Page 5 - Dresden Buzz 08-09-24
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AUGUST 9 - 22, 2024                                                                                                       LOCAL NEWS    | PAGE 5
        14th Annual Y-Bridge Art                                                  Results are in from second

        Festival showcases over 70                                                annual Picklefest in the Park

        artists and performers                                                    by Lynette Dotson

        by Lynette Dotson

 by Angie Stillion
                                                                                      Lynette Dotson
                                                                                     The  Second  Annual  Picklefest  in   second and Ellen Hillis /Rhonda Mourne
                                                                                 the Park presented by the Muskingum   in third.  For the men, Scott Webb and
                                                                                 Area Mental Health & Recovery Services   Dean Ryberg teamed up and took first
                                                                                 Board  took place at Riverside Park in   place, the team of Greg Roberts/Mitch
                                                                                 Zanesville on Saturday, August 3.    Eubanks  and  Dave  Goins/Tom Meiser
                                                                                     The festival  is  all  about bringing   earned second and third respectively.
                                                                                 people  together and  supporting  the      For mixed doubles tournament play
                                                                                 FoodWorks  Alliance.  The  festival’s  fo-  Greg Roberts/Deanna Stevens took first
                                                                                 cus is on pickles both as a food and as   while the duos of Dave Goins /Ellen Hillis
                                                                                 one of America’s fastest growing sports.    finished in second and Mitch Eubanks/
                                                                                 According  to  in  2023   Jennifer Eubanks sealed the deal on a
                                                                                 there were 8.9 million pickleball players   third place finish.
                                                                                 in the United States alone.              Picklefest in the Park is a family fun
                                                                                     Local pickleballers took to the courts   annual event that serves as a fundrais-
                                                                                 in  double  tournament  action  starting   er for  FoodWorks Alliance,  a  501(c)(3)
        Artistry in Wood craftsman Chad DeVaughn holds his best of show award in front of some of  early in the morning.  The top three win-  non profit organization serving the food
        his work during the 2024 Y-Bridge Arts Festival.     Matthew Dotson      ners from the womens double match up   service industry.  For information about
                                                                                 were the  team of Phyllis  Smith/Shan-  FoodWorks  Alliance  and  their mission
            The 14th Annual Y-Bridge Arts Fes-  education and study the arts.  Each year   non Shelton in first place followed by the   please visit
        tival brought over 70 artists and musi-  the scholarship is presented in memory   teams of Diane Gebhart/Karen Lyons in
        cians to downtown Zanesville for a free  of Linda Regula, a prominent Zanesville
        and  open  to  the public  celebration  of  artist, author and teacher.
        creativity in a spectacular two-day event,     Other artists were also  recognized
        August 2nd and 3rd.                  for  their  work during  the event  includ-
            Artist tents were lining  4th Street  ing Certificate of Merit first place winner
        and wrapped around to the Zanesville-  Cindy Bond of Cindy B’s Artisan Jewelry.
        Muskingum  County  Welcome  Center  Cindy  crafts handmade  wire  wrapped
        parking lot.  Additional artists and par-  and wire woven jewelry.
        ticipating  organizations  were located     Chad  DeVaughn  received the  cov-
        inside  the Welcome Center  as well.  At  eted Best of Show award. Chad operates
        least three  artist  studios  were  open in  Artistry in  Wood  and  makes stunning
        Zanesville’s  Art District  including  Bun-  carved wood creations.
        koJess Gallery,  Girl UPcycled, and Cole’s     The  Zanesville  Museum of Art
        Aircraft Gallery.                    hosted a Children’s Art Tent that was lo-
            Live musical performances filled the  cated inside the Welcome Center.  They
        air during much of the festival including   organized several five to fifteen minute
        The Groove Band and Big Fat Dog.  Local  art activities for kids of all ages.  Other
        dancers from A2J Dance Co took to the  organizations  such as  the Muskingum
        stage to entertain the crowd Friday eve-  County Library System and Muskingum
        ning.                                250 also supported the event.
            Breonna  Cosgrove, this year’s The     For  more  information  on  the Y-
        Art Within Us - The Linda Regula Legacy  Bridge Arts Festival  and  to get infor-
        Scholarship  winner  was acknowledged  mation  on  how  you  can  participate in
        during  the festival  and  was  provided  next  year’s  event visit their website  at
        with space at the festival to display her   You  can  also
        art.  The  $2000  annual  scholarship is  follow them on Facebook.
        awarded to high school seniors in Musk-
        ingum County planning to continue their

        2024 Y-Bridge Arts Festival Certificate of Merit First Place winner Cindy Bond of Cindy B’s
        Artisan Jewelry.     Matthew Dotson
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