Page 8 - Dresden Buzz 08-09-24
P. 8

PAGE 8 |  SPORTS                                                                                                             AUGUST 9 - 22, 2024
        It was the end of one era.........and the beginning of another

        by Gregg Meadows  |  ALL PHOTOS PROVIDED

        The last of the Jayhawks – the 1965-66 Jefferson HS basketball team      The very first, Tri-Valley Scottie basketball team of 1966-67
        Front row:  (l-r) Manager George Helbling, Greg Rodgers,  Mark Williams,  Steve Lacy,  Greg   Front row (l-r) Manager Fred Graham, Bob Baker, Frank Scott, Tom Miller, Joe Norris, Jim Con-
        Brown, Fred Graham, Manager Jim Stokes.  Back row: Manager Gary Archer, Mike Kurtz, Dale   rad, manager Duane Huff. Back row: Manager Don Ross, Greg Rodgers, Mark Williams, Ken
        Prince, Lewis Anderson, Tom Miller, Tim Lauvray, Jim Conrad, Tom Fell, Manager Carlos King.  Stokes, Steve Roberts, Neil Miller, Head Coach Rich Longaberger.

            Just  two  years removed from  sit-  hawks, just a pair of seasons after their   well came from Wooster. And the rest…..  tricts into an already existing one – the
        ting on top of the high school basketball  legendary back-to-back  State Champi-  is history!)                old  Jefferson  High  gymnasium proved
        world as state champions (for two years  onships in 1963 and ’64.            “The  first  day  of  school  our  senior  too  small  for  home basketball  games
        in a row) the fabled Jefferson Jayhawk     The  orange-and-black clad  ‘Hawks   year, Jack Anderson (Jefferson and TVHS  for the new ‘Scottie’ hoopsters.
        Basketball  express came to an  abrupt  won their first three games of the 1965-  principal) gathered everyone in the gym-     “We had the annual Musk Co. tour-
        end with the consolidation of the Dres-  66 season – 20-19 over Rosecrans, 69-  nasium together for the first time, and  nament on Zanesville’s Secrest Audito-
        den, Frazeysburg, and Adamsville school  47 over Roseville, and a 62-61 win over   basically told us how it was going to be  rium gymnasium floor, so that’s where
        districts, as the newly formed Tri-Valley  the Philo Electrics, but then dropped four   -- and that’s how it was.” mused Miller.  we moved to for our Tri-Valley home bas-
        High School opened its doors in the fall  straight contests. Jefferson snapped the      “We pretty much rolled  with  the  ketball  games,”  explained  Miller. (The
        of 1966 in the old Jefferson HS building.  win drought by taking three of their next   punches after that,” stated Miller. “Peo-  Scotties would get their own new gym-
            Much has  been written and  spo-  four, including  a 65-61  win  over rival   ple have  always asked me  over the  nasium four years later, when the new
        ken     locally                                           Frazeysburg.   years, how we (the players, from three  high school was  built  just over the  hill
        over the  years                                            But    those   different school  districts)  got along  in  from the existing building.)
        about  the  end                                           would  be the   practice  and  in  games  that  first  year,”     “We would get one night of practice
        of   Jefferson                                            last-ever wins   says Tom Miller.                   a week at Secrest,” recalls Miller. “Coach
        High   School,                                            for Dresden’s                                       Longaberger even drove the bus!”
        which closed                                              Jefferson  HS                                           The new  TVHS  Scottie basketball
        its doors in                                              b a sk e tb a l l                                   team fared  much better than the Jay-
        May of 1966,                                              team, as the                                        hawks had a year earlier, with the addi-
        then – just one                                           Ja yha wks                                          tion of some talented players from the
        short summer                                              dropped  their                                      other two school districts.
        vacation  later                                           last six games                                          “We  added Steve  Roberts, Kenny
        - opened them                                             and   finished                                      Stokes, and sophomore Neil Miller from
        back up as the                                            with a 6-11 re-                                     Frazeysburg,  and  Joe  Norris  from  Ad-
        new  Tri-Valley                                           cord.                                               amsville to our line-up; we went 12-6 in
        High   School                                              “We     were                                       the regular season before losing to Cam-
        in  the same                                              looking   for-                                      bridge in our opening tournament game
        –  but now,                                               ward  to  our                                       at Muskingum College,” states Miller.
        overcrowded  -                                            senior seasons                                          Miller  had an  outstanding senior
        building.                                                 – as Jayhawks                                       year for the Scotties, scoring 192 points
            And  much                                             – for  sure,”                                       on the season, averaging over ten points
        has been for-                                             said Miller.                                        a game – with a season-high 30 points in
        gotten as well.                                            But the pow-                                       an overtime win over West Muskingum -
            A handful                                             ers to be in                                        and tied with teammate Jim Conrad for
        of underclass-                                            state  educa-                                       most rebounds during the season.
        men    players                                            tion   already  Tom Miller                              “My last two years of high school –
        on the  last                                              had  the gears                                      in the classroom and on the basketball
        Jayhawk hard-                                             in  motion  to      “We  were  fine,”  exclaimed  Miller.  court – were unique, and memorable to
        wood squad of 1965-66, were also the  bring  the  Jefferson,  Frazeysburg,  and   “We all knew each other just from the  say the least,” stated Miller, who would
        ‘pioneer’ players on the first TVHS Scot-  Adamsville  school districts  together  as   close proximity of our towns. We played  go  on  to  experience  an  even  greater
        tie  basketball  team of 1966-67  just a  one, at one central location in Dresden.   against each other in the summertime,  life-changing  event after high school,
        year later.                          And in three short months over the sum-  and  competed  against  each  other dur-  serving in the United States Army  from
            Three of those players – Tom Miller,  mer, the  Tri-Valley School  District  was   ing our respective seasons.   1968-71 as a Military Policeman, during
        Mark Williams, and  Jim  Conrad  – all  born.                                We  were  fine,  Miller  repeated,  but  the Vietnam War.
        from  the  first  TVHS  graduating  class     The students – and student-athletes   the ‘consolidation’  had  some growing     Another Jefferson High and  TVHS
        –  were  regulars on both  squads,  and  - at the new school would now be known   pains,  as  some community  members  hoopster who holds membership in the
        shared  their interesting perspectives  as… the Scotties.                and  parents of the players seemed  to  exclusive ‘Jayhawk-Scottie’ club is Mark
        about  the transition  from  Jayhawks to     (Jefferson School District BOE mem-  want to keep the rivalry going. “It took  Williams. Williams, like Miller, was a tal-
        Scotties.                            ber William Jennings is mostly credited   awhile,  but  those hostilities  gradually  ented Jayhawk cager his junior year with
            Hard to believe as it seems, the Jef-  in  coming  up  with  the name  Scotties,   faded away,” said Miller.  a nose for the basket, who knew how to
        ferson High School community - in large  and  tartan  plaid  colors as well.   Jen-     Miller was a talented, long-limbed,  put the ball through the hoop, and was a
        - knew little of how close the impending  nings and his wife Liz, met in college at   solid-scoring forward for the last Jeffer-  sharpshooter at the foul line as well.
        consolidation was, during the 1965-66  Wooster.  They would both later transfer   son Jayhawk cage squad of 1965-66 as     Like  Miller, Williams  agreed that
        school year.                         to Ohio State, but the seed was planted.   a junior. He then enjoyed a stellar senior  the transition  from Jayhawks to  Scot-
            “We heard talk about consolidation,  Former Jefferson and TV Schools teach-  season in 1966-67 for the ‘new-fangled’  ties was a smooth one. “We never gave
        but we didn’t know for sure that our ju-  er Virginia McCullough was a graduate   Tri-Valley Scotties basketball offering.  it a thought as players,” says Williams.
        nior year was going to be our last as Jef-  of Wooster. She  eventually  teamed up      “We had quite a mix of players on  “With a coach like Rich Longaberger
        ferson Jayhawks,” says Tom Miller. “Not  with Jennings and a committee to come   the  team  our  first  year  as  Tri-Valley,”  and a principal like Jack Anderson, you
        that we would  have played any  differ-  up  with  the name,  Scotties, (a  longer   states  Miller. We  were from all  over  knew that your job as a player – and a
        ent if we knew the end was near, but it  version of the Fighting Scots of Wooster)   –  Stringtown,  Adamsville,  Dresden,  student – was to do what was asked of
        would have been nice to know.”       but it eventually stuck. Wooster’s colors   Frazeysburg,  and Nashport, and  other  you, and the rest would fall into place,”
            It wasn’t a memorable last season  were black, gold, and red. The use of a   parts,” laughed Miller.      said Williams.
        for  the  Rich Longaberger-coached Jay-  Scottish Terrier as Tri-Valley’s mascot as      Because of adding  two school  dis-
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