITY
                                                                                                                                (HOME GAMES ONLY)

                                                                                           MAYSVILLE                  Mens Lacrosse               1:00PM
                                                                                                                      Sat., Mar. 22  Heidelberg
                                                                                                                      Wed., Mar. 26 Mount Union      7:00PM
                                                                                 Boys Basketball
        Pictured from left to right are Coach Skyler Wisecarver, Logan McClellan, and Kandice Spry.  Fri., Mar. 21  Glenville   Away  4:15PM  Womens Lacrosse
           Skyler Wisecarver                                                     Division IV State Championship @ University of   Sat., Mar. 29  Baldin Wallace      1:00PM
                                                                                 Dayton                               Wed., April 2  Marietta      7:00PM
          Several  area  teens  competed  in  the   by  decision  to  Dylan  Hart  from  CVCA.
        OHSAA  State  Wrestling  Tournament   Vince  Coleman  (Zanesville)  lost  by  pin   Boys Baseball             Mens Baseball
        at  the  Jerome  Schottenstein  Center  in   to Hayden Jones from Brookville. Dana   Sat., Mar. 29  Union Local   Away  12:00PM  Sat., Mar. 22  Wilmington      1:00PM
        Columbus  from March 7th to  the 9th.    Murdock (Zanesville) lost by pin to Lilia                            Sat., Mar. 22  Willmington      4:00PM
        Starting off the weekend Tri-Valley’s Lo-  Gopar from Stebbins. Maysville’s Audrey   Girls Softball  Home  5:00PM  Tue., April 1  Marietta      1:00PM
                                                                                 Thu., Mar. 27  Tri-Valley
        gan McClellan wrestled Gavin Hang from   Crooks lost by pin  to Hallie Winslow   Fri., Mar. 28  Cambridge   Home  5:00PM  Tue., April 1   Marietta      4:00PM
        West Branch and pinned him for the win   from Elgin.                     Mon., Mar. 31 Crooksville   Home  5:00PM  Womens Softball
        in the 215lb weight class to move on to     In  the second  consolation  round,   Tue., April 1  Crooksville   Away  5:00PM  Wed., Mar. 26 Hiram      3:00PM
        round  two.    Dakota  Kinney  from  Philo   Dominic  Bates  (John  Glenn)  lost  by  a   Thu., April 3  Sheridan   Away  5:00PM  Wed., Mar. 26 Hiram      5:00PM
        lost in a pin to Hoban’s Brayton Feister.   decision  to  Gage  Croley  from  Goshen.                         Sat., Mar. 29  John Carroll      1:00PM
        Philo’s  Gibson  Swartz  took  on  Owen   Carter  Abella  (Maysville)  won  by  deci-                         Sat., Mar. 29  John Carroll      3:00PM
        Jordan  from  Benjamin  Local  and  lost   sion  against  Devion  Coffin  from  Bene-  PHILO
        in  a  majority  decision.  Dominic  Bates   dictine.
        from  John  Glenn  High  School  wrestled     In the semi-final round Logan McClel-  Boys Baseball
        Bo Hertenstein from St. Mary’s Memo-  lan (TV) lost by pin to Michael Boyle from   Sat., Mar. 29  Indian Valley   Away  1:00PM
        rial  but  lost  in  a  technical  fall.    Also   Watterson. Kandice Spry (TV) won in a   Fri., April 4   Lakewood   Home  5:00PM
        from John Glenn, Owen Edwards lost his   technical  fall  against  Maycee  Adams   Girls Softball
        round one match by a decision to Brax-  from Eaton to move on.           Sat., Mar. 22  Fairfield Union   Home  11:00AM
        den Martin  from Perkins.  Maysville’s     In the third consolation round, Carter   Fri., Mar. 28  JMHS   Away  5:30PM
        Carter Abella won his first round against   Abella (Maysville) lost by technical fall to   Mon., Mar. 31 River View   Away  5:00PM
        Eddie Vitu from DeSales to move on to   Zander Joltin from West Geauga.  Tue., April 1  River View   Home  5:00PM

        round  two in  the 126lb weight class.     Logan McClellan lost in a the conso-                                       FOLLOW
        Zanesville’s  Vince  Coleman  lost  by  a   lation semifinal round by pin to Haiden
        technical  fall  to  Jarreau  Walker  from   Bollini from Perkins. He moved on to the   TRI-VALLEY                   THE BUZZ
        Streetsboro. Dana Murdock from Zanes-  fifth place round where he lost by pin to
        ville  lost  by  majority  decision  to  Jenny   George Eggers from Napoleon.  Boys Baseball    Away  12:00PM        @DRESDENBUZZ
                                                                                 Sat., Mar. 29  Newark
        Huaracha-Arellanaos from Orange.  Au-    Carter Abella lost by technical fall in   Tue., April 1  TLS   Away  5:00PM
        drey Crooks from Maysville lost by deci-  the seventh place round to Travis Buck-  Thu., April 3  West Muskingum  Away  5:00PM
        sion in a match against Marisa McCar-  lew from Vinton County.
        tin from Brunswick. Kandice Spry from     Kandice Spry (TV) lost by majority de-  Girls Softball
        Tri-Valley pinned Anna Tsirambidis from   cision  in  the  first-place  round  against   Sat., Mar. 22  NPHS   Away  12:00PM
        North Royalton to move on in the 115lb   Carolyn  Geckler  from  Perry  to  take   Sat., Mar. 22  NPHS   Away  2:00PM  Sports schedules are subject to change. Please refer to
                                                                                                        Away  5:00PM
                                                                                 Thu., Mar. 27  Maysville
        weight class.                        home  the  State  Runner-Up  title  with  e   Tue., April 1  John Glenn   Away  5:00PM  each school’s website for updated scheduling
          In  the  quarterfinal,  Logan  McClellan   51 – 7 record.              Thu., April 3  West Muskingum  Away  5:00PM  information. Additions  or changes to the schedule can
        (TV) pinned George Eggers from Napo-    Tri-Valley’s  Kandice  Spry  and  Logan                                    be sent to us at
        leon to continue his tournament rise in   McClellan went on to compete at the Ju-
        the  215lb  weight  class.  Carter  Abella   nior  Folkstyle  National  Championships   WEST MUSKINGUM
        (Maysville)  fell  to  Sawyer  Smith  from   where Spry finished 6th to bring home
        Perkins. Kandice Spry (TV) pinned Lyn-  All American honors for the second year   Boys Baseball
        dyn  Gibbs  from  WCH  Washington  to   in a row.  McClellan battled hard but fell   Sat., Mar. 29  JMHS   Home  12:00PM
        move on to the semifinals.           just one match short of a podium place-  Thu., April 3  Logan   Home  5:00PM
          In  the  first  consolation  round,  Da-  ment.                        Thu., April 3  Tri-Valley   Home  5:00PM
        kota  Kinney  (Philo)  lost  via  a  major-                              Girls Softball
        ity decision to Vince Sefic from Carroll.                                Sat., Mar. 22  Garaway   Away  12:00PM    New Puzzles
        Teammate  Gibson  Swartz  also  lost  by                                 Mon., Mar. 24 West Holmes   Home  5:00PM
        decision  to  Tatum  Gore  from  Bellevue.                               Tue., Mar 25  Ridgewood   Home  5:00PM
        Dominic Bates (John Glenn) won by ma-   ADVERTISE IN THE DRESDEN BUZZ.   Thu., Mar. 27  Morgan   Away  5:00PM       on page 12!
        jority decision against Will Harmon from        740-270-2408             Fri., Mar. 28  FUHS    Home  5:00PM
                                                                                 Sat., Mar. 29  ACHS
                                                                                                        Away  11:00AM
        Salem. Owen Edwards (John Glenn) lost
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