Page 15 - Dresden Buzz 03-21-25
P. 15

MARCH 21 - APRIL 3, 2025                                                                ANNOUNCEMENTS/CLASSIFIEDS/SHOP & HIRE LOCAL    | PAGE 15
              SENIOR                         Request for                                   CLASSIFIED ADS

              CENTER                         proposal                                  CLASSIFIED@DRESDENBUZZ.COM OR TEXT/CALL 740-270-2408

                MENU                         Request for Proposal for the Three-year     HARLEY DAVIDSON              2023 Spartan Zero Turn Mower with
                                                                                             FOR SALE
                                                                                                                                MOVING SALE
                                             contract of Waste Disposable in the
                                             Village  of  Frazeysburg are  being  ac-      FATBOY FLSTF                a 61” deck, suspension seat, 37hp
            Lunch is  served Monday through   cepted through  July  11,  2025  at  3:00   16,707 miles, lots of         Kawasaki engine, 32 hours on it -
        Friday each week.  Reservations are re-  p.m.                               added chrome, Samson pipes,        like new, its been serviced for the
                                                                                                                           season and is ready to go.
        quired by 9 am for lunch by calling the   For the bid packet and further informa-  Have owned since 2007.          Originally $13,000, asking
        Muskingum  County  Senior  Center  at   tion please contact:                   $5,500 • 740-624-2665                   reasonable offer.
        740-454-9761. There is a suggested do-     The Village of Frazeysburg                                                   740-763-2011
        nation of $3.00 for lunch.  Menu is sub-     PO Box 160                              FOR SALE
        ject to change without notice.           7W 2nd Street                          JOHN DEERE LT 166
                                                 Frazeysburg, Ohio 43822                  LAWN TRACTOR                            FOR SALE
        Friday, March 21                         740-828-2901                      48” Cut - $350 • 740-487-4287        2007 CHEVY SILVERADO 1500
        BAKED CHICKEN, TATER TOTS,           Or email:                                                                      Standard cab work truck
        CARROTS, PEARS                     LAZYBOY POWER RECLINER                Good work truck/farm truck
                                                                                                                             2 Wheel Drive 4.8 V-8
        Monday, March 24                                                                     & ROCKER                    Mileage 221,000+, good tires
        BAKED STEAK, MASHED POTATOES,                                               Used for only 4 years.  Medium     With tool box cap and ladder rack
        MIXED VEGETABLES, PINEAPPLE                                               brown in color, from a non smoking         bundle price: $6,000
                                                                                   no pet home.  Asking $400 OBO            Truck only price: $5,500
        Tuesday, March 25                                                                   740-294-1030                 Tool box cap and rack $1,000
        CHICKEN SOFT TACO , RICE,                   FOLLOW THE BUZZ                                                           Text 740-704-3859
        MANDARIN ORANGES                                                              1992 HARLEY DAVIDSON
                                                     @DRESDENBUZZ                          ELECTRA GLIDE                    FOR SALE - SHARP TV
        Wednesday, March 26                                                                 24,277 miles                       65 Inch Smart TV
        BBQ PORK SANDWICH, TATER TOTS,                                                 $7,000 • 614-296-3867                Price Can Be Negotiated
        CALIFORNIA BLEND, APPLESAUCE         Gospel Sings                            CONTRACTOR BED COVER                       740-221-7507

        Thursday, March 27                                                           Fits 8 ft. truck bed with built    AVAILABLE FOR GATHERINGS
        CHILI, BAKED POTATO, PEARS,          March 21  First Baptist Church Dresden  in tool boxes on both sides and   The Veterans Hut in Frazeysburg is
        PEACHES, CORNBREAD                                                        ladder rack top.  Full length double    available for your gatherings.
                                             March 28  First Baptist Church Dresden   back doors all locks work.       For information call 740-208-3191
        Friday, March 28                     April 4   First Baptist Church Dresden  Asking $1000 • Text 740-704-3859
                                             April 18
                                                      First Baptist Church Dresden
        TURKEY, SWEET POTATO, GREEN          April 25   First Baptist Church Dresden
        BEANS, FRUITED JELLO                                                         TEETER INVERSION CHAIR              ADVERTISE IN THE DRESDEN BUZZ.
                                             All Gospel Sings start at 7pm.                FOR BACK PAIN                          740-270-2408
        Monday, March 29                     For questions call Mary Lee at             $50 • 740-439-2032
        HOT DOG, BAKED BEANS, WEDGE          740-624-3985
                                             SHOP & HIRE                                  POWER WASHING                         FEED & SUPPLY

               Bonnie Longaberger                                                                     Power Washing
                                                                                                       Services for...
                  Senior Center              LOCAL                                                                          The Mill
             1348 Main Street, Dresden                                                                 aBusinesses          IN DRESDEN
               Muskingum County              BUZZ BUSINESS DIRECTORY                                  aCampers/RVs
                Center for Seniors                                                                    aPatios & Decks    Feed supplier for commercial and pets
            160 N. 4th Street, Zanesville        CALL/TEXT TO ADVERTISE                                 aVehicles              & feed manufacturing.
                                                       740-270-2408                                                     16 E 7th St, Dresden • 740-754-2391
                                                                                   CALL 740-319-1791 or 740-607-9661
        The menu for April was not available prior      HARDWARE                             LAWN CARE                              METALS
        to the deadline for this issue of the Dresden
        Buzz.  Please refer to                         AGIN for
        complete information.

                                                Open M-F 8-5 & Sat.8-3
                                                 27 W 5th St, Dresden
                ONLINE IN FULL COLOR!            ROOFING & CONSTRUCTION                     ORGANIZATION                           TOWING

        No jake brake                          Buildings • Roofs • Decks • Siding


        In  accordance with the  Cass Town-              CLEANING
        ship Board  of Trustees  Resolution                                        ADVERTISE IN THE SHOP & HIRE LOCAL BUZZ
        #20250304-02,  adopted March 4th,     LOOKING FOR                                          BUSINESS DIRECTORY!
        2025, the use of engine brakes is now                                        AFFORDABLE SMALL BUSINESS ADVERTISING
        prohibited on any road or highway in the   MRS. CLEAN?
        unincorporated areas of Cass Township
        where permanent signs giving notice are   Free estimates with great refs at reasonable rates.  Choose your   $    $              $
        properly posted.                      WELL KEPT CLEANING SERVICES                                  29               99             169
                                                      Call: 740-297-6155          advertising package!  A MONTH         6 MONTHS           1 YEAR
                                                 ***10% Senior Discount***
   10   11   12   13   14   15   16   17