Page 7 - Dresden Buzz 08-09-24
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AUGUST 9 - 22, 2024                                                                                                            SPORTS   | PAGE 7

                    PORTS                                                                Taking a look back at sports highlights throughout

                                                                                         Muskingum County for July 24 - August 6,  2024.
                                                                                         Plus a Tri-Valley girls basketball history feature.

        Lady Muskies Invite and the MVL Pre-season Tournament get

        the ball rolling on local high school golf                                                  by Matthew Dotson

        John Glenn boys golf team after winning the MVL Pre-season Tournament.    @ZanesvilleJCGolfCourse
        Girls Golf                           by her teammate Peyton  Rogers who   man leading the charge followed by Ky-
            John  Glenn High School  girls  golf  scored 95, Liv Gray with a 99, Layla Gray   lie VanFossen with a score of 110, Lily
        team held  their annual  Lady  Muskie  with a 102, and Landry Davis with a 102   Hoffman with 113, and Kensleigh Barr
        Invitational  at the  Jaycees  Golf Course  as well.                     with 143.
        on  Monday,  August 5th.  The Jaycees     Tri-Valley took second  place  in  the      In seventh place for the day was the
        course  built  in 1948  features willows  match with  an overall  team score  of   team from Philo with an overall score of
        and rolling terrain with a total of 6,260  410.  Contributing  to that score was   466  brought about  by Taiylor  Winland
        yards and an 18-hole regulation length  Anna  Derwacter with  a  94, Gwyn  Dal   with a  score of 107, Grace  Hargraves
        course open  to the  public  on  the  east  Ponte with a  99, Regan  Shirer  scored   with  a  111,  Khloe  CaMay 113, Rori
        side of Zanesville.                  107, Lexie Geyer hit a 110, and Kend-  Pletcher 135, and Abbey Duong with a
            The invite had ten total girls teams  all Kennedy rounded out the team score   156.
        competing including Licking Valley, Fair-  with a 118.                       We will be on the lookout for how
        field Union, West Muskingum, Sheridan,     The  Lady  Tornadoes  had a team   these girls from Muskingum County do
        Monroe Central,  Philo,  Tri-Valley, John  score  of  454  nabbing  fifth  place  with   as their season progresses and we will
        Glenn, River View, and Meadowbrook.  the leading scorer from the team being   keep you posted.
            Leading  the score for  the day was  Lydiah Huey who scored 107, Jess Shaw-
        Licking Valley’s Jacqueline Gieseler with  ger scored 108, Addi Morris didn’t score,   Boys Golf
        a score of 86, but the team with the best  Zoey Worden  got  113,  and  Kensleigh      On Tuesday, August 6th, the Jaycees
        score was Meadowbrook taking the in-  Foster hit 126.                    golf course played host again, but this
        vite with a score of 388.  Alyx Leach led     John Glenn’s girls’ team scored 461   time to the twelve-team MVL Pre-season
        her team with  a  score  of  92,  followed  taking  sixth place  with Libbee  Baugh-  Tournament for the boys teams includ-
                                                                                 ing  Philo,  River View,  Morgan,  John
                                                                                 Glenn, Tri-Valley, Sheridan, West Musk-  Kensleigh Foster swings for West
                                                                                 ingum,  Meadowbrook, New Lexington,   Muskingum.    Matthew Dotson
                                                                                 Coshocton, Crooksville, and Maysville.
                                                                                     John Glenn was the star of the show
                                                                                 this time with a 307 just narrowly beat-  bert hitting 93.
                                                                                 ing out Sheridan who had 311.  Contrib-     Maysville was next in line with a to-
                                                                                 uting to the Muskies win was Dever who   tal of 322, Pickrell hit 77, Dodson and
                                                                                 shot a 71, Dolan with a 74, Grechio who   Wright tied at 80,  while Huff and  Lutz
                                                                                 hit 82, Briggs and Gensor tied at 81, and   tied at 85, and Shreve shot a 97.
                                                                                 Williams hit 84.                         The  Electrics  were  the  final  team
                                                                                     The Scotties followed up after Sheri-  for Muskingum with a total score of
                                                                                 dan  with a  score  of  317 beating  West   403  contributed to by Layton who hit
                                                                                 Muskingum  by one point.   In  the  end,   88, Gooden hit 89, Brookover swung for
                                                                                 the scoring was Chow with a 74, Smalley   112, Mortimer grabbed a 114, Carpen-
                                                                                 with a 79, Preston with an 80, Baugh-  ter hit 124 and Mosebrook hit 148.
                                                                                 man with an 84, Cale Preston with a 91,      Only time will tell if the next match-
                                                                                 and Harrold with a 93.               up between these teams will end up in
                                                                                     At fourth place, the Tornadoes’ 318   the same order.
                                                                                 was made possible by Lemity who shot
        Philo’s Sarah Hargraves.    Matthew Dotson                               72, Anton who hit 77, Clewell with 83,
                                                                                 Porter and Touvell tied at 86, and Lam-
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