Page 6 - Dresden Buzz 08-09-24
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PAGE 6 |  LOCAL NEWS                                                                                                         AUGUST 9 - 22, 2024
        Attorneys Travis M. Jones and Robert G.                                                                        HEALTH & WELLNESS

        McClelland recognized                                 Submitted
                                                                                                                      Back to School
            Graham Law is proud to announce                                                                           Routine
        that Attorneys Travis M. Jones and Rob-
        ert “Bob” G. McClelland have been certi-
        fied as life members of the Million Dollar                                                                    By: Alexus Masterson, MPH,
        Advocates Forum  and  the Multi-Million                                                                       Family & Consumer Sciences Educator
        Dollar Advocates Forum.                                                                                       Ohio State University Extension,
            This certification is awarded to trial                                                                    Muskingum County
        lawyers who have  secured million  and
        multi-million dollar verdicts, awards, and
        settlements for their clients. Fewer than
        1% of U.S. attorneys achieve this recog-
        nition, underscoring the exceptional skill                                                                        With the  school  season approaching
        and dedication required to join these es-                                                                     quickly, it may be time to think about a back-
        teemed groups.                                                                                                to-school  routine.  The  first  month  or  so,  it
            The Million Dollar Advocates Forum                                                                        can be hard for children to get back into the
        is recognized as one of the most pres-                                                                        habit of waking up and getting ready for a
        tigious  groups  of  trial  lawyers in  the                                                                   full day of learning, or if you have a “new stu-
        United States. Membership  is limited                                                                         dent” having a routine is very helpful! Start-
        to attorneys who have won million and   Travis M. Jones      submitted   Robert “Bob” G. McClelland     submitted  ing a routine should happen the week before
        multi-million  dollar  verdicts, awards,                                                                      school  begins, setting earlier  bedtimes, re-
        and settlements. Fewer than 1% of U.S.   ensure justice and fair compensation for   gal claims.               ducing screen time, etc. Sleep helps support
        lawyers are members. Members of the   every client I serve,” said Travis Jones.     With over 100 years of service to the   healthy brain function and maintain physical
        Million  Dollar  Advocates Forum  must      Attorney  McClelland  has  been a   southeastern Ohio community, Graham   health. The  National  Sleep Foundation  rec-
        have acted as principal  counsel  in  at   dedicated member of the Graham Law   Law prides itself on being your personal   ommends for 3–5-year-old  10-13  hours in-
        least one case in which their client has   team since 2007 where he focuses on   injury firm. To learn more about Attorney   cluding naps, 6-12 year old 9-12 hours, and
        received a verdict, award, or settlement   personal  injury and  wrongful  death   Jones or the firm’s services, visit graha-  for 13-18 year olds 8-10 hours. The older we
        in the amount of one million dollars or   cases arising  from commercial  vehicle                 get the less sleep our bodies need and can
        more.                                collisions, dog attacks, and retail store                                fluctuate depending on our needs, as these
            A Zanesville native, Travis began his   injuries.                    Muskingum                            ranges  are  recommended  (The  National
        legal career with Graham Law in 2014      “My community  deserves nothing                                     Sleep Foundation, 2024).
        after graduating from Capital University.   but  the best legal  representation  and                              Taking time to discuss rules and expecta-
        He has dedicated his career to personal   I’m forever grateful for the opportunity  University                tions before and after school can help make
        injury law, successfully representing cli-  to provide just that when fighting for my                         routines a breeze. Topics such as transpor-
        ents in  cases  involving  car  accidents,   clients,” said Bob McClelland.  Announces New                    tation safety, homework time, screen time,
        commercial  trucking  accidents, prem-     Additionally, Bob has received his                                 and behaviors surrounding these topics will
        ises liability, and wrongful death claims.  grief coaching certification from the In-  MBA Degree             help set an expectation and facilitate conver-
            “I am honored  to help injured  in-  stitute of  Professional  Grief  Coaching                            sation if questions come up. Those 9 months
        dividuals  and  families  throughout  the   (IOPGC). He pursued this certification to                         of school throughout the year help prepare
        state of Ohio in their most trying times,   provide  a  holistic  approach  to  helping   Submitted           kids for a bright and successful future, but it
        striving to provide compassionate, dedi-  families navigate their grief and healing      Muskingum  University launches  a   does not have to be boring! There are a few
        cated, and relentless representation to   process while dedicating time to their le-  new Master of Business Administration   ways to have kids get excited about school.
                                                                                                                      Some ideas to try at home include asking for
                                                                                 (MBA) degree, which is 100 percent on-  input on what to pack for lunch or have them
                                                                                 line  and  begins  fall  2024. Individuals   help pack their backpack.
                                                                                 who hold a bachelor’s degree can apply       If  you  have kids  going  to school  for
                                                                                 now for the fall 2024 semester.      the  first  time,  they  might  be  feeling  ner-
                                                                                     The program has received approval   vous, scared, or upset that there is so much
                                                                                 from the  Ohio  Department of Higher   change happening. If there are older siblings,
                                                                                 Education and is fully accredited by the   it might be helpful to have a discussion as
                                                                                 Higher Learning Commission. Musking-  a family about how much fun school will be
                740-754-1162  610 Main Street, Dresden 43821                     um University’s MBA program is a mem-  with  new  friends  and  learning.  If  you  have
                                                                                 ber of the Accreditation Council for Busi-  teens, there may be angst returning to school
                Now $349,000                          $299,000                   ness Schools and Programs (ACBSP).   as well. Create an open communication line
                                                                                     The MBA program provides learners   to let your kids know that you support them
                                                                                 with the needed knowledge and skills to   and want to help them solve any issues they
                                                                                 thrive in the world of work. Recent grad-  may have, whether it is friendships, conflict,
                                                                                 uates or experienced professionals who   or schoolwork. It is an exciting time in August
                                                                                 go through Muskingum’s MBA program   and goes by quick, take time to enjoy the lit-
                                                                                 will come out prepared for the next step   tle moments!
                                                                                 in their career.
                                                                                     “Muskingum’s  MBA Program  is    Suni, E. Singh, A. (2024, May 13). How Much
                                                                                 unique in a few ways,” said Executive Di-  Sleep  Do  You Need?.  The  National  Sleep
                   1384 Thomas Drive                  3020 Jacks Fairway         rector of Graduate Business and Applied   Foundation.  https://www.sleepfoundation.
                      Dresden                             Nashport               Leadership Dr. Robert McManus. “First,   org/how-sleep-works/how-much-sleep-do-
         Remodeled 3-4 bedroom on a quiet street, with a  Beautiful home located at The Green at Vista. 3 large  our program is designed to be both high-  we-really-need
        .5-acre flat lot. Features a covered front porch with  bedrooms with walk-in closets, two full updated baths.  tech and high touch. Our curriculum will
          a handicap-accessible ramp, 2-car garage, and  New roof including new gutters and downspouts, new  help you develop the essential business
            10x10 shed. Spacious multi-level design!  HVAC, new carpet and hardwood flooring.  skills needed to thrive in a rapidly chang-
                 Lori Frank 740-704-5511          Christy Hambel 740-252-8414    ing business environment, as well as the
                    $549,900                       Now $639,900                  vital people skills needed to lead people    FOLLOW THE BUZZ
                                                                                 and  organizations  to accomplish  their      @DRESDENBUZZ
                                                                                     As part of the program, students will
                                                                                 develop their professional  networking
                                                                                 skills and be paired with mentors who
                                                                                 are current professionals. The program
                                                                                 can  be completed in  one  year  through
                  5105 Brentwood Park                   4 Cadillac Drive
                      Nashport                            Senecaville            fully online courses in an asynchronous
                 Lori Frank 740-704-5511             Jay Phillis 740-319-1818    format taught by highly qualified instruc-
                                                                                 tors from across the University.
                                                                                     “Current undergraduate students at
                                                                                 Muskingum can add a fifth year and earn
                                                                                 an MBA that is competitive, flexible, and
                                                                                 designed  to  accelerate careers,” said   New Puzzles
                                                                                 Provost Jennifer Dugan.
                                                                                     Individuals interested in the Master
                                                                                 of Business Administration Program are      on Page 12!
                                                 invited to  visit
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