Page 4 - Dresden Buzz 08-09-24
P. 4

PAGE 4 |  LOCAL NEWS                                                                                                         AUGUST 9 - 22, 2024
        Continued from page 1.
        Summer Sprint Championships

                                                                                 Montgomery  Bell  Academy  accumulat-  Ohio clubs at the Regatta.
                                                                                 ed at least eight other first place finishes     For more information including de-
                                                                                 throughout the day.                  tails on all of the results visit
                                                                                     Out of the 11 Ohio clubs that com-
                                                                                 peted Westerville Rowing Club clutched
                                                                                 the top spot in six events , the most out
                                                                                 of the roster of participating Ohio clubs.
                                                                                 Upper Arlington Crew, Inc. and  St. Ignati-
                                                                                 us Wildcat Rowing seized two first place
                                                                                 victories, Queen City Water Sports Center
                                                                                 and Dayton Boat Club each celebrated
                                                                                 one first place finish, Marietta Training
                                                                                 Center captured five top place finishes,
                                                                                 Greater Columbus  Rowing  Association
                                                                                 also totaled five wins for the day, Great
                                                                                 Miami Rowing Center and Central Ohio
                                                                                 Rowing each added four victories for the       Lynette Dotson

                                                                                 100th Prouty Reunion                                by Angie Stillion

        A squad of rowers carry their boat after completing their flight at the Midwest Summer
        Sprint Championships.    Lynette Dotson

          Little                                  SchooL Supply


                                                 Look for a new puzzle each issue!

                                                                                  Prouty Reunion Photo 2024.    submitted
           Puzzles for our younger Buzz readers.
                                                                                     Sunday, July  28,  2024,  the  100th   Harry was an  avid hunter and  farmer
                                                    1                            Prouty reunion was held at the  Chan-  throughout his life. He was also a mail
                                                                                 dlersville Community Building, in Chan-  carrier and an esteemed member of his
                                                                                 dlersville, Ohio. There was a total of 110  community.
                                                                                 family  members in  attendance.  There     Edna Hannah Flowers was born May
                                                                                 were many family heirlooms and photos  22, 1884, in  Muskingum  County,  Ohio
                                                                                 on display to encourage the sharing of  to Adam Hamilton Flowers (1842-1928)
                1                                                                the Prouty family history with the crowd.  and  Sarah  Jane  (West)  Flowers (1851-
                                                                                 The very first Prouty reunions were held  1908). She was also one of seven chil-
                                 2    3                                          at the home of Harry and Edna Prouty,  dren: Terry Atwell Flowers (1869-1962),
                                                                                 or as they called it, “Prouty’s Grove.” This  Callie O. Flowers (1870-1965), Webster
                                                                                 was located on what is now Green Valley  Spring Flowers (1872-1963), Sarah Ire-
                                                                                 Road  in  Chandlersville,  about  half-way  na  Flowers (1874-1951),  Hayes Hamil-
                                                                                 between  Chandlersville and  Rix Mills.   ton Flowers (1876-1967)  and Nettie E.
          4                                                                      The event has been held at several lo-  Flowers  (1878-1951).  Edna  became a
                                                                6                cations over the past century, including  mother, homemaker, and beautiful quil-
                                                                                 the Muskingum County Fairgrounds, the  ter.
                                                                                 Dresden  Family  Park, Dresden  Swim     Harry and  Edna  were  blessed with
                                                                                 Center and  Meigs School  near  Chan-  nine children: Marl Dennis Prouty (1904-
                      5          5                                               dlersville. The reunions have always con-  1992,  Marion  Rennell  Prouty (1905-
                                                                                 sisted of a carry-in basket lunch, a fam-  1956, Lois Alta Jane Prouty (1906-1997),
                                                                                 ily business meeting, lots of fellowship,  Norma Alberta Prouty (1909-1996, Lura
                                                                                 and of course, music. The Prouty’s have  Frances Prouty (1912-1990), Ava Bohn
                                                                                 always been a very musical family and a  “Bonnie” Prouty (1913-2003), John
                           6                                                     group of family members still play at the  Hamilton  Prouty (1915-1982), Beryle
                                                                                 Prouty reunions today.               Hope Prouty  (1918-1990),  and  Ralph
                                                                 4                   The gathering celebrates the union  Eliott Prouty  (1920-1999).    Harry  and
                                                                                 of Harry and Edna (Flowers) Prouty and  Edna also had an infant son who died at
                                                                                 generations of their descendants. Harry  birth.
                                 7                                               Prouty was born July 19, 1882, in Musk-     Harry  passed  away  December 6,
                                                                                 ingum  County, Ohio  to  James  Prouty  1949, and is buried in Ark Spring Bap-
                                                                                 (1848-1913) and Mary Alta (Blackburn)  tist Cemetery. Edna  followed 17 years
                                                                                 Prouty (1857-1924).  Harry was one of  later, on February 3, 1967. She is buried
                                                                                 seven children born to James and Mary:  beside him in Ark Spring Baptist Cem-
                                                                                 Dr. Cheney Prouty (1876-1962), Homer  etery. Harry and Edna Prouty may only
                                                                                 Prouty (1878-1848), John Prouty (1880-  be names in this story to some, but they
                                                 7                               1881), Franz “Bob” Elmer Prouty (1887-  have left behind a long, beautiful family
                       2                                                         1958), Russell Ray Prouty (1891-1969),  legacy of love and memories that have
                                                                                 and  Paul  Dale Prouty (1897-1945).  been celebrated now for a century.


                                                                                 Prouty Reunion Photo 1936.    submitted
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