Page 13 - Dresden Buzz 03-21-25
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MARCH 21 - APRIL 3, 2025 EVENTS | PAGE 13
March 21 March 23 GARDENING office at (740) 826-3305 or email information. to reserve your spot.
Dillon State Park VFW Post 1058 March 28
(4880 Dillon Hills Dr, Nashport) (1318 Putnam Avenue Zanesville) New Concord Branch Library THE MUSKINGUM VALLEY
10AM - 11:30AM 2PM - 4PM (77 West Main Street, New Concord) COUNCIL CUB SCOUT 500
Join us for a hike along the park’s trails in Come and join us. Get your hair done and dress 4:30PM - 5:30PM March 30
search of early spring wildflowers! Hike will be up like a Princess. All ages welcome. Open to the Discover the easy and sustainable way to grow
approximately 1.5 miles across moderately public. 740-452-4491 perennials with our No-Dig Perennial Gardening Colony Square Mall
strenuous, natural terrain. Meet at the Archery workshop. Whether you’re a beginner or a sea- (3575 Maple Avenue, Zanesville)
Range. Bring water/snacks, sturdy footwear, and FAMILY MOVIE NIGHT - soned gardener, this class will provide valuable Race Day Registration: 12:00 PM - 1:30
weather-appropriate attire. (Children must be “THE LAKE HOUSE” tips to help you create a vibrant, low-maintenance PM, Cub Scout Racing Starts at 2:00 PM,
accompanied by an adult at all times. Recreation garden. Join us in March to transform your garden Open Race, Turtle Race, and Championship
programs and activities can be inherently danger- March 24 with minimal effort and maximum results! Learn Races Begin at ~2:30 PM Get ready for a
ous. Participants accept and acknowledge that Roseville Branch Library the benefits of no-dig gardening and how to grow day full of racing fun and excitement! Whether
any injury or property damage that occurs during (41 North Main Street, Roseville) beautiful, low-maintenance perennials that thrive you’re a Cub Scout, a proud family member, or
a program or activity is not the responsibility of 5PM - 6:30PM without disrupting the soil. Register: https:// just a racing enthusiast, there’s something for
ODNR or its naturalist educators.). A relationship forms between an architect and the everyone! Cub Scout Racing, Open Race, Turtle
doctor who lived in his lakeside house two years Race, and Championship Races. What’s the Open
NATURALIST’S NATURE BOOK previously. They are only able to communicate by PHOTOS WITH THE Race? The Open Race is exactly that, OPEN to
CLUB “SUPERNAVIGATORS” BY passing letters into the house’s mailbox. EASTER BUNNY everyone! Scouts from Troops or Crews, Scout
DAVID OGILVY BARRIE March 28 - April 19 Leaders, family members, supporters, or even
March 22 MUSKINGUM COUNTY HISTORY Colony Square Mall the general public can join in the fun. Don’t have
a car? Pinewood Derby Car Kits are available for
Dillon State Park EVENT: THE GREAT FLOOD OF (3575 Maple Avenue Zanesville) purchase at the Muskingum Valley Council Scout
(The Nature Center building, 1913 During mall hours Office, 734 Moorehead Avenue,, Zanesville, Ohio
located directly next to the camp store at March 24 Come have your picture taken with the Easter 43701. Need more info? Call 740-453-0571.
the entrance to the park campground - Stone Academy Bunny at Colony Square Mall! Pet photos are Don’t Miss Out! Race Day is packed with thrill-
Dillon Hills Dr, Nashport) (115 Jefferson Street, Zanesville) available on April 7 and April 17 from 5-7PM. ing races and tons of fun for the whole family.
Register online today and secure your spot on
11AM - 1PM 5:30 - 6:30 pm Bunny Cares event for folks with special sensory the track here
needs will be on Sunday, April 6th from 10:30-
Join us at the Dillon State Park Nature Center for The Great Flood of 1913: Learn about the flood’s 11:30am. Book your visits in advance here: 25MVCCubScout500.
the Naturalist Nature Book Club as we dive into impact, stories of survival, and the lasting effects
nature-themed books. Each month, we’ll discuss on the region. GROW WHAT WORKS, PERFECT
our reading, explore supplementary materials, HOMEGROWN PLAYERS
and uncover deeper themes related to nature. events1 PLANTS FOR OUR AREA
This month, we’ll put our skills to the test with PRESENTS-DINNER AND A SHOW- March 31
a fun and engaging navigation activity! Space OHIO ZANESVILLE ”THE MURDER MYSTERY AT THE South Branch Library
is limited to 15 participants, and books will be AUTHORS RECEPTION: MURDER MYSTERY”. BY: BRIAN D. (2530 Maysville Pike, Zanesville)
available for checkout at John McIntire Library March 25 TAYLOR 5:30PM - 6:30PM
or your local branch. Registration is required Zanesville Campus Library - Join us for a practical gardening session focused
for this engaging, nature-focused book club! March 28 & 29 on the plants that grow best in our area. In this
Register: (1425 Newark Rd, Zanesville) Rolling Plains Church program, you’ll learn about native plants and
event/12541964 3:30PM (3350 Moxahala Park Rd, Zanesville) regional favorites that thrive in local soil and
Join us in celebration of Ohio University Zanesville 6:00 PM climate conditions. Whether you’re a beginner
HOOD THE MUSICAL faculty and staff who have published research HOMEGROWN PLAYERS is a non-profit group or seasoned gardener, this session will help you
March 21, 22, 23 and other work between March 2022 and March whose focus is to provide arts opportunities make the most of your garden space with plants
The Renner, Home of Zane 2025. Hosted by the Zanesville Campus Library for area homeschool students. Come out and that thrive naturally in our area. Register: https://
staff, this event marks the return of our typically
Trace Players annual event after a three-year hiatus. Attendees see the talent growing in the homeschool com-
munity. Menu: chicken, baked potato, green
(148 N 7th St Zanesville) can expect to see works published; hear indi- beans, roll, salad, dessert. For more information, NATURE CENTER
“Hood: The Musical” is a contemporary retelling vidual recognition of the authors by our campus contact Rolling Plains Church for more informa-
of the Robin Hood legend, focusing on the story of dean; and enjoy refreshments and socializing. tion-740-453-4192. EXPLORATION
Robin of Locksley who becomes the outlaw Robin April 2
Hood, fighting against the tyrannical Sheriff of YA BOOK CLUB ARCHERY FUNSHOOT BULLSEYE Dillon State Park
Nottingham to protect the poor villagers by rob- Every Wednesday March 26 (Dillon Hills Dr, Nashport)
bing from the rich, while also attempting to win Zanesville Campus Library AND 3D
back his childhood love, Maid Marian, who is be- March 29 11AM - 2PM
ing forced to marry the Sheriff by the evil Prince (1555 Newark Road, Zanesville) Maysville High School Come explore all of what’s inside the Nature
John; the musical often features a witty and 4:30PM (3725 Panther Drive, Zanesville) Center! Get hands on with our wild touch table,
dynamic take on the classic tale with elements You’re never too old to read young adult books. interactive video microscope, and more! The
of sword fights, love, and rebellion against oppres- Join us in the library for snacks and fun discus- 8AM - 2PM Naturalist will be on hand to discuss and answer
sion. For show times and tickets visit: https:// sions about great teen novels. The Maysville Archery Team invites you to an questions about our turtles, fish, invertebrates, exciting day of Bullseye & 3D archery. $10 per and everything else! The Nature Center is located
MUSKINGUM COUNTY HISTORY archer. Spectators: $5. There will be concessions, in front of the Camp Store. (Children must be
THE SOUND OF MUSIC EVENT: HISTORY OF DRESDEN raffle prizes, and lots of fun! Register on NASP accompanied by an adult at all times. Recreation
Tournaments and come support our Panthers!
programs and activities can be inherently danger-
March 21, 22 March 26 ous. Participants accept and acknowledge that
Bishop Rosecrans High School Dresden Branch Library any injury or property damage that occurs during
(1040 East Main Street Zanesville) (816 Main Street, Dresden) SECOND ANNUAL BETHEL a program or activity is not the responsibility of
March 20 - 7PM, March 21 - 7PM, 5:30 - 6:30 pm COMMUNITY CENTER - LADIES’ ODNR or its naturalist educators.).
March 22 - 2PM & 7PM Have you been interested in knowing more about TEA PARTY WOODLAND WILDFLOWER HIKE
Box Office Contact: 8433243292. bishopmu- where you live? Join us & learn about the top 10 March 29 Run Time: 60 minutes plus events/stories of Dresden. Seating is limited; Bethel Community Center April 3
15 minute intermission. Tickets: https://brdc. preregistration is required. (126 Ontario Street Zanesville) Dillon State Park (5265 Dillon Hills Dr, Nashport)
event/12644458 2PM - 4PM 10AM - 11AM
COLONY SQUARE MALL SPRING Join us for The Second Annual Bethel Community Join us for an exploration of the park’s trails in
CRAFT & VENDOR SHOW A BOOK APART | THIS IS WHERE Center - Ladies’ Tea Party. Tickets are on sale search of early spring ephemerals! We’ll discuss
now. Just $15 per person for this fun-filled event.
March 23 YOU BELONG: FINDING HOME Call 740-297-4795 or email: bethelmission126@ what we find as we hike across approximately
Colony Square Mall WHEREVER YOU ARE BY MELODY one mile of moderately strenuous, natural ter-
(3575 Maple Avenue Zanesville) WARNICK rain. Meet at Trailhead X, located at the entrance
to the marina parking lot. Bring water/snacks,
During Mall Hours March 27 ANNIE GLENN TEA & TUNES sturdy footwear, and weather-appropriate attire.
Mall-wide craft & vendor show featuring locally Zanesville Museum of Art March 29 (Children must be accompanied by an adult at
made crafts, gifts, home decorations, jewelry, (620 Military Road, Zanesville) The John & Annie Glenn Museum all times. Recreation programs and activities can
sweets, direct sales consultants and more! (2 W. Main St., New Concord) be inherently dangerous. Participants accept and
6PM - 7PM
Join us in reading This Is Where You Belong: Find- 10AM - 12PM or 2 - 4PM acknowledge that any injury or property damage
SEOSO CONCERT ing Home Wherever You Are by Melody Warnick The John & Annie Glenn Museum, 72 W. Main that occurs during a program or activity is not
March 23 and enjoy discussing what truly makes a “home.” St. in New Concord, will host “Annie Glenn Tea & the responsibility of ODNR or its naturalist educa-
Brown Chapel This book discussion is in conjunction with new Tunes” on Saturday, March 29. As Annie was an tors.).
(College Dr, New Concord) ZMA exhibition Magic Realism: Paintings by Paul accomplished pianist and organist, we will honor
3:30PM - 4:30PM Emory, on view through April 5. Many of Emory’s her talent with a performance by local pianist,
works are inspired by his experiences in his home-
Be sure to join the Southeastern Ohio Symphony town and surrounding areas. More information: Sheryl Wise. Everyone is welcome to attend. Bring
a friend or family member and enjoy some time
Orchestra performing favorites through time in 740-452-0741. A limited number of copies are together. Tea and refreshments will be served.
concert on the campus of Muskingum University! available to borrow from the ZMA. Please contact You may choose to attend the morning tea (10:00
The program features several favorites from our education coordinator Misty Johnson to check a.m. – 12:00 p.m.) or the afternoon tea (2:00 –
past 49 seasons as we celebrate our 50th anni- availability at 4:00 p.m.) There is no cost to attend but spaces
versary! More information and tickets: Register: are limited and reservations are required. Please CONTINUED ON PAGE 14